Topic: Announcing Star Trek: Chaos Theory  (Read 5117 times)

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Offline Rat Boy

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Announcing Star Trek: Chaos Theory
« on: January 07, 2008, 01:51:52 pm »
An ancient menace...

An ambitious renegade...

Only one ship stands in the way...

From the author of Star Trek: Yorkown...

Star Trek: Chaos Theory is the latest fan fiction based on Gene Roddenberry's epic saga.  Follow the crew of the USS Venture as they endeavor to unlock the secrets of a powerful yet extinct species.  Watch as they struggle against those who seek to exploit this terror for their own purposes.  And witness what must be sacrificed in order to prevent the fires of chaos from engulfing the new era of peace.

Keep an eye on this thread as new information is released ahead of the premiere of this exciting new tale set in the world's most beloved science fiction franchise...

Image Credits

USS Venture by J. Eldridge "Scotchy" Davis
Background from the NanoFX Graphics Engine
Produced in Adobe Photoshop by M.F. "Rat Boy" Kidd
« Last Edit: January 07, 2008, 07:08:42 pm by Rat Boy NCC-71854 »

"Chaos Theory, Part II" now available.

Offline Rat Boy

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Re: Announcing Star Trek: Chaos Theory
« Reply #1 on: January 14, 2008, 06:01:18 pm »
You have questions, I have answers...

Q: What is Star Trek: Chaos Theory?

A: Star Trek: Chaos Theory (STCT) is the latest entry in the ever-growing field of fan fiction based on Gene Roddenberry's legendary science fiction franchise.  It is written by M.F. Kidd, also known as Rat Boy, the author of the popular Star Trek: Yorktown series.  It details the adventures of the Galaxy-class starship Venture, first seen in the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine episode "The Way of the Warrior."  The series will deal with many themes inherent to the Star Trek franchise, such as delving into the unknown, the struggle between those who want peace and those who don't, balancing the needs of a dangerous mission versus the needs of family and loved ones, and wrestling with what makes a life form sentient.  Hopefully, it'll also entertain readers at the same time.

Q: When does STCT take place?

A: The series begins a few months into the year 2381, well over a year after the feature film Star Trek Nemesis and a short time after the events of Keith R.A. DeCandido's novel Articles of the Federation, which also featured the Venture in a minor role.  The United Federation of Planets has begun a major mission of exploration throughout the galaxy and while the Venture was supposed to take part in this massive effort, circumstances will force the ship and her crew to take on quite a different and critical endeavor.

Q: Will I need to have read Star Trek: Yorktown to enjoy STCT?

A: No.  STCT features a new ship, a new crew, and an entirely separate storyline.  That doesn't mean you shouldn't give that series a chance, however.  Expect news on where and how to get the collected Star Trek: Yorktown soon.

Q: How will STCT be distributed?

A: Each story will be distributed in Adobe's .PDF format (Adobe Acrobat Reader required) with links posted in the master thread.  Rather than string the reader along for months on end as each chapter is posted, the author's decided to give each story in its entirety all at once and let the readers proceed at their own pace.

Q: Who are the main characters?  Are they all Starfleet officers?

A: Information on the cast of STCT will be given out as the premiere date draws closer.  Don't expect any major spoilers, but rest assured that as with Star Trek: Yorktown, the characters will come first.

Q: What were your inspirations?

A: Other than Star Trek itself, STCT was inspired by BioWare Corporation's Xbox 360 game Mass Effect, Blade Runner, the Terminator franchise, and The Day the Earth Stood Still.  The author has probably told you all too much as it is.

Q: When will STCT come out?

A: Summer 2008.  A specific figure will be announced eventually.

Q: Why so long?

A: The author prefers to have the subsequent story in the series nailed down before releasing the previous one, as events and developments and the sequel can be hinted at and foreshadowed in the prequel.

Thanks for the continued interest and I'll try to answer any more questions as best as I'm able to or willing to.

