Edit which brings me to my fav quote: Did the chicken simply cross over the road or did the road merely pass under the chicken?
That depends on which direction and speed the mass the road is on is rotating in space, and which direction and speed the chicken is moving.

It also depends on whether you're smoking Christmas Tree, Black Gunjee, or Maui Wowie.
Maybe, to make reversing costly, it could cause damage to the ship. The OP manual mentions that manoeuvres like high energy turns and all stop are stressful on the structure and engines--hence breaking down on HETs. Why not penalize the reversing player with some hull damage or possibly some loss of engine power? To me at least, that would sort of fit in with what I've seen in TOS.
Captain: Full reverse! All engines astern! Emergency power to the engines!!
[Cue sharply decreasing engine howl. Bridge crew is slammed about the bridge. Cue sharply increasing engine howl.]
Chief Engineer: Captain, the engines can't take this kind of stress for long!
[CUT TO: Security Chief]
Security Chief Beeblebrox swiftly unholsters disruptor and vaporizes the whining Chief Engineer.
While I'm here I have a couple of questions. What is a narrow salvo? I know what each individual word means but I'm unclear on what they mean in this particular combination. In OP, do the starships engage at impulse or at warp? I ask for two reasons: 1. Unless phasers move faster than light they're essentially useless at warp speeds. 2. When you cross the map border one of your officers tells you that you're going to warp speed.