Topic: Star Wars  (Read 6238 times)

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Offline Don Karnage

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Star Wars
« on: December 16, 2007, 07:34:18 pm »
i was wondering something in the 6 star wars movies

1: in episode 1 c3po was build so he did not have plating on him
in episode 2 he was wearing Grey plating on him
in episode 3 he was wearing gold plating on him
but in episode 4 he's plating where a miss match in color (suppose to be kinda left from other protocol droids)

i know that episode 4 was make before episode 1-2 and 3, so you wonder what excuse is that he was not having a fully gold plating?

2: in episode 1 gwendo (i think) did not disappear when he die
in episode 2 when some of the jedi dies's there body (it seem so) did not disappear
in episode 3 when vader kill the young one (there not jedi or jedi padawan) their body did not disappear
in episode 4 obiwan's body disappear after he die
 in episode 6 yoda's body also disappear after he die
but vader or any's body did not disappear after he dye, why or why the other body did disappear when they die

3: in episode 6 luc ask leya about they're real mother, leya says she was young when she die, leya was a new born baby when she die, so how could she knew her mother but not him?

4: in episode 4 obiwan says to luc that his father wanted him to have his light saber, but in episode 3 he never sayd that to obiwan

Offline Hexx

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Re: Star Wars
« Reply #1 on: December 16, 2007, 08:09:49 pm »
Uhmm- well for the C3PO thng, like what 18-20 years have passed between episode 3 and 4?

The body fading thing is explained in the movies.

Leia may have assumed her adoptive mother was her real mother, and not known about Padme.

Obiwan lied- again explained in the movies.

Maybe if you watch them again...
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Offline knightstorm

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Re: Star Wars
« Reply #2 on: December 16, 2007, 08:30:04 pm »
another explanation is that the future story lines weren't completely fleshed out, and Lucas never bothered to avoid inconsistencies.

Offline KBF MalaK

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Re: Star Wars
« Reply #3 on: December 16, 2007, 09:50:44 pm »
In ep 4 when Obi-Wan's body disappears when he was struck down by Vader, it was planned as Qui-Gon discovered how to transport his physical body to another plane of existance and taught it to Yoda, who passed it down to Obi-Wan in the last scene of ep3. Yoda did this when his body died in ep5, though his 'essence' was virtually immortal as are all jedi.

And Hexx nailed the other question.

As for the light saber- Anakin wanted his son to have it (which is the truth from a certain point of view) but inconsistant blade colors still have me guessing (I know- it's all about the blue screen as they used a green screen in the later (earlier eps) films but as Anakins saber (Lukes) was a blue-green in ep4 Lucas really should have stuck with that color, but that particular color has no significance when you consider which order a jedi aligns himself with during his training (Guardian, Watchman, or (i forget the last))
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Re: Star Wars
« Reply #4 on: December 16, 2007, 11:04:07 pm »
Well here's what I think on Starwars...

Palpatine raped Shmi Skywalker with midichlorians (sp) to make Anakin  (remember that whole part about the dark side being able to create life and keep the ones you love from dying).

Palpatine never lost an "onscreen" lightsaber duel.  Yeah, you might think he lost against Windu, but he didn't.  He "threw" the battle, so that when Anakin walked in, all anakin saw was a defenseless guy against Windu.

Palpatine was the "apprentice" that killed Darth Plageus.  Check out Palpy's look when recounting that story to Anakin... he turns off, gets a distant look in his eye, cracks a smile, like he was remembering the good ole days. 

Also during the scene in the Senate Chambers where Palpy tells Anakin about the dark force sustaining life and creating it... I thought the light show being done was perfect... the whole light show looked like a bunch of sperm going into and out of female eggs.  Good symbolism for the discussion at hand.

Anyhow... onward and upward.
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Offline Don Karnage

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Re: Star Wars
« Reply #5 on: December 18, 2007, 04:59:15 pm »
in episode 4 R2D2 says that he belong to obiwan kenobi, but in episode 2 and 3 R2 was not with obiwan, it was R4 and R2 was with any in episode 3.

and R4 lost his head because of the buz droid, did he get a new head later because R4 have a copper head later or is another droid?

