Topic: OP Enhancement Package v5.1  (Read 69165 times)

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Re: OP Enhancement Package v5.1
« Reply #60 on: October 23, 2008, 04:22:13 pm »
Fed ships need their AWR back.  sorry just had to pop that in there.
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Re: OP Enhancement Package v5.1
« Reply #61 on: November 30, 2008, 11:35:51 am »
What is the latest on the OP Enhancement package?


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Re: OP Enhancement Package v5.1
« Reply #62 on: February 16, 2009, 02:30:09 pm »
Diehard and Dizzy should be working on the OP+ v5..

 :o  This is the first I've heard of this.   i've got no problem makes mods (and mods of mods . . .) but if it ain't got Firesoul's Seal od Approval it ain't OP+

I thought that sounded odd...

SG 9 and the new planet pack will be done concurrently. Integration into a new OP+ will be done when FS is damned good and ready... Or it aint OP+. But for him to mod it, the Planet pack will have to be flawless... and small install wise. We want to retain a small download for the no models version of OP+ which will have models, the planet models, replacing the broken stock planet meshes... So we will just have to see how it all shapes up. Its going to be a lil while.

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Re: OP Enhancement Package v5.1
« Reply #63 on: March 17, 2009, 05:25:58 pm »
SG 9 and the new planet pack will be done concurrently. Integration into a new OP+ will be done when FS is damned good and ready... Or it aint OP+. But for him to mod it, the Planet pack will have to be flawless... and small install wise. We want to retain a small download for the no models version of OP+ which will have models, the planet models, replacing the broken stock planet meshes... So we will just have to see how it all shapes up. Its going to be a lil while.

How's progress on this?


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Re: OP Enhancement Package v5.1
« Reply #64 on: March 29, 2009, 03:49:44 am »
Is anyone else having trouble downloading this?

I can't connect to the ftp site at all....


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Re: OP Enhancement Package v5.1
« Reply #65 on: March 29, 2009, 02:38:19 pm »
I just checked the site and it works fine.
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Re: OP Enhancement Package v5.1
« Reply #66 on: July 05, 2009, 01:11:19 pm »
I just tried to download this and it seems like the link is broken. Anyone have a working link?


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Re: OP Enhancement Package v5.1
« Reply #67 on: July 05, 2009, 09:40:04 pm »
Working now. :)

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Re: OP Enhancement Package v5.1
« Reply #68 on: September 20, 2009, 12:17:35 pm »
I followed all of the instructions with a clean install of OP and the 5.1 package for vista. Set all of the shortcuts to xp compatibility mode, etc... mad sure to create the right OP shortcut. Anytime I try to run one of the campaigns, the game crashes. Also, some of the campaigns are listed twice.

Another question:

After reading here for some time I still can't seem to log onto Dynaverse II. When I go to the multiplayer section and select it asks for a user name and password. Where do I register for it?

Offline Bonk

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Re: OP Enhancement Package v5.1
« Reply #69 on: September 20, 2009, 12:29:19 pm »
You need a gamespy arcade account to login to the dynaverse. But the dynaverse only works partially on Vista. For full functionality run OP on XP.

Download and install the free version of gamespy arcade and at some point during the install you should be able to create an account. (it used to be right on the webpage...) Good luck finding a nickname. Basically you only get the one you want if you pay, so I suggest something random like "idfgyugskjfbksjg". DO NOT pay them.

As for the singleplayer campaigns installed by the Enhancement pack, I'm not sure. Perhaps there are campaigns there that require certain shiplists and scripts? I have never used it myself.

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Re: OP Enhancement Package v5.1
« Reply #70 on: September 20, 2009, 11:22:44 pm »
I don't have access to XP. I could create another partition and install xp on that (I'm running Vista on a dual boot Mac), but I don't have a XP install disc and don't have the $120 + to go buy one just to play OP.

So If I want to play the campain with the base game, what exactly should I install besides the 2552 patch? Anything else? There are so many patches and add ons, directory fixes etc.. and I can't seem to find a good guide to what I need. I thought the 5.1 enhancement would be the thing, but the game is even crashing in skirmish mode now, but not immediately like the campaign does which happens when it tries to load a new one.

What is limited in dynaverse runing Vista? Also, do I log on to it while running OP and selecting dynaverse entering my gamespy account info there, or just run gamespy arcade?

I just got the game based on the recommendation of a friend, now that I have an Intel machine, that I used to play SFB with years ago. What my main goal is, is to be able to play through the single player campaigns and also play online vs my friend. The Dynaverse looks great, but I'm still not sure exactly what it is; is it a online campaign system? My buddy thought dynaverse was long dead but digging around I found this site.

Any help and advice would be greatly appreciated.

Offline Bonk

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Re: OP Enhancement Package v5.1
« Reply #71 on: September 21, 2009, 01:10:35 am »
I would proceed as outlined here:,163359567.0.html
(up to step five)

Oh, and to avoid queer vista virtualisation crap, create a folder on the root of your disk: C:\SFC  Ensure this folder has full permissions for the user(s) that will install and run the game. Then install SFC to a sub folder of it. The "Program Files" folder in vista is a mess and not very useful. (will prevent a number of aspects of the game from working properly)
e.g. My vista OP install location: C:\SFC\Taldren Software Inc\Starfleet Command Orion Pirates
Vista's folder virtualisation is probably what is crashing your campaigns, it will redirect the location of the campaign database and the game will be unable to find it.

