
What does a Romulan Late TMP-Early TNG nacelle look like ?

Since the TOS Romulan BoP had nacelles similar to Federation ones, did their TMP ones follow suit ?
3 (17.6%)
Did they just utilize Klingon D7 nacelle design as they already had examples of such ?
1 (5.9%)
A simlar design to the ENT era Romulan BoP (Let's face it, it looked very TNG-ish)
1 (5.9%)
A more primitive Romulan TNG nacelle ( IE-TMP retextures)
0 (0%)
A hybrid of known Romulan nacelle designs?
6 (35.3%)
A brand new conept
6 (35.3%)

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Topic: OT: Thoughts on Late TMP-Early TNG Romulan nacelles  (Read 12185 times)

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OT: Thoughts on Late TMP-Early TNG Romulan nacelles
« on: December 17, 2007, 12:39:55 pm »
Since none was ever seen on screen, I'm asking for opinions on this subject. We all know the lore of the Klingon/Romulan alliance and we have seen ENT, TOS and TNG Rom nacelle designs...what do ya all think came in between ? A few ideas came to my mind but I'd figured I'd let the community decide, and then perhaps myself or someone else could build said nacelle and release it for general use so as to have all our Late TMP-Early TNG Romies all uniform in appearance. My thoughts were ....

1) Since the TOS Romulan BoP had nacelles similar to Federation ones, did their TMP ones follow suit ?
2) Did they just utilize Klingon D7 nacelle design as they already had examples of such ?
3) A simlar design to the ENT era Romulan BoP (Let's face it, it looked very TNG-ish)
4) A more primitive Romulan TNG nacelle ( IE-TMP retextures)
5) A hybrid of known Romulan nacelle designs?
6) A brand new conept 

Let the discussion begin ............

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Re: OT: Thoughts on Late TMP-Early TNG Romulan nacelles
« Reply #1 on: December 17, 2007, 01:36:48 pm »
I say move to squarish Nacelles: I read somewhere that the TOS Romulan BOP warp engines may have been based on stolen Federation warp engine tech.

TMP FASA Trek Romulan Stormbird nacelles are rectangular as are the Winged Defender and variants...

The Sean Kennedy/Atolm TMP RBOP CA uses rectangular ones as well.

In my corner of the Trek Universe, the Romulans were much more advanced than the other TMP Empires realized and that became apparant later at Nerendra III...
« Last Edit: December 17, 2007, 03:31:53 pm by Klingon Fanatic »
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Re: OT: Thoughts on Late TMP-Early TNG Romulan nacelles
« Reply #2 on: December 17, 2007, 02:52:12 pm »
I went with Hybrid. I prefer gradual progression in designs so I imagine the Romulans as going from circular to oval shaped to rectangular and the nacelles getting shorter with each remake until you get the ugly little ones seen on the TNG Warbird.

Though the Romulans are a sneaky lot so I wouldn't lock in just one style as they've likely been spying on the other races and incorporating what they like from each into their designs. Romulans are probably the most diverse in designs of the major races because of espionage.
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Re: OT: Thoughts on Late TMP-Early TNG Romulan nacelles
« Reply #3 on: December 17, 2007, 05:35:22 pm »
Let the discussion begin ............

I went with similar to Federation design for a reason.. the TOS Rommie followed the same-ish design sort of lines as the TOS Constellation, and the shuttles on the ships in Trek have always taken cues for the engines on the shuttle from the main ship.  As things went from TOS to TMP, the engines went more rectangular on the Constellation and shuttles, and carried over to the TMP Klingons, so I'd follow that same line of reasoning to expand it to the TMP Romulans as well.

Just my two cents.. :)
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Re: OT: Thoughts on Late TMP-Early TNG Romulan nacelles
« Reply #4 on: December 18, 2007, 11:12:41 am »
Why not go with the FASA Romulan warp Nacelles used on some klingon ships which were visually different from the klingon ships

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Re: OT: Thoughts on Late TMP-Early TNG Romulan nacelles
« Reply #5 on: December 18, 2007, 11:20:18 am »
Why not go with the FASA Romulan warp Nacelles used on some klingon ships which were visually different from the klingon ships

1) Since the TOS Romulan BoP had nacelles similar to Federation ones, did their TMP ones follow suit ? Sorry should have used the word FASA in this question LOL. Because that what they remind me of.

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Re: OT: Thoughts on Late TMP-Early TNG Romulan nacelles
« Reply #6 on: December 18, 2007, 05:02:53 pm »
I'd have to say 'new concept' because we all know the Rommies spied on everyone, and stole tech from the Feddies as well as bought it outright from the Klinks so the interim designs (the unseen stuff) would prolly be a mix-mash of Fed/klink/ other race(stolen by their spies) as well as their own ideas (remember they're related to the Vulcans so they're extremely intelligent)... until they eventually aligned themselves with the federation (TNG era) and standardized their designs with everyone else.
« Last Edit: December 18, 2007, 05:14:36 pm by KBF K MalaK »
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Re: OT: Thoughts on Late TMP-Early TNG Romulan nacelles
« Reply #7 on: December 18, 2007, 11:57:42 pm »
It seems like every nacelle for every ship is different (even the same races ships) unless it's basically a bash of an earlier design. So, go with whatever you like for the design of the ship that you're working on.
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Re: OT: Thoughts on Late TMP-Early TNG Romulan nacelles
« Reply #8 on: December 19, 2007, 02:55:02 am »
It seems like every nacelle for every ship is different (even the same races ships) unless it's basically a bash of an earlier design. So, go with whatever you like for the design of the ship that you're working on.