Offline Vipre

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Re: Star Wars
« Reply #6 on: December 18, 2007, 05:14:16 pm »
in episode 4 R2D2 says that he belong to obiwan kenobi, but in episode 2 and 3 R2 was not with Obiwan, it was R4 and R2 was with any in episode 3.
I've always thought Leia told R2 to claim Obiwan was his owner before recording her message to him. I assumed she figured anyone who found him would return him to Obiwan.
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Offline AcePylut

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Re: Star Wars
« Reply #7 on: December 19, 2007, 09:53:52 am »
I think that's more plausible... remember Obi-Wan in Ep4 saying "I don't recall ever owning a droid". 
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Offline Vipre

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Re: Star Wars
« Reply #8 on: December 19, 2007, 12:58:28 pm »
Have to remember that R2 lies a lot in Ep4. She could have just said "Find General Kenobi" and he made the rest up himself. Come to think of it that make more sense. R2 knew exactly where Obi-wan was, if they hadn't been captured by the jawas he would have went directly there. Once captured and sold he had to figure out a way to escape Luke's farm and finish the mission. The solution was lie and claim Obi-wan was his real owner.
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Offline TAnimaL

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Re: Star Wars
« Reply #9 on: December 20, 2007, 09:48:58 am »
I think that's more plausible... remember Obi-Wan in Ep4 saying "I don't recall ever owning a droid". 
you know, to me, there was something in ep 4 that Lucas was hinting at, but later dropped in the other movies, a sort of "droids racism" analogy. The way the bartender says "we don't serve their kind in here" - sounds very Jim Crow. When they hit town and Obi Wan tries to talk his way past the troopers he makes it a point to be slimey and say "they're for sale." To waayyy overanalyze a line written 25 years before the prequels, maybe ObiWan would never presume to "own" a sentient being, and he's generally polite when he asks R2 to power up this or that, but the rest of the galazy sees them as chattel.
on the other hand, anti-droid feelings might exist because of the Droid armies in the Clone wars.

and all this requires a LOT of foresight from Lucas, who was clearly just making it up as he went...

Offline KBF MalaK

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Re: Star Wars
« Reply #10 on: December 20, 2007, 10:47:22 am »
I think that's more plausible... remember Obi-Wan in Ep4 saying "I don't recall ever owning a droid". 

Obi-Wan prolly NEVER actually owned a droid- as his ships droids was 'issued to him' by the jedi council, and R2-D2 was owned by Padme (or again issued to her by her 'people' as was her ship).
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Offline Don Karnage

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Re: Star Wars
« Reply #11 on: December 20, 2007, 01:19:35 pm »
Have to remember that R2 lies a lot in Ep4. She could have just said "Find General Kenobi" and he made the rest up himself. Come to think of it that make more sense. R2 knew exactly where Obi-wan was, if they hadn't been captured by the jawas he would have went directly there. Once captured and sold he had to figure out a way to escape Luke's farm and finish the mission. The solution was lie and claim Obi-wan was his real owner.

Well that wont work, luc says to his uncle that the r2 unit seem to belong to a obiwan kenoby, his uncle says to get to the city and have they're memory erase because he buy them from the jawas who find R2 in the rockys.

so if found return to obiwan kenoby did not work.

what number where the other androids in episode 1 that get shot during the repair of padme ship?

in episode 4 han solo never heard of the force, chewbaca never says he have ether but in episode 3 chewbaca's people battle the droids army and chewy was with yoda, so he should know about the force no?

in episode 5 when yoda train luc he says the force is an energy that suround all life form, only in episode 1 that they ever mention mediclorian that are responsible for the force, in episode 3 yoda says to any to be happy if padme die because she will be part of the force (sure my girlfriend will die and i should be happy because she will be part of the force now) i found his answer a bit stupid like why don't you kill yourself since its seem good what will happend after you die.

Offline Vipre

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Re: Star Wars
« Reply #12 on: December 20, 2007, 02:04:05 pm »
Have to remember that R2 lies a lot in Ep4. She could have just said "Find General Kenobi" and he made the rest up himself. Come to think of it that make more sense. R2 knew exactly where Obi-wan was, if they hadn't been captured by the jawas he would have went directly there. Once captured and sold he had to figure out a way to escape Luke's farm and finish the mission. The solution was lie and claim Obi-wan was his real owner.

Well that wont work, luc says to his uncle that the r2 unit seem to belong to a obiwan kenoby, his uncle says to get to the city and have they're memory erase because he buy them from the jawas who find R2 in the rockys.

so if found return to obiwan kenoby did not work.

Doesn't change the answer to why R2 claims to be owned by Obi-wan. R2 tried lying and claiming Obi-wan was his owner in an attempt to get returned to him which didn't work and then R2 used Leia's recording to trick Luke into removing the restraining bolt so he could escape. Had the first lie worked he wouldn't have needed the second. The droid was lying, that's why their stories don't match.
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Offline KBF MalaK

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Re: Star Wars
« Reply #13 on: December 20, 2007, 04:01:12 pm »
maybe R2 didn't lie. Maybe C3PO didn't translate R2's statement correctly as he is fluent in over 3 million forms of communication and recognized the Ewoks language (in ep5) but says but he couldn't do an exact translation because the dialect was strange.
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Re: Star Wars
« Reply #14 on: December 20, 2007, 07:10:12 pm »
There are many types of C-series protocal droids.