Vista adversely affects Dynaverse login (usually takes multiple attempts to get past the firewall detector), and causes unacceptable lag on the strategic map. (I suspect changes to windows sockets are to blame)

The dynaverse is an online campaign system where you move around on the map, supply etc. and take missions - if there are other players in your hex, they will be drafted into your mission (essentially a direct tcp/ip game orchestrated by the dynaverse server) - The defence value of the hex the mission was taken in may change depending on the outcome of the mission.

Pestalence has a good guide for OP on gamepsy on Vista around here somewhere...

Though you will find OP works much better on XP. We are still seeking a solution to Vista compatibility. So far our best hope is Sun Virtualbox, but currently the game will not even run on an XP guest in Virtualbox. We have tried thousands of combinations of configurations, stripping vista down to the bare services required to run. I suspect the problem is in the kernel code and how it affects windows sockets. Windows 7 suffers the same problem.

We are in the planning stages of developing an open source sfc that will compile and run on a wide variety of platforms. (will take a number of years at least).

You may also want to install EzINI:
again, to a subfolder of C:\SFC
e.g. C:\SFC\KhoroMag Gaming Services\EzINI
« Last Edit: September 21, 2009, 01:27:19 am by Bonk »

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Re: OP Enhancement Package v5.1
« Reply #72 on: December 04, 2009, 12:25:13 pm »
I just dled this to my 1.5 P4 machine my older PC.When I did this I got the shiplist being OP+4.0 HardCore not your regular OP+4.0 with tugs.I uninstalled it and reinstalled it and to came out agian as Hard Core.I tried playing a single player camp and I got a CTD.I switched to Taldren 2552 and it worked fine.

I got a copy of OP+4.0 from my duel core PC and installed it eveything worked fine no CTD.There is only one problem and no sound only music.This does not happen on my duel core PC and not with Taldren's 2552 only OP+4.0.

I noticed the files are WAV not WMP files althought it plays fine on my duel core pc and Tadren's 2552.I am not sure why only OP+.

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Re: OP Enhancement Package v5.1
« Reply #73 on: December 09, 2009, 12:57:53 pm »
All I can say is that the installer installs some game fixes, Scripts, then Models, then Mod Chooser then it installs OP+ v4.0, then places OP + Hardcore.. if you exited mod Chooser without setting up OP + v4.0, that is where your problem is..

It is set to install and launch Mod Chooser to set Taldren Default, then once you exit and continue, it will install OP + v4.0 .. after that it launches Mod Chooser again to set OP + v4.0 or the first Mod slot, then after exiting and continuing, OP + Hardcore (GSA only shiplist) get's installed, then Mod Choosee launches again for you to assign it to Mod slot 2..

After that EZ-INI, more scripts and Shipedit and Model viewer gets installed.

Sounds like a step was skipped and maybe the DoS window was rushed instead of taking things step by step.

as for sounds.. No sound files are changed with this install, only the sound loop fix is implimented by way of Firesoul's OP + v4.0 and Firesoul's Fighter / sound fix file.

All other sound files ae original and untouched.. it only fixes the ESG sould loop bug.

Dunno what to say.. reinstall with AV turned off?
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Re: OP Enhancement Package v5.1
« Reply #74 on: December 09, 2009, 02:58:33 pm »
I think I did that as I was afk during some of the install and skipped OP+4.0 not HC and went with HC.I reinstalled  some of it but skipped some of it and got full sound back this is on my older system.

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Re: OP Enhancement Package v5.1
« Reply #75 on: February 06, 2010, 10:00:42 am »
Since I installed this, I've been having an issue. If I play any of the Conquest single player missions, I tend to get enemy ships as allies instead of my own race. Example: If I'm flying a Klingon cruiser and try to invade Federation space, I get Federation ships as my allies.

The same thing happens in the non-conquest version of single player mode, but only if I'm in any of the campaigns marked "custom."

Is there any reason to play these "custom" ones over the apparently regular ones?  And is this issue something I can fix or was it created by something I did or didn't do during the install?

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Re: OP Enhancement Package v5.1
« Reply #76 on: February 06, 2010, 11:13:00 am »
Are you sure the feds are your enemies in that campaign?  Right click on a fed hex, and see what their diplomatic status is.

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Re: OP Enhancement Package v5.1
« Reply #77 on: February 06, 2010, 06:20:30 pm »
I didn't check in the non-conquest single player campaign marked "custom," but I did look at the hexes in the conquest campaign. In that, EVERYONE is supposed to be an enemy. If I was flying a Klingon ship, it shouldn't matter where I go, the only allies I get should be Klingon ones and everyone else is a target.

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Re: OP Enhancement Package v5.1
« Reply #78 on: February 12, 2010, 01:50:11 pm »
I didn't check in the non-conquest single player campaign marked "custom," but I did look at the hexes in the conquest campaign. In that, EVERYONE is supposed to be an enemy. If I was flying a Klingon ship, it shouldn't matter where I go, the only allies I get should be Klingon ones and everyone else is a target.
You might want to bring this up inthe mission scripting forum.

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Re: OP Enhancement Package v5.1
« Reply #79 on: February 14, 2010, 08:53:00 am »
The OP 5.1 download link isn't working. Can anyone help me please?