"Chaos Theory, Part II" now available.

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Re: Announcing Star Trek: Chaos Theory
« Reply #2 on: January 16, 2008, 03:58:04 pm »
Looking forward to it.
Come visit me at:

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Mickey: "Wot's that?"
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Re: Announcing Star Trek: Chaos Theory
« Reply #3 on: January 16, 2008, 04:35:34 pm »
WOW !!!!

This sounds really cool!

Can't wait !

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Offline Rat Boy

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Re: Announcing Star Trek: Chaos Theory
« Reply #4 on: February 06, 2008, 05:25:20 pm »
Sorry I haven't posted any updates lately.  I got sucked into doing some work on my old Yorktown stories for two weeks.  Initially, I wanted to do some clean-up work on typos, errors, and formatting issues, but I ended up doing some rewrites to take care of continuity issues, plot holes, and changing some of the dialog to keep it more fitting with each character and situation.  Those of you who have read them before might spot the changes.  One of the other things I wanted to do was produce proper covers for "The World Turned Upside Down" two-parter.  Therefore, I made a diptych out of them.  Here's them side by side sans text:

Watch out for more information on the complete Star Trek: Yorktown series coming soon, which will contain a sneak preview of Star Trek: Chaos Theory as well.

"Chaos Theory, Part II" now available.

Offline Rat Boy

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Re: Announcing Star Trek: Chaos Theory
« Reply #5 on: March 01, 2008, 01:57:56 pm »
In case you haven't heard, the complete Star Trek: Yorktown series is available for download here.  As promised, it contains the prologue and first chapter of the first story of ST:CT.  Now that it's available, here are some details on four of the main characters that appear in the preview, listed by order of appearance.  I encourage you to read the preview before reading the following information.  More character sketches will be posted as the launch date for ST:CT approaches.

* Captain Antonio Vasquez - Although a young helmsman on his first deep space assignment throughout the bulk of the series, Tony (to his friends), will ascend to the command of the USS Republic, a top of the line starship in the early 25th Century fitted with an experimental main drive capable of rapidly propelling her to the distant Delta Quadrant at speeds never before dreamed of.  It's a far cry from the twenty-four year old man who came aboard the Venture after serving on the Jovian Run for two years.  He almost squandered that opportunity by making a lousy first impression on his captain.  Like most pilots, he tends to have a cavalier attitude, particularly when it comes to the opposite sex.

Author's Notes - Vasquez's last name comes from the Vasquez Rocks location used frequently for location shooting over the course of the Star Trek franchise, from the TOS episode "Arena" to JJ Abrams' forthcoming feature film.  The idea for the frame story set in the 25th Century was added in fairly late during development of "Dangerous Days," the premiere for ST:CT.  Inspired by the recently-introduced concept of "flash-forwarding" on the ABC TV series Lost, it shows the consequences of what happened over the course of the main storyline, how the characters have moved on, and how they have dealt with what they went through over the past thirty years.  Vasquez will be the central character in the frame story as he unravels what happened to Sara's father and how it ties into what happened aboard the Venture; essentially, he narrates the entire story.  The actor that immediately sprang to mind while writing the character of Captain Vasquez was Edward James Olmos, mainly for his portrayal of William Adama on the current Battlestar Galactica series.  Likewise, Ensign Vasquez was altered slightly with the performance of actor Nico Cortez in mind, who played a younger version of Adama in flashbacks from the TV movie Battlestar Galactica: Razor.