Keep in mind, tattooine is considered the "boonies" of the SW galaxy, so often droids will take whatever replacement parts that are available.

Over the course of C-3PO's life, he's bound to have many replacement coverings installed on him -- especially in a harsh enviornment like tatooine.

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Re: Star Wars
« Reply #15 on: December 23, 2007, 05:13:58 pm »
Don I just remembered this, and you might get a kick out of it. Us old timers certainly remember it.

go to start/ run and type telnet

Enjoy Starwars.

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Offline Don Karnage

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Re: Star Wars
« Reply #16 on: December 23, 2007, 06:42:26 pm »
not working, keep in mind that right now m using win 98 on a pentium 3, next year i will getback my pentium 4 with win xp :)

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Re: Star Wars
« Reply #17 on: December 24, 2007, 12:23:05 pm »
in episode 4 Han solo never heard of the force, chewbaca never says he have ether but in episode 3 chewbaca's people battle the droids army and chewy was with yoda, so he should know about the force no?

No .... Han never said that. Luke assumed he didn't believe in the Force and Han skirted around the question, comparing it to a 'hokey old religion'.

As for Chewy, we only have Han's responces and reactions to really tell what he is saying ... and Han, being rather world weary and sarcastic, might not acknowledge or even understand everything the Wookiee has to say about the Force, even if he ever did speak of it. I tend to see Chewie to be rather tight lipped about such personal matters, even toward Han, especially considering his own beliefs, which I'm sure he was relatively vocal about .... It's really difficult to say what Chewbacca's views are, but he does seem a bit more stoic and honor bound than Solo ... at least in Episode 4.

It is noteworthy to point out that the aging Jedi, Obi-Wan appears to be slightly more than a casual acquaintance to the Wookiee in Mos Eisley ... He strolls right up to Chewie and begins discussing terms of their mission to Alderaan. This struck me odd, even in the 70s ... the old guy seems to have no fear in approaching a fierce alien with a reputation for violence, as was revealed by Solo just a bit later and as was demonstrated on the Death Star.

In Episode 3, we understand why, because of the struggle on Kashyyyk, where Yoda commanded the armed resistance. Furthermore, Chewie in particular aided Yoda in his escape from the world ... considering that Yoda had further teaching for Obi Wan in his exile to Tatooine in the form of merging with the living Force (as he was to learn from Qui Gon Jinn from the beyond ...), it is quite possible Yoda also told Obi Wan to seek out Chewbacca for assistance as a being who could be trusted during the time of darkness ... That is speculation, of course.

R2-D2 is unique in the saga, as he was present for nearly all of it and retains all of his memories. However, we are also given the impression that even though he is generally cheerful and helpful, he also has a rather crude, smartass, and cantankerous disposition at times. Because his memory banks have never been reset to their default settings, he has developed a complete personality; much like we see happening to Threepio through episodes 4-6 - he, who started as an interpreter and not very good at telling stories to a creative yarn spinner - complete with sound effects and gestures - as he recounts  their story to the Ewok tribe on Endor.

Because we must view Artoo as a fully developed personality, he is, in effect a living being, capable of creativity and deception. This is why I think Artoo has such a special place among the Rebel Alliance, not just because he once carried the Death Star data tapes. The Alliance personell don't seem to treat him as just another droid, even though he can play that part very well ... Those who know the droid realize he is more than he seems.

Therefore, yes, Artoo would lie to complete his mission ... but even more so, lure Luke to Obi Wan as well. Artoo had to completely recognize where he was and who his new master was on Tatooine. He would realize the boy's importance to Obi Wan, even if he didn't truly understand the Force.

In a lot of ways, Artoo De-too may have been the single most important secret operative the Rebel Alliance ever had, whether they knew it or not.



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Re: Star Wars
« Reply #18 on: January 04, 2008, 01:14:54 am »
in episode 4 R2D2 says that he belong to obiwan kenobi, but in episode 2 and 3 R2 was not with obiwan, it was R4 and R2 was with any in episode 3.

and R4 lost his head because of the buz droid, did he get a new head later because R4 have a copper head later or is another droid?

The droid on a Jedi fighter are custom built in droids.  So it is a part of the fighter itself.  Ani flew a modified Jedi craft so he could use R2 in it.
The basic thought was the ship was left out and any Jedi could use them.  But with custom parts it was less a target of theft as you couldn't sell it whole (who would buy a hot Jedi craft) and if you scrap it, the parts are still custom and only work on a Jedi craft.  Thus it was safe to leave unattended.  (at least according to the Star Wars RPG information)
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Offline Don Karnage

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Re: Star Wars
« Reply #19 on: January 05, 2008, 06:50:50 am »
give the fighter to a fereinge, they will find a way to use it :)

they did try to get their hands on borg nano probe in voyager, so it might be easy for them to sell parts of a jedi fighter or a full fighter.

