well I suppose i can help ya out w/ your secondary hull a bit w/ a few suggestions. The 'Tus' method
of building hulls consistes of one of two things, either a bunch of extrusions from an boat shape cylinder w/ a min of 24 segments. This is good for excel hulls. Essentially all you do is extrude the bottom face down a bit, scale and repeate till ya get a nice shape. The second method uses a lathe. I use this for cylindrical hull like that of the ball and stick i'm working on. btw, 24 segments is the min for a good curve, anything less and you'll see segmentation. From there i usually ends up being a bunch of booleans and cookie cuts (shape merge) to get the final shape. Hope that helps some.
The extrusion method is how I saved my sanity on the stardrive, actually (I used the cone as the top, originally intending to use it sideways, and immediately realized what I'd done). It's how I made the main SD module. I'll keep the advice in mind, especially for the next feddie on the assembly line, thats been sitting in my sketchbook for nearly a year now.
Started working on the kind of aztec I want. I found something on my HD from way back to 2006. Never really used these textures, I got to thinking I should fix that. Or I could go the Intrepid route and not have
any aztec...decisions, decisions...
Pic in question below, will probably be the background aztec....like I said long long ago, the hull will be more blue, probably a very dark blue-grey, sort of like sharkskin. With a darker grey for things like the saucer border. Dark blue hull...yeah. Something that won't keep showing up as yellow in OP/EAW like the current textures, annoys the hell out of me. But something that looks good in the dark (I like the lighting really low).
Stupid Photoshop crashed when I changed the .bmp colors ; _ ;...