Topic: OP Enhancement Package v5.1  (Read 69163 times)

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Offline Czar Mohab

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Re: OP Enhancement Package v5.1
« Reply #20 on: December 31, 2007, 06:48:29 pm »
Not the question I had. Was wondering if it was absolutely required to do the fresh OP reinstall. Seeing that I can't do such a thing, would I be able to use the enhancement.

And yeah, I know of that link. I posted on it back when I was trying to get my new Vista computer to work with a transferred OP. Works fine, btw. (and before anyone says "pirated software", it was transferred from my old XP rig. So its my copy :P)

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Re: OP Enhancement Package v5.1
« Reply #21 on: January 01, 2008, 01:24:57 am »
Not the question I had. Was wondering if it was absolutely required to do the fresh OP reinstall. Seeing that I can't do such a thing, would I be able to use the enhancement.

And yeah, I know of that link. I posted on it back when I was trying to get my new Vista computer to work with a transferred OP. Works fine, btw. (and before anyone says "pirated software", it was transferred from my old XP rig. So its my copy :P)

Czar "I'll just take my chances" Mohab

OP enhancement will work on any install of OP.. Clean is the beat way to go since you have the least risk of losing a mod or causing CTD's because of a saved game...

however if your game is pretty much Stock, just delete any single player saved games, then run the OP Enhancement Package and use Option 3 or 4 and it should install fine..

Mods where you installed custom ships should be backed up

Custom Installation (for those who have custom models they do not wish to lose) :

1) Go to your Starfleet Command Orion Pirates\Assets\Models and  your Starfleet Command Orion Pirates\OPPLUS\Models directories. Copy both of the Models directories and paste them outside the Orion Pirates game directory. (you only need to copy the directory in which you have changed models out within the game)

2) Install OP Enhancement Package v5.1

3) Sort through your copied Models folders on a model by model basis using Taldren Model Viewer (Included in this package) and compare your model to the models installed by the Enhancement Package. Replace the models in the OP game directory with your custom models in whish you wish to use to play the game.

4) Keep a complete backup of your custom models outside the OP game directory in the event you need to uninstall the OP Enhancement Package. Usually this is done with Winzip or Winrar (to save HDD space).

This should work fine.. just remember to have the original Taldren v2552 shiplist and FTRlist in the Assets/specs folder and in the MetaAssets folder prior to OP Enhancement Package install so that the game does not CDT after OP Enhancement install.

I hope that this helps.

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Re: OP Enhancement Package v5.1
« Reply #22 on: January 12, 2008, 09:33:35 am »
Are there any mirrors for these downloads? I can't seem to download them before they time out. I am getting very low slow download times!

Offline Mithras

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Re: OP Enhancement Package v5.1
« Reply #23 on: January 18, 2008, 12:30:02 pm »
Greets all,

My question/issue concerns my Enhancement v5.1 install... my Mod Chooser gives me a Runtime error, though all other functionality appears as advertised. Could someone help out with this one? I am running Vista (sigh), and have tried uninstalling/reinstalling several times. Again, the only noticeable prob is as stated above.

Thanks for any help. Also, I am a new poster here, but have been playing SFB since my Army days in Panama back in the 80's. I am looking for any players in the Denver, CO area. :)

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Re: OP Enhancement Package v5.1
« Reply #24 on: January 26, 2008, 05:06:41 pm »
I'm getting an Assets/sprites q3 error.
Not really sure what to do to fix it.
Been years since i've put OP into my machine.. pretyt much gave up due to some XP related issues.
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Offline Pestalence_XC

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Re: OP Enhancement Package v5.1
« Reply #25 on: January 27, 2008, 12:41:45 pm »
That error usually pops up when you patch the game with Anti-Virus still running... Turn off Anti-Virus, reinstall game, run OP Enhancement (patch and all), Turn Anti-Virus back on.

Also problem sometimes exists if you have patched the game with a different patch then running the 2552 patch.. the 2552 patch comes in 1 flavor.. Stock game to latest edition.. you can not install patch incrementally ..

Check these things out and see how it goes..

Also hopefully within a week or so.. OP Enhancement Pack v6 will be out.

It will include new NW mission scripts for the Dynaverse.. and maybe a new OP + package to include more formidable planets.

Also the Campaigns for Single Player will display correctly so that players will be able to see the EEK campaigns as compared to Stock.

So as you see.. people have a lot going on..

Dizzy and Firesoul should be working on a new OP + pack that will incorporate I, Mudd's Planet Package (reworked HP's and Textures) any maybe Fallen Warrior's Texture Pack for the planets (players will have to sort out which textures that they want and probably install manually or I may make a batch file for it)

Great things are coming.. and with the new planets.. planet assaults are now going to be a nightmare.
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Re: OP Enhancement Package v5.1
« Reply #26 on: January 27, 2008, 02:58:21 pm »
Pestalence, I have been trying without any success to download this file and the download times out. Is there any chance we could post it to another server with a faster download? I've never had a problem downloading this file before.

