Topic: computer problem  (Read 1825 times)

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Offline Don Karnage

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computer problem
« on: January 06, 2008, 10:34:22 am »
i want a phaser to shoot that computer.

ok here what i have: a pentium 3 around 500 mhz (not sure)

128 meg of ram

and a fet ordinary stuff

the problems are if i play a old game 10 years old it will get a bit slow to react and the clock will be late of 1/2 hour or more

i can't play a mp3 because it will skip part of it, but i can play a movie but i get a echo sound so i need to put it on mono (no speaker but the one inside)

the computer is a compaq that can work with win 2000 professional but i put win 98 on it so i can play some games that wont work with win xp, that com might have be use by government or something like that.

so my question is is it worth paying to get it fix (if possible) or should i get another pentium 3 but how will i know if it working fine?

i can get another pentium 4 for around 200$ but with minimal stuff in it but a pentium 4 work best with win xp and i already have one .

Offline Sirgod

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Re: computer problem
« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2008, 10:53:05 am »
I would strongly suggest upgrading to a XP machine. If you have the skills, You can upgrade the MB for next to nothing. Parts are super cheap these days. Check out for example.

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Re: computer problem
« Reply #2 on: January 07, 2008, 02:36:12 pm »
The computers clock slows down? I've never come across that problem. It could be your CMOS motherboard battery is running low or is dead.

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Offline Don Karnage

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Re: computer problem
« Reply #3 on: January 07, 2008, 09:16:57 pm »
I would strongly suggest upgrading to a XP machine. If you have the skills, You can upgrade the MB for next to nothing. Parts are super cheap these days. Check out for example.


i have a com working with xp, its just a backup computer that work with 98 because of some games that wont work under xp.
the clock geting late seem to be only if i paly one of the old game, well not just the clock but the whole computer seem to get kinda tire if i play the game, but no real problem if i play sfc op and transport tycoon.

anyway i was just wondering if i should replace the old one for another one, the old com tower is slitly taller but not as large as the com pentium 4, the old tower is too small to old a mother board for a pentium 4, since i need a computer that work under win 98 for some old game that can't work under xp and there no patch to do so and there no trick to make it work.

for the old game call transport tycoon, microprose have nothing for it since the game is a good 10 years old (it can work under a 385) so its pretty old.

Offline Sirgod

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Re: computer problem
« Reply #4 on: January 08, 2008, 08:16:23 pm »
BAck aroun the late 90's early naughtis 2000+. I used quite a few old 286 and 386 machines as firewalls.

I guess you could still do that. Seriously, Hang on to the system though. I used my old Amiga 500 and 600 for years. I think the 600 finaly died in 2003. But the thing is, IF you do any retro gaming, that machine could do alot of old DOS , 95, and 98 games that Vista and Xp will not manage without a program called DosBox, or one of the front ends.

Save a few bucks, and buy you a new PC, even IF It's low level, It's better then what you have. As far as modern gaming.

I'll give you an example, Before SFC, I was a huge Ultima fan. Take an hour and try to Configure Ultima 6-8 without Dos Box. The config, and memory settings will drive you crazy.

Keep the machine, It will come in handy one of these days.

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Offline Don Karnage

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Re: computer problem
« Reply #5 on: January 09, 2008, 01:55:33 pm »
i got a pentium 4 but sfc is not install on it cause i don't use it, i got a amd 1.81 Ghz with 1 gig of ram, that com have sfc's on it but there a problem with the mother board (i think it die) so i keep using the old pentium 3 for sfc and other games, its the com with windows 98.

i know of dosbox but one of the old game wont work with it, i try and i ask question but dosbox wont work for that game, that's why i use a com with win 98.

i check some pawnshop to see if i can get a pentium 3 for a good price.

Offline Pestalence_XC

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Re: computer problem
« Reply #6 on: January 11, 2008, 01:39:55 am »
First did you get the Win 98 Updates.. Microsoft no longer has them, but individuals have made Unofficial service Packs for Download.. here is the most current one I could find :

This will get Win 98 updated.. Just make sure you are using Win 98 SE, not plain jane Win 98.

Update your device Drivers and also update your Direct X after the service pack is installed. Also you will probably need to get Internet Explorer 6.0 and also get IE 6.0 Sp 1 on your system for the OS to function properly.

Win 98 has memory leaks.. as such the system seems to slow down.. the first thing I would try is dumping out most of the start up programs to free up your ram.. Also Win 98 only recognizes 512 MB ram.. so if you have 1 gig on board, then half of your memory is useless.

There are 2 files in Win 98 Startup that you need to keep.. but I don't recall them, you may want to google or go to Shadow Vipers web site for setup parameters.

To enter your Win 98 startup you can go into RUN and type msconfig then click OK and go to the Startup tab.

You also need to go to Run and type in sysedit and click OK and it will load Win.ini, System.ini, Config.sys and Autoexec.bat .. A google search should show you how to set these files up.

Also Axel's AOL site has a lot of fixes for Win 98 to clear up several memory holes.. Click on Win 98 Tricks on left column.. or Direct page located here (no column)

Hope this helps.

After using Axel's site, I was able to have Win 98 up for 5 months running a D2 server for EAW.. But it took a lot of looking and reg editing to get Win 98 stable enough to accomplish this.

« Last Edit: January 11, 2008, 01:59:46 am by Pestalence_XC »
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Offline Don Karnage

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Re: computer problem
« Reply #7 on: January 25, 2008, 09:43:18 am »
i update a lot of it and the only stuff that don't seem to want to be update is the usb port that i don't use andi think it was the monitor, anyway for 50$ to 60$ i can get another pentium 3 in good working order (i hope)

since i never say what this com is here the name: compaq deskpro en  designed for windows 2000 professional and windows nt workstation 4.0
i still have the cd key for win 2000 on it but i use win 98.