* Commander Alidar Nelveth - Although a commander in the Imperial Fleet, the actions Nelveth will take over the course of ST:CT will lead him to become a renegade in the eyes of the current Romulan government, not that he minds, however.  To him, Praetor Tal'Aura has allowed the once mighty Romulan Star Empire to disintegrate.  The Remans are now no longer slaves, Klingons frequently incur into Romulan territory, and world after world have started to declare independence from Romulus, such as the worlds ruled by the self-proclaimed Empress Donatra of the Imperial Romulan State.  His father, Jarron, a former Romulan senator forced out of office for his role in the dissolution of the alliance with the Klingon Empire a century ago, has vowed to use the secrets of the alien race that once inhabited Kathos III to rebuild the empire and make the Romulan people strong again, even if he and Nelveth have to enter a shaky alliance with the Tal Shiar to do so.

Author's Notes - Nelveth's first name is an obvious homage to the character Alidar Jarok from the TNG episode "The Defector."  His last name is derived from a similar character from the authors previous works based in the Starfleet Command realm.  His flagship, the Teramnus, was also named for a Romulan warship featured in a previous SFC story.  Nelveth initially wasn't Romulan; when ST:CT was first conceived, it took place during the Dominion War and his character was a Cardassian gul named Pirok.  His Tal Shiar associates were back then Vorta agents of the Dominion.  When the author decided to move the setting to 2381, the change to a Romulan renegade out to overthrow Tal'Aura seemed natural and the name Pirok was given to a Cardassian serving aboard the Venture.  Veteran Trek actor Vaughn Armstrong, particularly his portrayal of the Romulan scientist Telek R'Mor in the VOY episode "Eye of the Needle," served as the principle inspiration for Nelveth's characterization.

* Captain Warren Henderson - A veteran Starfleet captain, he was promoted to his first command, the starship Ticonderoga after serving as the first officer of the Magellan during its stint with the highly classified Operation Trinity, some of the events of which still haunt him to this day.  Eventually, he took command of the Galaxy-class USS Venture and served in the various conflicts of the past ten years with distinction.  Last year, the Venture escorted a ship from the newly-discovered Trinni/ek to a summit on Earth and later transported Federation President Nanietta Bacco to the Koa homeworld to welcome them into the UFP as its latest members.  Now he'll be asked to lead the Venture on a mission of exploration to the Beta Quadrant, following in the trails of the Luna-class USS Ganymede.  However, a specter of the past will draw him and his crew into the gravest of dangers.  Although he appears stern to his crew, when off duty he's as sociable as anyone else.  He has a wife, two daughters, and a grandson; all of whom live elsewhere in spite of the fact that the Venture was cleared to carry civilians and families again within the past two years.

Author's Notes - For the most part, the character of Captain Henderson remained consistent in every iteration of ST:CT up through the final edit of "Dangerous Days."  The only major change that can be disclosed at this time was his name; when the author settled on using the Venture as the principal ship in ST:CT, his last name was changed to Henderson to reflect the captain of the ship mentioned in Keith R.A. DeCandido's novel Articles of the Federation, during which the events described above occured.  While Memory Beta lists several commanders preceding Henderson on the Venture, the author has chosen to disregard them, since most of them come from sources that ambiguously (and in the case of Star Trek: Bridge Commander, quite impossibly) fit into the current novel continuity.  No specific number for his length of tenure on the Venture has been given in what's been written so far, however it is implied that it is at least ten years.  His portrayal is inspired by actors Clint Eastwood and Scott Glenn.  Interestingly enough, in spite of how Vasquez's initial encounter with Henderson went, the man the young ensign will grow up to be will share many traits with his old CO.

* Comamnder Mark Dryden - One of the rising stars in Starfleet, the young commander serves as the Venture's first officer.  Following an act of heroism that saved the lives of the crew of the ship he served on during the Dominion War, Dryden's career began to skyrocket, culminating in his just being offered command of the USS Essex, remarkable for someone who's only thirty-one years of age.  As a child, he survived the Setlik III Massacre, however his entire family was killed before a rescue party from the starship Rutledge could arrive.  Although Dryden carries bitter memories of that tragedy, he hasn't let it affect his performance in Starfleet.  At an early age, he was inspired by the exploits of Captains Archer, Kirk, and Picard and believes himself to be an explorer first and a soldier a very distant second.  While the Essex is not primarily a vessel of exploration, he hopes to one day to command such as ship like the Venture.  Currently, he lives aboard the Venture with his girlfriend, Therese Poole, who is a civilian member of the ship's science department.

