Topic: AVPR= Worst.Movie.Ever  (Read 2327 times)

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AVPR= Worst.Movie.Ever
« on: December 26, 2007, 02:51:58 pm »
<spoilers ahead>

Don't know how many of you watch the Alien/Predator movies, but let me tell you
-If you absolutely despise the Franchise, and have long prayed that someone would come out with a movie so horrible that it should drive the fans away in droves- your prayers have been answered.

First let me point out that I'm not really that elitist when I watch movies, I liked Alien, am convinced Aliens is one of he best (if not the best) Mil/sci fi movies ever made, didn't like Alien3 in theatres, but thought the revamp version was decent, even thought Alien 4 had it's moments, and don't mind watching it if it's ever on.
Predator was fun, as was Predator 2.
I even liked (or perhaps, more correctly, was entertained by) the first AvP , Perhaps the only part of AvP that I really didn't like was the ending-  I just assume if a species hunts down Aliens, they might have some sort of contingency plan on what to do if one of them might get embryoed.

Unfortunately (imho) whomever wrote AvP2 seems to have decided that the ending for the first one was on par with some of the most brilliant and inspirational works in scifi history.

We open with a revamp of the last part of AvP.Alien bursts from the chest of the dead Predator, and messiness ensues.
I'm thinking the Predators put up less of a fight than the crew of the Nostromo.

Anyway ship lands on earth, we spend 5 minutes or so watching a father/son team get whacked that really could have been done in 30 seconds- I *think* we were supposed to feel bad because it was a kid, but the characters aren't introduced, they're just kinda there to get embryoed, and it seems to drag on a bit.

Eventually a Predator shows up, starts pouring glowing blue fluid on everything the Aliens have touched (this apparently was the directors idea, we get 5 or 6 closeups by the end of the movie on just how cool the glowing blue fluid is-I'm assuming the director has never worked with colour pictures before.)

Meanwhile of course the Aliens have overrun the Colarado town, which is full of cool characters, the ex con back to see his brother, the sheriff wo used to be a friend of the ex con,
the teen girl who likes the teen brother of the ex con (what's  a Preator/Alien movie without teen angst?) the teen girl's current boyfriend who doesn't like the teen brother of the ex con,
(cuz there wasn't enough teen angst) , the Mother who just got back from military deployment, her young (6-8yr old) daughter who oddly enough doen't seem completely enthused with her mom's gift of night vision goggles as her gift, (but -oooh they're night vision goggles! Boy it would be cool if they helped someone see the Aliens later on...)

Oh most of those people die. A few of them live. A few of them manage to live that have an alien tail about 3-4 inches wide impaled through their chest. Apparently having such a thing impaled through your chest doesn't really stop you from running,shooting, yelling, -as long as someone asks if you're OK every few miuntes you'll be just fine.

Let me be honest- I don't go to AVP2 expecting a good movie, I don't go expecting a decent movie.
I do go expecting a movie to not be so horrible that I can enjoy the Aliens and Predator kicking the crap out of each other, unfortuntely they can't even do the same job as they did with the fights in the first one. There you could see what was going on, here all the fights take place in the dark.

Oh- and this one has a worse ending than the original.
Has a military guy walk up to a woman, show her the Predator gun they captured, have her say that the world's not ready for this technology, have the guy say "but the technology's not for this world"
And the credit's roll

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Re: AVPR= Worst.Movie.Ever
« Reply #1 on: December 26, 2007, 05:10:57 pm »
sad to hear.. i was really hoping it might mean an update to the AvP game... still one of my favorite FPS for the wide variety of tactics and gameplay.

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Re: AVPR= Worst.Movie.Ever
« Reply #2 on: December 26, 2007, 05:53:29 pm »
Wow, it must be bad...or you've never seen the D&D movie.  One of the two.


Thanks for the heads up.  That stinks that they royally screwed up the movie.
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Re: AVPR= Worst.Movie.Ever
« Reply #3 on: December 26, 2007, 08:33:57 pm »
Wow, it must be bad...or you've never seen the D&D movie.  One of the two.

Or Bloodsucking Freaks.   :puke:
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