Topic: Windows Vista and Gamespy Arcade SFC support  (Read 10113 times)

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Re: Windows Vista and Gamespy Arcade SFC support
« Reply #20 on: December 29, 2007, 02:33:00 am »
Someone just CRC checked bad.. You must have Stock game installed with latest patch..

No OP + 4 shiplist.. game should be stock
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Re: Windows Vista and Gamespy Arcade SFC support
« Reply #21 on: December 29, 2007, 02:39:45 am »
Restarted server.. adjusted *.dll files for stability

You should be able to log on now.
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Re: Windows Vista and Gamespy Arcade SFC support
« Reply #22 on: December 29, 2007, 02:51:05 am »
Performed DB wipe due to corruption of chat channels from changing DLL files.

Server back up.. No further changes to be done.. will check DB tomorrow after I get back from work..

Please log in and play..

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Offline Marikar

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Re: Windows Vista and Gamespy Arcade SFC support
« Reply #23 on: January 02, 2008, 03:11:38 pm »
Hi,  I'm still not able to even login.  I just get a you are behind a firewall message, even though I have port forwarded the correct ports for dx8 and all the others in your install guide.  I have also taken my pc out from behind my routers firewall and still have the same problem.  The login button refuses to come on! and and the firewall message. 

I hope you find a good universal solution soon.
I will keep trying different firewall settings.

Something that has occurred to me is to try the IP addy of the directory servers instead of the dns ones.  But I don't know what they are or if they are likely to change regularly.

Keep up the good work Pesty.

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Re: Windows Vista and Gamespy Arcade SFC support
« Reply #24 on: January 03, 2008, 04:55:27 pm »
YOU ROCK Pestalence, some times I need to flip back to the selector screen(Firewall) and try
again. now this 1,000 dollar Laptop that I bought works for OP( which is why i Bought it)
movement is still a little jerky but she moves right along. Haven't tried to draft anyone.
no one seems on when I am

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Re: Windows Vista and Gamespy Arcade SFC support
« Reply #25 on: January 03, 2008, 08:01:40 pm »
Hi, I'm still not able to even login. I just get a you are behind a firewall message, even though I have port forwarded the correct ports for dx8 and all the others in your install guide. I have also taken my pc out from behind my routers firewall and still have the same problem. The login button refuses to come on! and and the firewall message.

I hope you find a good universal solution soon.
I will keep trying different firewall settings.

Something that has occurred to me is to try the IP addy of the directory servers instead of the dns ones. But I don't know what they are or if they are likely to change regularly.

Keep up the good work Pesty.

Sometimes the Directory servers go down.. sometimes they work fine..

On Dyna servers.. sometimes it may take up to 2 min to see the server listing.. others it takes just 10 seconds..

The servers are hosted in Houston.. so imagine how much traffic is on Time Warner Cable there, even business class gets bottlenecked.. that explains the slow down.

As for Firewall, set your machine into DMZ mode through your router.

Also make sure that Windows firewall is turned off and that your Anti-Virus firewall is off (the router is your firewall)

Double check your Internet Company to see if they have ports that are blocked by default.

If you are installing on XP or Vista.. make sure that Anti-Virus is disabled before you install.

Make sure User Accounts is disabled.

Another thing you can try to do for Vista is after game install and ready to install OP Enhancement Package before running the OPEnhancement exe, right click on it and set it to Win 2000 compatibility (same as game should be set) then after you close the properties box, right click on the EXE and select Run as Administrator.

Also on Vista, I suggest trying the Vista Service Pack 1 Release Candidate .. it updates your net code quite a bit to add stability.. it is not 100% Xp compatible.. but it is closer...

the Release Candidate is use at your own risk and make sure you read all the information on installing and uninstalling the service package before you get it I and D.Net are not responsible for results on the Vista Service Package.. however I am using it and it seems more stable.

Hope this helps.
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Re: Windows Vista and Gamespy Arcade SFC support
« Reply #26 on: January 04, 2008, 05:23:35 am »
Thanks Pesty,  I have been trying not to use the vista sp1 beta, but I might try it out and see.  I have no firewall exept the router running and have vista in admin mode.
Still refuses to work even when the pc is outside the firewall.

I hope I will fix this soon, or I will have to think about an upgrade to XP  :P  Problem with that is I can't get it anymore, I have a copy of XPProf but can't run it legally now I have a different job and I simply cant afford to buy it at the moment, even if I could find it in the shops, lol.  I upgraded to Vista because I had no choise, grrrr.