Author's Notes - Dryden's last name comes from Hugh L. Dryden, the aeronautical engineer for whom the Dryden Flight Research Center is named.  His first name comes from the author's vain need to have a main character share one of his initials.  Like Henderson, his character changed little over the course of drafting the series.  Although in roughly the same situation as William Riker was at the beginning of TNG, he's very much more like a young Jean-Luc Picard in demeanor; reserved, slow to anger, though circumstances will provoke his temper.  Although the Star Trek Encyclopedia placed the Setlik III Massacre in the late 2340s based on circumstantial evidence, the author has chosen to use the later conclusion that set the attack in 2362 based on information from the DS9 episode "Tribunal," making Dryden twelve when it happened.  Coincidentally, Dryden is roughly one year younger than Wesley Crusher.  Dryden's appearance and demeanor is alternately based off of actor Matthew Fox from Lost and the generic male version of Commander Shepard, the lead character in Bioware Corp's Mass Effect, voiced by Mark Meer.

"Chaos Theory, Part II" now available.

Offline Rat Boy

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Re: Announcing Star Trek: Chaos Theory
« Reply #6 on: March 14, 2008, 10:20:37 am »
Every other week I'll be posting two more character sketches and here they are, again in no particular order:

* Lieutenant Commander Jesse Brody III - The easy going and laid back operations manager of the Venture, Brody also serves as second officer behind his close friend Mark Dryden.  He's not above playing a friendly prank on his fellow officers, save the captain, of course.  Even in the darkest moments, Brody is often the one to chime in with a quip while at his post.  Unlike most officers, he views Starfleet as a job, not a life; his life is his family.  His wife Louise, son Jesse IV, and daughters Monica and Erica live with him on the Venture; Louise is one of the ship's school teachers.  If his family needed him to, he'd easily take a transfer back to Earth or retire, however they're all looking forward to the Venture's new mission of exploration.  He is Dryden's closest friend and confidant; they routinely play three-dimensional chess against each other.  Louise and Therese are also friends and the Brody children refer to Dryden as "Uncle Mark."

Author's Notes - Brody has undergone the least amount of changes during the development of ST:CT save one.  When the setting changed to a Galaxy-class starship, it was decided to bring his family on board, making him almost like the Miles O'Brien of this series.  As mentioned, he doesn't view Starfleet as a career and he will be pressured to walk away for the sake of his family.  After all, not everyone joins the military to make a life of it.  Contrast that with Henderson, who has a family yet has made Starfleet his career; though as mentioned, they're not on board the Venture.  His characterization is based off of actor Dule Hill, from NBC's The West Wing and USA Network's Psyche.

* Lieutenant Commander Valentina Leonova - Some would call the Venture's chief engineer overly obsessive when it comes to the upkeep of the ship.  She and Captain Henderson would call it dedication.  Never satisfied with having the Galaxy-class starship merely "up to specs," Leonova throws herself into squeezing every last percentage point out of the warp core.  Like all chief engineers in Starfleet, she is attached to the Venture to the point where she regards the ship as hers and not the captain's.  Every disruptor hit and torpedo impact the Venture sustains is like a blow to her stomach.  She won't hesitate to warn Henderson when she thinks she's pushing the ship too hard, since it's her job to clean up the mess afterwards.  She is currently engaged to a Klingon engineer and when she's not fretting about her engines, she's worried about having to deal with her prospective mother-in-law, a woman who'd make anyone seriously reconsider marrying into her family, even other Klingons.

