Not the question I had. Was wondering if it was absolutely required to do the fresh OP reinstall. Seeing that I can't do such a thing, would I be able to use the enhancement.
And yeah, I know of that link. I posted on it back when I was trying to get my new Vista computer to work with a transferred OP. Works fine, btw. (and before anyone says "pirated software", it was transferred from my old XP rig. So its my copy
Czar "I'll just take my chances" Mohab
OP enhancement will work on any install of OP.. Clean is the beat way to go since you have the least risk of losing a mod or causing CTD's because of a saved game...
however if your game is pretty much Stock, just delete any single player saved games, then run the OP Enhancement Package and use Option 3 or 4 and it should install fine..
Mods where you installed custom ships should be backed up
Custom Installation (for those who have custom models they do not wish to lose) :
1) Go to your Starfleet Command Orion Pirates\Assets\Models and your Starfleet Command Orion Pirates\OPPLUS\Models directories. Copy both of the Models directories and paste them outside the Orion Pirates game directory. (you only need to copy the directory in which you have changed models out within the game)
2) Install OP Enhancement Package v5.1
3) Sort through your copied Models folders on a model by model basis using Taldren Model Viewer (Included in this package) and compare your model to the models installed by the Enhancement Package. Replace the models in the OP game directory with your custom models in whish you wish to use to play the game.
4) Keep a complete backup of your custom models outside the OP game directory in the event you need to uninstall the OP Enhancement Package. Usually this is done with Winzip or Winrar (to save HDD space).
This should work fine.. just remember to have the original Taldren v2552 shiplist and FTRlist in the Assets/specs folder and in the MetaAssets folder prior to OP Enhancement Package install so that the game does not CDT after OP Enhancement install.
I hope that this helps.