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Re: Windows Vista and Gamespy Arcade SFC support
« Reply #27 on: March 25, 2008, 04:03:28 am »
Maybe I can shed some light on the Vista SP1 situation.

It is due to be released soon (not sure of the exact date), but in the meantime, I have read this on various forums.

SP1 Beta had issues with compatibility, especially retro.
SP1 RC was a disaster. Many systems that installed it crashed and would not restart until you re-installed.
SP1 RTM was much better, have heard nothing but praise for it. The word is, the Kernel was entirely rebuilt on it. This should alleviate the connectivity issues. I've been using SP1 RTM on my Vista for about a month now and most of my problems have disappeared.

Vista on the whole stutters on a regular basis because of it's structure, this may be the cause of the connectivity issues. As it tries to update all the stuff it is running it can bog down and stutter, especially on disk or network refreshes. While SP1 RTM has reduced this greatly, more so than SP1 Beta and RC, but the hiccups are still there.

Try again with RTM or the official release and see what happens.
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Re: Windows Vista and Gamespy Arcade SFC support
« Reply #28 on: March 25, 2008, 04:37:32 am »
A couple corrections:

The Dynaverse Servers are hosted in Dallas (Garland, specifically). We are on a T1 upstream business connection.

I closely monitor the bandwidth utilization, and rarely are we utilizing 100% of our upstream bandwidth. In fact, rarely are we utilizing over 50% continuously. We see peaks here and there of 60-70%, but that's it.

Our backbone here in Garland is considered one of the best. While we have had issues stemming from - ultimately - theft of services on the node we reside on, this has been resolved and hasn't happened for over 6 months now.

The issue with Vista is DX10's inability to play nice with previous Direct X versions besides 9, and even then from what I've read it doesn't play nice all the time, especially with DirectPlay.

Ultimately, the solution until Microsoft gets it's act together? Dual boot your Windows. Installed Windows XP first, then Vista. If you've already loaded Vista, that's bad, don't try to load XP.

I've a feeling Windows Vista will be remember along the same lines as Windows ME.

« Last Edit: March 25, 2008, 05:14:06 am by FA_Frey_XC »
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Re: Windows Vista and Gamespy Arcade SFC support
« Reply #29 on: April 09, 2008, 12:53:04 am »
Except for the illegal code keeping Netscape from launching in a timely fashion, I never had a problem with Win ME.  In fact, when that computer (it came in a lousy case) burned up, I simple took the HD out, and put it in a new machine!  Try that with XP!  As far as Win Vista....  Ooh!  I nearly destroyed my expensive, little laptop several times before I decided that I didn't have the temperament to deal with Vista.  To protect my investment, I had to shell out another $150.00 to M$, and pay someone to put XP on this laptop.  In researching how to do it, I found that installing the drivers was easier said than done.  Fortunately, Toshiba uses an Intel chipset, so drivers could be found, but, a USB floppy drive would be needed to install them.  A floppy drive in 2007?  Geek Squad and the guys at the computer store wouldn't touch it.  I had to go to Uptech for some real professionals.  I should have paid them to build my machine in the first place.  There used to be an advantage in buying a computer off the shelf when Toshiba, Gateway, Dell, put useful accessories on the machines, but now they only load them with crapware.

I really feel sorry for all those people that bought Vista machines with only 1 Gig of RAM.  My neighbors machine runs at a glacial pace.  With 2 Gigs, mine actually worked....  Except that I needed to buy all new software!  I couldn't alter my games w/o long, involved tedium!  The Activation Assistant for M$ Office couldn't be uninstalled after uninstalling M$ Office!  It couldn't link to my XP machine!  I couldn't get my machine loaded and configured after a month, so I stopped trying.  When you waste two consecutive weekends, just trying to uninstall the crapware, and software that wouldn't load correctly, you have an OS that doesn't work.  I really feel bad about not being able to use Vista, but dealing with its problems was sapping my time in a most unpleasant manner.

Down-grading to XP made this machine useful.  When the subject was broached, I just had to vent.  I forgot how frustrated I was when I took this machine out of the box.  My old ME machine was a really good deal.  It had a 40 Gig HD back in 2001!  Pity the case was a piece of crap, the machine burned up!  Coming up with the money to buy a new MB, processor, case, and power supply really hurt back then.  Now, the expense is not as painful as being played for a sucker.
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