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Re: OP Enhancement Package v5.1
« Reply #27 on: January 27, 2008, 06:01:09 pm »
Wait for the new package.. it will be out soon.. I just need to get the new material..

The scripts installer is ready, but I need the new OP + and texture packages.. then I need to set up a batch file that will allow you to swap them easily... Diz is trying to push the new OP + out within a week.. It should take me just a few Min to make OP + HC out of it and about 2 hours to make properly working batch files for swapping the textures.. then 30 min to edit the read me.. then approx 20 min to make the installer.. then 2 hours to upload it here.. however I am also recreating my old web site and will upload the package to it..

Hope that this helps

If need be.. and you really want this package.. give me until tomorrow afternoon and I will get it on my site..
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Re: OP Enhancement Package v5.1
« Reply #28 on: January 29, 2008, 08:03:43 am »
Thank you Pestalence. I can wait for the new package!

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Re: OP Enhancement Package v5.1
« Reply #29 on: February 01, 2008, 08:19:45 pm »
I solved the problem.
The error pops up if I use the shortcut that is copied from the OP root folder.
If I use the shortcut that is put into my start menu, It loads up great.
Been playing on and off for the last few days, and it's really reminded me why I spent so much time with the game.
Great work, look forward to the next version.
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Offline Pestalence_XC

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Re: OP Enhancement Package v5.1
« Reply #30 on: February 02, 2008, 10:25:46 am »
Just be careful.. the Start Menu runs the SFCOP.EXE file, which has MANY, MANY game altering bugs..

The game must be launched with the StarfleetOP.EXE. The shortcut should point to this file.

running the game,, make sure in Vista that you have UAC turned OFF.

User Account Control is not what allows people to have multiple accounts.

User account control is a shadow layer that is supposedly designed  to protect the current user.. however it interferes with Non Vista made software..

It is a WOAH, not WOW feature of Microsoft Vista that really hinders system performance..

This is a major issue in Vista.. Google it and see how many problems people have with UAC turned on.. the problem you are experiencing with SFC is a prime example of having UAC turned on when trying to play from the StarfleetOP.exe..

Microsoft was kind enough to put in a Compatibility for UAC on the SFCOP.exe, however that is the bugged EXE file.

To play the game with the minimal ammount of bugs possible, you need to disable UAC and run from the Starfleetop.exe

If you want Lockups, fighters missing, keyboard not working, fighters not responding to commands, ships not appearing.. then use the SFCOP.exe

Hope that this helps.

« Last Edit: February 02, 2008, 02:43:22 pm by Pestalence_XC »
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Re: OP Enhancement Package v5.1
« Reply #31 on: March 01, 2008, 06:27:11 pm »
Pestalance.Where did you get the ED single player mission from as that is all I need atm?Thanks

Offline Pestalence_XC

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Re: OP Enhancement Package v5.1
« Reply #32 on: March 02, 2008, 02:40:25 am »
I made most of the Evil Dave single player campaigns.. if you mean the scripts.. the single player scripts are only available in the OP Enhancement Package now.. Nuclear Wessels only has the Dynaverse missions in his downloaders now..

Anyhow.. when the new package comes out, it will have all the current missions included.. but right now I am waiting on Firesoul and Dizzy to get the new OP + out the door so I can build a new pack.. but Dizzy has been away for a while.. and we are trying to figure out the best textures to use in the new planet models.. the new planets will be worth the wait.
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Re: OP Enhancement Package v5.1
« Reply #33 on: March 16, 2008, 04:33:29 pm »

Your instructions (and hard work) are flawless.  I haven't played for about 6-7years, and I'm seeing servers in the list again!

Thanks Man!
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Re: OP Enhancement Package v5.1
« Reply #34 on: March 17, 2008, 03:47:47 pm »
I made most of the Evil Dave single player campaigns.. if you mean the scripts.. the single player scripts are only available in the OP Enhancement Package now.. Nuclear Wessels only has the Dynaverse missions in his downloaders now..

Anyhow.. when the new package comes out, it will have all the current missions included.. but right now I am waiting on Firesoul and Dizzy to get the new OP + out the door so I can build a new pack.. but Dizzy has been away for a while.. and we are trying to figure out the best textures to use in the new planet models.. the new planets will be worth the wait.

What about getting DieHard on the shiplist?I hope FireSoul keep to his original models and not those of SGO.

Offline Pestalence_XC

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Re: OP Enhancement Package v5.1
« Reply #35 on: March 18, 2008, 12:16:15 pm »
Firesoul is the creator of the OP + Mod.. Dizzy is helping him fix bugs that were found in the previous package.. also New models came out for planets that make them much tougher to attack because the weapon hardpoints have been relocated.. Dizzy and Firesoul need to figure out which textures for the planets will look the best for the OP + Mod..