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Re: Star Wars
« Reply #20 on: January 05, 2008, 02:44:43 pm »
R2-D2 is unique in the saga, as he was present for nearly all of it and retains all of his memories.
My son insists there's a line towards the end in Ep 3 where they say they're going to wipe R2 & 3PO's memories, and I think he's right. Guess I'll have to convince him to watch it again with me this weekend. Shouldn't be too hard ;)

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Re: Star Wars
« Reply #21 on: January 05, 2008, 02:49:13 pm »
I think the line is about the protocol droid ... poor Threepio ... lol!

Offline Don Karnage

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Re: Star Wars
« Reply #22 on: January 06, 2008, 12:02:04 pm »
here another starwars question: in episode 4 when dath vader was in orbit or near tattoine why did he not sence the presence of ben on the planet or why did ben did not sence vader presence?, in episode 6 when luc was near the 2nd death start he sence the presence of darthvader and vader did sence his presence, sure he was closer but still.    ::)

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Re: Star Wars
« Reply #23 on: January 06, 2008, 12:52:57 pm »
Vader didn't sense Kenobi then because he was missing his mommy. No, seriously. Notice how physical and hands on he is in the first few scenes of Episode IV? After seeing the entire saga ... such behavior seems atypical for him. Why physically crush a windpipe when you could inspire even more fear using the force? Because he was extremely irritated being brought to that planet again by the chasing down the Tantive IV.

As far as Ben sensing Vader from orbit ... that seems a little beyond his capabilities. Luke was a vergence in the force, much like his father. But if Kenobi could sense his Old Apprentice, then it would explain why he was active enough in the Junland Wastes to locate Luke during the Sandpeople attack. I always thought it was too convienient Ben just happened along ...


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Re: Star Wars
« Reply #24 on: January 06, 2008, 04:40:00 pm »
It was suggested in one of the novels that the reason Obiwan and Yoda were not killed off by Vader is they chose areas that were strong in the darkside of the force to hide and that cloaked the two of them who were strong with the lightside.  It would have blinded them from "seeing" Vader just as it blinded him from "seeing" them.
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Re: Star Wars
« Reply #25 on: January 06, 2008, 05:20:05 pm »
It was suggested in one of the novels that the reason Obiwan and Yoda were not killed off by Vader is they chose areas that were strong in the darkside of the force to hide and that cloaked the two of them who were strong with the lightside.  It would have blinded them from "seeing" Vader just as it blinded him from "seeing" them.

will have to agree with that, also, in the Star Wars RPG, there is a force skill that lets you hide your presence from other force users.  In the RPG, the ability to sense another force user is an active thing.  You have to pay attention to it, it just doesn't pop out and say, here I am.
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Re: Star Wars
« Reply #26 on: January 13, 2008, 09:16:54 am »
R2-D2 is unique in the saga, as he was present for nearly all of it and retains all of his memories.
My son insists there's a line towards the end in Ep 3 where they say they're going to wipe R2 & 3PO's memories, and I think he's right. Guess I'll have to convince him to watch it again with me this weekend. Shouldn't be too hard ;)

There is a part where Luke's uncle tells Luke to take them 3P0 and R2 to town to get wiped, but Luke never actually gets around to it.
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Re: Star Wars
« Reply #27 on: January 22, 2008, 01:52:47 pm »
Palpatine raped Shmi Skywalker with midichlorians (sp) to make Anakin  (remember that whole part about the dark side being able to create life and keep the ones you love from dying).

Possible, though I sort of got the idea is was his old master who started the chain of events in motion.  Palpatine prefers to let others take care of the heavy stuff.

Palpatine never lost an "onscreen" lightsaber duel.  Yeah, you might think he lost against Windu, but he didn't.  He "threw" the battle, so that when Anakin walked in, all anakin saw was a defenseless guy against Windu.

Nah.  Windu kicked his butt.  Palpatine is a schemer;  he doesn't place himself in a position where a guy could trip, fall, and kill him when the situation doesn't warrant it.  It didn't warrant it then;  he's got plenty of leverage on Anakin already via Padme.

This is an unpopular point of view among Dark Side fans, but Dark Side fans don't realize it makes Palpatine a better villain, if less of a bad ass.

Palpatine was the "apprentice" that killed Darth Plageus.  Check out Palpy's look when recounting that story to Anakin... he turns off, gets a distant look in his eye, cracks a smile, like he was remembering the good ole days.

Oh naturally.  See my idea about Shmi. 
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