We run campaigns here, so anything that can deliver troops to a planet effieciently is always welcome in our branch of the Klingon Empire!!

If we manage to make it close enough to make one orbit of a planet with one of Atra's N6 or T7 or a D5G or D5H in a campaign game scenario, we could that as a clean pod seperation and landing. This might make for a good rule for all scenarios where players want to determine what defines a pod speration and landing in SFC. It gives the enemy time to prevent the attempt.
The campaign computer does the number crunching in rather the same way as ground actions were reduced to dies roles in SFB either during or aftre a mission.
As with all groud wars, the more you can deliver, the better the odds are for success!!

You can only gain system space domination with star ships, it takes armies to capture and occupy a large inhabited world.
We have towed detached pods close to an objective and left them to make an orbit on Impulse Power whilst the tug took part in the battle. That's as near to pod seperation that we could simulate.
In our last campaign the Lyrans made extensive use of the damned (Kliingon player typing this) scout cruiser and troop pallet for hit and run raids. Under our camapign system, scouts and scout cruisers in particular have an abilty to see patrols before they are seen and can mask they're Warp signatures. In the Lyran scout cruiser instance, this made it the perfect raider, being also able to carry a troop pallet. They were always more than a match for PFs, gunboats and skiffs valiantly attempting to defend an instalation, etc.
We ended up diverting more and more needed at the front cruisers to hunt the things down, and there were dozens of them performing hit and run raids behind our front lines. In that campaign tactical sense, they fulfilled two missions, in that they crippled our war effort and weakened our front line cruiser force.
You'd have to be involve in a campaign to understand what a damned effective nuisance the brilliant Lyran scout cruiser really is.
So long as its cheaper on BPV or more effective than a N6 or T7 inthe same role, we won't say no to any troop pod lander here, especially Klingon.

As we're in the process of avoiding loosing a campaign against the Kzinti, three of us in the campaign aren't so welcoming of any Kzinti troop carriers

as they're doing enough damage with the LTT and tugs that they already have.
I'm knd of honour bound to let the other side have any ships that they or I turn up that are Kzinti into the campaign. Needless to say, whoever it was who modelled the Kzinti SCS and SSCS, we are not very happy with you!!

At the opposite end of the Kzinti warship scale is the frigate. Efectiveness in combat against any other race frigate....

A new Kzinti frigate might be an idea but not yet as we like the existing one.