Well Rod, I'm currently working on late TMP/early TNG era Roms or "Lost Era" stuff. The first concept is a 'What would a Rom refit of the D7A look like'. I want it to still retain a D7 overall styling look but more Romulan in appearance, but not yet TNG tech. this is what I came up with so far ........

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Re: OT: Thoughts on Late TMP-Early TNG Romulan nacelles
« Reply #9 on: December 19, 2007, 10:43:05 am »
im not sure if that class works as a rommie D7 refit. its kind of....well its SFC3's worst rommie design, which isnt really saying much as all of the rommie models for SFC3 sucked. When you get online get hold of me and we shall see what our collective insanity can come up with.

It's a WIP bro, and it's not the worst SFC3 rommie, that belongs to the U shaped heavy cruiser LOL. But back to subject...it's really the nacelles I wanted opinions on  ;)

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Re: OT: Thoughts on Late TMP-Early TNG Romulan nacelles
« Reply #10 on: December 19, 2007, 02:51:30 pm »
When you say refit, I'm assuming you mean taking an actual D7 and refiting it to this design? If so, then I'd say the main hull area needs to be more like a D7/K'tinga hull. Drop those wings down and thicken the center area. That would also give the boom a less droopy look. I've never seen this model before, but I'm guessing that the impulse reactors are on the bottom of the hull? The area that bulges down a bit? I'd try not to drop that down anymore while I was thickening the area above it. Might have to make that section thinner.
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Re: OT: Thoughts on Late TMP-Early TNG Romulan nacelles
« Reply #11 on: December 19, 2007, 11:40:37 pm »
Actually, I kinda liked most of the Rom ships in SFC3.  I don't know why so many people hated them.  I guess most of the Rom Artist on the board would rather a Romulan ship look like something out of Batman instead of TNG.   ::)
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Re: OT: Thoughts on Late TMP-Early TNG Romulan nacelles
« Reply #12 on: December 20, 2007, 03:12:39 am »
When you say refit, I'm assuming you mean taking an actual D7 and refiting it to this design? If so, then I'd say the main hull area needs to be more like a D7/K'tinga hull. Drop those wings down and thicken the center area. That would also give the boom a less droopy look. I've never seen this model before, but I'm guessing that the impulse reactors are on the bottom of the hull? The area that bulges down a bit? I'd try not to drop that down anymore while I was thickening the area above it. Might have to make that section thinner.

What I am trying to say Rod is this... The Romulans had D7's, based on that design, what might the romulans have done using the D7 as a basis for their own design moving into the 2300's. As for my idea..it started as the stock SFC III rom battlecruiser but as ya can see I've done a few things to it LOL.

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Re: OT: Thoughts on Late TMP-Early TNG Romulan nacelles
« Reply #13 on: February 15, 2008, 03:56:02 am »
I can understand some of the resistance to some of my designs. Though I am proud of my designs, even I will admit they are not very traditional...im trying to change that.

Let me post this...first, its my version of a D-7 refit...its only from the side, a picbash, but you get the idea.

Second is my "baby DDeridex" TNG era. See what you think and tell me if it looks more traditional.
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Re: OT: Thoughts on Late TMP-Early TNG Romulan nacelles
« Reply #14 on: February 15, 2008, 04:21:03 pm »
I'd say that the mid-TMP Era (2280s) Roms would come up with a new design of their own since they're already building a whole New Series of ships anyway. The new design would incorporate Klingon Graf and Federation and Gorn Warp technology. I'll go for them being Fed-esque, like squared off Constellation-style nacelles as per the nacelles seen on the SFC FireHawks.

Also remember that in the 2290s the Roms had the Melak class from 'New Worlds', which is basically a baby D'deridex-class Warbird down to it's nacelles.
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Re: OT: Thoughts on Late TMP-Early TNG Romulan nacelles
« Reply #15 on: February 16, 2008, 07:23:53 am »
Here's brad's FASA site check out the TMP designs the RoM Version of the D-7 has a different style of warp engine
and if I remember right so did the Miniature  ;D


Sorry about that I was still a little a sleep when I was putting the message together  ;D
« Last Edit: February 16, 2008, 01:31:18 pm by Bernard Guignard »

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Re: OT: Thoughts on Late TMP-Early TNG Romulan nacelles
« Reply #16 on: February 16, 2008, 12:51:00 pm »
I'm not sure i can contribute much here, but the Roms in the next Gen said they had been busy elsewhere during their quiet years.
To me, this always meant they were dealing with someone in the Beta Quadrant or perhaps the southern edge of the Delta.
So you could have a necelle design inspired by a race that has never been seen or mentioned on screen.

Though I see no reason why the Roms by TMP era would even need to use the designs of people they feel are inferior.
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