Author's Notes - Respectively named for cosmonauts Valentina Tereshkova and Alexey Leonov to honor the former Soviet Union's contribution to space exploration.  Unlike Pavel Chekov, she's Ukranian and doesn't comically remind people of her country's "inwentions."  She does, however, have a Montgomery Scott-like devotion to her ship and her engines to the point where she tweaks them in an attempt to match the benchmark set by the flagship Enterprise.

"Chaos Theory, Part II" now available.

Offline Rat Boy

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Re: Announcing Star Trek: Chaos Theory
« Reply #7 on: March 28, 2008, 02:28:36 pm »
* Counselor Pret - The general stereotype of a ship's counselor is someone who provides comfort and moral support to the crew; a friendly shoulder to cry on, so to speak.  That isn't true of Pret.  The Edosian takes a no-nonsense approach to counseling, cutting through emotional issues to get straight to the problem, which Captain Henderson finds refreshing.  Having been a father and a grandfather multiple times over, he has a lot of experience in parenting, which comes in handy aboard the Venture.  Also like other counselors in Starfleet, he doesn't normally sit to the captain's left on the main bridge, since as he puts it, “What am I going to do?  Psychoanalyze and second guess your decisions while we’re being fired on?”  He doesn't hesitate to speak his mind in staff meetings, however.

Author's Notes - Obviously, Pret is an homage to the character of Lieutenant Arex from Star Trek: The Animated Series, though according to Peter David's Star Trek: New Frontier series, Arex is Triexian, a species almost identical to Edosians.  His blunt professional manner is loosely based on Dr. Phil McGraw and is meant to starkly contrast with the style of Counselor Deanna Troi.  Although based on a character that has so far only been realized in animation, Pret's tone of voice is modeled on actor Jonathan Hardy's portrayal of Dominar Rygel XVI from the TV series Farscape.

* Lieutenant Shannon Tenari - The Venture's no-nonsense chief of security and tactical officer, her father is Betazoid and her mother's human.  Obviously, one would not immediately think of a half-Betazoid or even a full one in the field of security, but after the Dominion conquered her homeworld, she joined in resistance efforts against the occupation.  After Betazed was liberated, Tenari entered Starfleet Academy, much to her divorced parent's chagrin and disapproval.  Her empathic abilities prove useful in her position, though some might call her cold and detached, which she'd say would come with the job.  Though she's not as tall or muscular as other chiefs of security, Tenari is an expert martial artist, capable of quickly (and sometimes painfully) disabling foes twice her size.  When serving on an away team, she's replaced at tactical by Lieutenant, Junior Grade Joseph "Carl" Carlson.

Author's Notes - Tenari's another twist on the cast of TNG.  Marina Sirtis, the actress who went on to play Deanna Troi, initially auditioned for the role of the Enterprise-D's chief of security, who was then called "Macha Hernandez."  The Venture's security chief is based on the idea of what if the character who became Tasha Yar had some of the attributes of Counselor Troi.  Obviously, given her harsh background, she won't be the warm and pleasant presence Troi was in TNG, though deep down she does have a few vulnerable qualities.  Her back-up at tactical is named for TrekBBS poster Shatmandu and the "Carl Spock" Caption Contest meme, though whether or not he has an afro wig is left to the reader.  Tenari's appearance is based on actress Summer Gleau from the sci-fi series Firefly and Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles and like the characters from both those series, Tenari's diminutive stature hides her combat capability.

"Chaos Theory, Part II" now available.

Offline Rat Boy

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Re: Announcing Star Trek: Chaos Theory
« Reply #8 on: April 08, 2008, 02:02:43 pm »
Cordanilus over at Bridge Commander Central made what I think is about the closest thing to a trailer for Chaos Theory
Check it out at YouTube
.  It's a preview for the upcoming Venture model for Bridge Commander by DJ Curtis, which I plan on using in upcoming promotional images and covers.  Maybe I'll think about whipping up some videos myself if I ever find the time for it.

"Chaos Theory, Part II" now available.