congrats gramps. i'm wondering. when you have a kid it's cigars... what do we get for a grandkid? i like cubans
Thanks to all...
I still got some cigars, good ones at that, Arturo Fuente Maduro coronas.
Had to...the father forgot... 
Boy, does he have a lot to learn about fatherhood.. 
Aye he does. Well he's got a great inlaw to teach him. i assume that involves klingon painsticks. he should learn quickly.
It was a classic moment-you-live-for-as-a-father:
Me, my wife, his mom, my son and a couple of their close friends all waiting...
He comes out all flushed, tell us the weight, yadda, yadda...
I shake his hand and say "Well, ya got fun now...Ok, where's my cigar?"
He goes blank..."Cigars?, I didn't get any..."
And in my best R. Lee. Irmey impression I bellow "Sweet Mary and Joesph, what kind of man doesn't get cigars for his first child in life, a son no less?!
Do I have to do everything for you?!"
Whips out a handful from pocket "Here, now pass these out, but I'm keeping one"
Everyone was looking and chuckling...