Looks like it's connected to your Internet web explorer and yes, it could very well be that very program if you've caught one of their trojans that target that program. It could be a java or other program hidden in you programs or temporary internet cache. One of the sneakiest ones I ever found would not be able to be discovered today that easily. It was a program that was hidden inside another javascript type program hidden in a hidden folder in the Temporary internet cache. The catch was that it wouldn't delete or empty out when you emptied everything out of the Temporary Internet folder and since it was hidden most people might not even realize it was there.
I discovered it via root directories, followed it via that way (it didn't show up on processes), until I tracked it down via the explorer ways via Win ME (Win XP doesn't seem to allow me to get deeper than a certain level, even with admin rights...unless I hack it) and then unhid the folder, made it so that it allowed itself to be deleted (I think up until I changed it it was read only), and then deleted it.
It was one heck of a sneaky program...and that was a few years ago. Certain they've made improvements on that type of stuff since then. So it could actually be your browsers themselves with an imbedded program, but impossible to tell since I'm not looking at the computer itself.