The maker of the installer failed to research which changes HAVE to be made to get the game working correctly.
I wish people would research information and test their products BEFORE they hand things out to the community..
If you do not have all 3 versions of the game on disk, then I suggest testing with someone who does have them...
also when you release an installer.. Post ALL INSTRUCTIONS on how to Install the game and then patch for proper function of the game..
I think my intructions expains clearly enough...
- install SFC1 to harddrive.
- double click to run the patcher.
- If the patcher can not detect where your SFC1 is installed, browse to it manually.
- Choose your SFC1 version, it may be 1.0, 1.01, or 1.021.
- The patcher will extract patch files and update your SFC1, wait a few minutes for it to finish.
- After patching finished, you should be able to play updated SFC1 v1.03.
That's ALL INSTRUCTIONS you have to follow. If the install folder's name is the cause, just browse to it manually.
Perhaps I should ask users read the post carefully before they get the patcher.
Thanks for your criticism. I will research harder for my next release if there's any.
Not criticism.. Truth
You fail to mention that the SFC game should be run from the Starfleet.exe file.. the default install file in the Start Menu is SFC.exe which launches the game movie.. this file is bugged and will gause randome game issues and crashes when used..
You fail to mention the Compatibility modes of the game for Single Player or Gamespy Arcade game use.
You failed to post information about where you recieved permission to use a NO CD Hack for SFC.. That alone took me 3 months to get permission from Interplay to incorporate and I also had to post a disclaimer from Interplay with the installers to cover both Taldren and Interplay in the event that the No CD Hack messed up the operation of the game.. Legaities..
You also fail to mention where you recieved permission to release Taldren Bonus content for SFC nor did you cite any credit to where you recieved the packages from.
I can cite all my permissions because I was on the Beta Development Team at 14 East before they broke off from Interplay and I was with 14 East Beta Team when they changed their name to Taldren...
I have the permissions to release material directly from Taldren CEO Erik Bethke (former Taldren INC. USA)
I have no problem of a Unified installer that you made.. and you do have permission to put one out, with proper credits listed for each component in the installer.. hence a Read Me file in the installer and Posted above the DL location..
Also a Proper method of install and usage needs to be listed as well along with any possible issues that are known for the title on different OS systems like Win 98/ME, Win 2K, Win XP, Win Server 2k3, Win XPSP1, Win XPSP2, Win Server XP 64, Win Vista, Win Vista SP1, etc. and how the game should be configured so that it will function properly for their respective OS.
These are things you have to consider before you release something to the community at large..
Now if it was like updating a MOD to a game, then just DL and Install at your own risk is just fine..
But patching a game comes with responsibility.. you take responsibility for the other people's games operating correctly.. If someone's does not work corretly.. you must know how they can fix it or at least where to start looking for a solution..
Game launches then crashes to desktop after they install your patch. What do you tell them to do..
what are the list of trouble shooting techniques do you offer to resolve their problem..
What if it is a VIdeo Driver? do you know which drivers work with which card?
What if it is their Direct X being corrupted, or they installed while their Anti-Virus was active?
What if they launch the game from the wrong EXE file?
What if they set the wrong compatibility mode?
What if they had saved games before they installed the patch?
You do not offer any install instructions that could possibly cover these events.. this should be listed before the DL link and explained in layman's terms along with reasons why they have to do these things..
If it is too complicated for them to undertake a proper setup, then they can choose not to get it..
But you only cover 3 OS in your installer and even by what you have lised, those instructions are only good if the end user is on Win 98/ME/2K and has no Anti-Virus running in the background.
For Win XP, there is the compatibility Mode and Visual Themes issues that cause LAG in Single and Multiplayer modes,
There is Anti-virus software that corrupts the sprites Q3 files and sometimes the
No everyone runs the Virus called McAfee or the virus called Norton.. most people use a real Anti-Virus like AVG or Panda that will corrupt a game install from disk and /or a patch install.. but you have no mention of disabling the Anti-Virus prior to game install or patching..
So I ask again, where is your install instructions and your list of credits / permissions from the content creators?
You have a basic install instruction set for people on Win 98 without Anti-virus but what about everyone else?
I was not offering criticism, I was telling the truth.. There is more to putting out a public patcher than just say here you go.. it takes work.. days on your system working everything out.. I'm talking about 14 to 16 hours at a time testing on different OS's, finding what works and what doesn't.
I'm not trying to criticize you for your effort, but your effort is not complete... this is what I am trying to point out.
If you think ill of me, then so be it.. I have put 10 years into this company and game.. how much have you put in?
I'm trying to help you out and you are taking it negatively... I do not post with emmotion on the boards, I post with fact and logic.. there is a reason I an nicknamed "Terminator" ..
I am the one who kept fighting on SFC 3 to keep it alive when everyone in the community was trying to get the game closed down by talking about the Bet Patches.. I went to every sight, I talked to Victor, Katrina, ChessMess, and many Fan sights to remove the build numbers and Beta tags so Activision would not pull the Directory Servers (as D.Net was not set up at that time to take the Directories over on behalf of Taldren)..
There is a lot that you do not know and only a bit of what you do.. as I said, research your information, post credits and proper installs, and be prepared to spend most of your time giving game support to those that use your installer and have problems.. you made it your responsibility the moment you put it public online..
I promise you will get more emails for support than you can answer in a day on the SFC games.. I know I am.. I get over 300 emails a day on SFC concerning OP and Vista, Dyna Server issues, request for CD Keys for OP and EAW, request for SFC Original support, and that is only the first 100 emails.. then there is the other 200 emails concerning SFC 3 and SFC 3 Server Kits.. this does not count the Dynaverse Server Admins group, or my Moderator duties here or at STGU, and not my fleet obligations to XC.. I don't have time to be emmotional online.. I am strictly business and logical
there is no need for hard feelings or getting mad.. I'm just stating facts.. all you need to do is fix a few things like a proper readme file containing credits for material included with a disclaimer for Taldren, Interplay, and and a multi OS install instruction set and posting them above your DL link...
Other than that, you should be good to go..
Hope that this helps