If Diehard wants to work on it.. all he has to do is contact Firesoul and I am sure he could help.

as for the OP Enhancement Package.. I want to get another one out the door.. but I am going to wait on the new OP + package.
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Re: OP Enhancement Package v5.1
« Reply #36 on: March 21, 2008, 07:39:45 pm »
I attempted to install this package just a few minutes ago. It kept saying something about the to update.. that it wasn't in the path or something of that nature. Very peculiar error, like it wasn't in the package. The package then failed to install completely. I doubt it's a corrupt download, but I'll try it again later.

It appears to run most of the mods, but miss others. It's as though they're missing from the package.

Attempting a dynaverse connection now gives this result:

Unhandled Exception!

Does something similar in single player on new campaigns right after you select race. Looks messy.

I am guessing a few of the path references may be off. I know the registry's clean of any other instances of sfc op or eaw as I completely deinstalled it all manually to do a clean over-write.

My only hope is a re-download will clean it up or that someone may notice something internal to the package that needs touched up. Otherwise, not sure what the problem is.
« Last Edit: March 21, 2008, 07:55:56 pm by vortex79 »

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Re: OP Enhancement Package v5.1
« Reply #37 on: March 21, 2008, 08:13:02 pm »
I attempted to install this package just a few minutes ago. It kept saying something about the to update.. that it wasn't in the path or something of that nature. Very peculiar error, like it wasn't in the package. The package then failed to install completely. I doubt it's a corrupt download, but I'll try it again later.

It appears to run most of the mods, but miss others. It's as though they're missing from the package.

Attempting a dynaverse connection now gives this result:

Unhandled Exception!

Does something similar in single player on new campaigns right after you select race. Looks messy.

I am guessing a few of the path references may be off. I know the registry's clean of any other instances of sfc op or eaw as I completely deinstalled it all manually to do a clean over-write.

My only hope is a re-download will clean it up or that someone may notice something internal to the package that needs touched up. Otherwise, not sure what the problem is.

What you need to do is

1, delete the saved games .. saved games will not work when the game is patched..

2, when you install the OP Enhancement Pack and/or the game.. Make sure the Anti-Virus is turned off.. I listed specific instructions at the beginning of this post for you to install the game.

3, Your game has to be in a clean configuration before installing the OP Enhancement Package.. in other words.. anything you added to the game since install must be removed prior to the Package install.. after the package installs, you can replace content back into your game.. however, if you had scripts.. this package has almost all of the newest scripts available for Dynaverse and GSA and Single player play.

4. If you were using a game patch that was not v2552, you must reinstall the game.. the package contains the v2552 (latest) game patch and will not upgrade any previous patch.. it can only install on a clean install.

5. if you have patch v2552 already installed, use the install option that skips the v2552 patch.

From what it sounds like, you did not follow the complete install instructions I posted with the package.. Most likely is that the OP Enhancement Package installed the game patch with your Anti-Virus running in the background... Anti-Virus MUST be disabled to install the game patch or the game will corrupt.

Hope that this helps.
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Re: OP Enhancement Package v5.1
« Reply #38 on: March 22, 2008, 12:43:24 am »
Okay, trying it again, redownloading just for making sure I have a clean install file. Wiped out everything from sfcop including saves. All viruses/firewalls off. Cmon SFCOP do not fail me now. I really miss dynaverse.

Appears the issue was caused by a faulty .exe download or I hadn't wiped out enough of the old install, it appears to be functioning now. Can't believe such a little bit of content left behind might would cause such a fuss.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2008, 02:44:26 am by vortex79 »

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Re: OP Enhancement Package v5.1
« Reply #39 on: May 29, 2008, 02:49:01 pm »

running the game,, make sure in Vista that you have UAC turned OFF.

User Account Control is not what allows people to have multiple accounts.

User account control is a shadow layer that is supposedly designed  to protect the current user.. however it interferes with Non Vista made software..

It is a WOAH, not WOW feature of Microsoft Vista that really hinders system performance..

The only thing that I would like to say about UAC, is that some software will NOT install with UAC turned off (such as Adobe Reader)
I kinda like the idea behind UAC, but I wish they had made it so that you can customise what flags the UAC prompt. For instance, I would like to have it pop up when accessing my registry, but having it pop up when I want an elevated comand prompt is annoying.

Sorry for making an 'off topic' post, I just wanted people to be aware that leaving UAC off, can result in some rather cryptic errors when installing 'some' software. I believe the error that Adobe Reader pops is an error saying that the disk is full or write protected. Although, UAC only needs to be on during the install, afterwards, it can be turned off again with no negative side effects that I can see.