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Topic: Cloverfield  (Read 1184 times)

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Offline Hexx

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« on: January 19, 2008, 02:20:10 pm »
Well saw this today. Wasn't bad.

Filmed very much in the style of Blair Witch- everything is done with a handcam (which must have the battery of the gods btw).
Opens with a surprise party for a guy- thought the opening took up too much time (I'm impatient though) before they get to the good stuff.

Monster atack was cool- the special effects are great (even when you're only seeing them with the handcam) and (imo) are worth seeing this movie for alone.

Basically (big) monster attacks New York, rampages around, also drops these smaller crab like beasties (heh) that run around attacking peple as well.
Opnes (as mentioned0 with a surprise party, then everyone hears about a supertanker overturning in the harbour, runs to the roof, Lady Liberty gets decapitated everyone starts running and the fun begins.
Of course the evacutaion couldn't be easy, bad things happen to the bridges, the group has to find anotehr way off the island.
Along the way they meet the crabs, someone gets bitten, (btw- never get bitten by an unknown monster in a horror flick, it doesn't matter how often you say you feel ok.
Bad things are going to happen to you) Get "rescued" by the army, leave the army's protection, run around, finally evacuate... and well, since the tape was recovered (as announced at the films start) in the "formerly known as central park) I'll let you decide if they make it.

Honestly not a bad movie, had a few qualms, but might just be because there were a bunch of young teens yelling in the theatre that got kinda annoying.
Some things that annoyed me?
~ Minor Spoilers~
~ The surprise party seemed to take to long, I'm in a 85 minute monster movie to see the attack, I don't care about the party.
~ While I didn't mind the "I'm filiming" part while people are running in general panic, the parts where the camera's held steady while the groups running for their lives from the monster is kinda annoying, as was the bits where they're trying to cross dangerous terrain, dude you're like 40 stories up, maybe use 2 hands to hold yourself?
~ If getting bitten is really that bad, do ya think maybe when they get to the evac post someone from the military might ask "hey how'd you get that massive bleeding wound?"
~ The beast paying attentipn to the group at the end seemed kinda odd- it'd be like me paying attention to a number of ants running around my feet. Squish them by accident? Sure. Deliberatly take time to attack them? Can't see it.

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Offline NJAntman

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Re: Cloverfield
« Reply #1 on: January 19, 2008, 09:57:21 pm »
Saw it a few hours ago and still have a quesy off balance feeling from all that jittery footage.

Liked it. Especially the non-standard ending. Some points I noticed:

Really, where can I get a cam-corder battery like that one!

What kind of camcorder has true night-vision capabilities like that?

Military sets up an HQ and these kids just walk in the back door?

The thing gave Huds an extreme close-up shot, did he die from halotosis because he seemed to be in one piece if it was chewing on him?
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