Topic: Star Wars  (Read 6242 times)

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Offline TAnimaL

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Re: Star Wars
« Reply #20 on: January 05, 2008, 02:44:43 pm »
R2-D2 is unique in the saga, as he was present for nearly all of it and retains all of his memories.
My son insists there's a line towards the end in Ep 3 where they say they're going to wipe R2 & 3PO's memories, and I think he's right. Guess I'll have to convince him to watch it again with me this weekend. Shouldn't be too hard ;)

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Re: Star Wars
« Reply #21 on: January 05, 2008, 02:49:13 pm »
I think the line is about the protocol droid ... poor Threepio ... lol!

Offline Don Karnage

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Re: Star Wars
« Reply #22 on: January 06, 2008, 12:02:04 pm »
here another starwars question: in episode 4 when dath vader was in orbit or near tattoine why did he not sence the presence of ben on the planet or why did ben did not sence vader presence?, in episode 6 when luc was near the 2nd death start he sence the presence of darthvader and vader did sence his presence, sure he was closer but still.    ::)

Offline I, Mudd.

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Re: Star Wars
« Reply #23 on: January 06, 2008, 12:52:57 pm »
Vader didn't sense Kenobi then because he was missing his mommy. No, seriously. Notice how physical and hands on he is in the first few scenes of Episode IV? After seeing the entire saga ... such behavior seems atypical for him. Why physically crush a windpipe when you could inspire even more fear using the force? Because he was extremely irritated being brought to that planet again by the chasing down the Tantive IV.

As far as Ben sensing Vader from orbit ... that seems a little beyond his capabilities. Luke was a vergence in the force, much like his father. But if Kenobi could sense his Old Apprentice, then it would explain why he was active enough in the Junland Wastes to locate Luke during the Sandpeople attack. I always thought it was too convienient Ben just happened along ...


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Re: Star Wars
« Reply #24 on: January 06, 2008, 04:40:00 pm »
It was suggested in one of the novels that the reason Obiwan and Yoda were not killed off by Vader is they chose areas that were strong in the darkside of the force to hide and that cloaked the two of them who were strong with the lightside.  It would have blinded them from "seeing" Vader just as it blinded him from "seeing" them.
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Re: Star Wars
« Reply #25 on: January 06, 2008, 05:20:05 pm »
It was suggested in one of the novels that the reason Obiwan and Yoda were not killed off by Vader is they chose areas that were strong in the darkside of the force to hide and that cloaked the two of them who were strong with the lightside.  It would have blinded them from "seeing" Vader just as it blinded him from "seeing" them.

will have to agree with that, also, in the Star Wars RPG, there is a force skill that lets you hide your presence from other force users.  In the RPG, the ability to sense another force user is an active thing.  You have to pay attention to it, it just doesn't pop out and say, here I am.
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Offline Commander Maxillius

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Re: Star Wars
« Reply #26 on: January 13, 2008, 09:16:54 am »
R2-D2 is unique in the saga, as he was present for nearly all of it and retains all of his memories.
My son insists there's a line towards the end in Ep 3 where they say they're going to wipe R2 & 3PO's memories, and I think he's right. Guess I'll have to convince him to watch it again with me this weekend. Shouldn't be too hard ;)

There is a part where Luke's uncle tells Luke to take them 3P0 and R2 to town to get wiped, but Luke never actually gets around to it.
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Offline Commander La'ra

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Re: Star Wars
« Reply #27 on: January 22, 2008, 01:52:47 pm »
Palpatine raped Shmi Skywalker with midichlorians (sp) to make Anakin  (remember that whole part about the dark side being able to create life and keep the ones you love from dying).

Possible, though I sort of got the idea is was his old master who started the chain of events in motion.  Palpatine prefers to let others take care of the heavy stuff.

Palpatine never lost an "onscreen" lightsaber duel.  Yeah, you might think he lost against Windu, but he didn't.  He "threw" the battle, so that when Anakin walked in, all anakin saw was a defenseless guy against Windu.

Nah.  Windu kicked his butt.  Palpatine is a schemer;  he doesn't place himself in a position where a guy could trip, fall, and kill him when the situation doesn't warrant it.  It didn't warrant it then;  he's got plenty of leverage on Anakin already via Padme.

This is an unpopular point of view among Dark Side fans, but Dark Side fans don't realize it makes Palpatine a better villain, if less of a bad ass.

Palpatine was the "apprentice" that killed Darth Plageus.  Check out Palpy's look when recounting that story to Anakin... he turns off, gets a distant look in his eye, cracks a smile, like he was remembering the good ole days.

Oh naturally.  See my idea about Shmi. 
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