You'll find that millitary dogs are trained never to go out of sight of their handler because he provides protection for them as much as he provides protection for them.
The Royal Marine Commandoes use cross bows to deal with both sentries and dogs. When I was a teenager, a friend's father was an instructor and let us have a go with the beast.... it takes to marines to cock due to the draw string tension.
We had an incident reported on the news, back in the 1990's, where a pack of 3 Rottweiler guard dogs had to be put down because the theives simply threw a petrol bomb at them before cutting the fence and breaking into a car yard. The dogs were so badly burnt that putting them down was the right thing to do.
The other method theives use on unattended guard dogs is to throw bleach on them.
The maximum presure of a human bite is twice that of a dog. Don't forget, 7,000 years ago we were living wild and crunching up bones for the marrow too.
Don't forget also that soldiers are in peak physical condition (unless they work in stores or the cookhouse) and those most likely to be in a position where they'd be required to stealtily eliminate a guard dog will be selected from the best of these.
I kind of figure that the gunslinger guy would have no trouble taking out a pack of 6 dogs or wolves in under a second.
What's amazing is that the gun is single action only as well.
As for the girl with the pistol all I can say is how??
I just can't figure how she managed to smack herself in the face unless she was holding it loosely between only a couple of her fingers and somebody had a maximum load shell in the chamber.
Imagine if it was a 45!!

I've actually seen a slide blown clean off of a Browning 9mm. at a range when some bozo figured that it was OK use CZ 9mm. shells labelled "For SMG and Carbine use only. Do not use in pistols!!" was just scare mongering. He was stood 8 feet from me when his gun exploded. Apart from soiled pants, he was unscathed!! The pistol was scrap!!