Topic: Adonis' Oberth Class Science Vessel Pack RELEASED !!!!!  (Read 1418 times)

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Adonis' Oberth Class Science Vessel Pack RELEASED !!!!!
« on: November 29, 2007, 03:20:37 am »
AdOberth Class Science Vessel Pack

Owner: United Federation of Planets
Class: Medium Ship
Availability: Unlimited Deployment
In Service: 2243
Out of Service: n/a
Source Star Trek III: The Search for Spock
The Oberth-class was a type of small Federation starship used as a scout, science vessel, and transport by Starfleet and civilian scientists alike, from the mid-23rd to the late-24th century.
In service during the 2280s, the Oberth-class was designed and used almost exclusively for the study of astronomical phenomena, including data gathering missions on stars and planets.
By the late 2360s, these vessels served various roles in limited capacities, such as transports and supply ships.
They would be slowly phased out in the 2370s following the introduction of the more advanced Nova-class science vessel.
Despite its limited defenses, the Oberth-class starship was a highly valuable and adaptable class of vessel to the United Federation of Planets; it fulfilled a role that followed up on discoveries made by, and freeing up the resources of, the capital ships of the fleet.
In overall size, the Oberth-class is among the smallest long-range starships in the fleet.
The outboard plan of the Oberth's design incorporates a unique split hull design, with an upper primary hull that is composed mainly of the saucer section, which is mounted onto a rear extension that mounts the impulse drive, and warp drive nacelles to either side to the saucer.
The secondary hull is connected to the primary hull at the nacelles by reinforced pylons.
The secondary hull itself has a oblong shape.
The Oberth class are armed.
The exact number and type of weapons is unknown, but they are fitted with at least one phaser.
An unnamed Oberth-class ship at the battle with the Borg Cube on "First Contact" is seen firing phaser weaponry.
Also, the USS Pegasus was said to have been refit with experimental weapons prior to its loss.
Furthermore, the presence of one of these ships at the Battle of Wolf 359, as well as the fact that even medical ships such as the USS Pasteur and the supply vessel USS Lantree had at least minimal armaments suggest that they had SOME offensive capacity.
Some Oberth-class starships, such as the USS Pegasus served as prototype for testing advanced starship technologies.
The Pegasus was outfitted with an experimental engine and new weapon systems, some of which were used in the designs for Galaxy-class starships.
In addition to this, the Pegasus was the prototype for a Federation cloaking device. (TNG: "The Pegasus")
An Oberth-class ship had an standard crew complement of approximately eighty, but was capable of operating with a crew of as few as five to seven.

* Included in this pack:
USS Oberth (NCC-602) (prototype)
USS Grissom (NCC-638)
USS Coppernicus
USS Yosemite (NCC-19002)
USS Raman (NCC-29487)
USS Bonestell
USS Biko
USS Pegasus (NCC-53847)
SS Tsiolkovsky (NCC-53911)
USS Cochrane (NCC-59318)
SS Vico (NAR-18834)
Design: David Carson and built at ILM
Port: ModelsPlease
HP/DP and Scale: ModelsPlease,8101f14d66f8f7647e9c24be553883ca.rar

Enjoy !!!

ModelsPlease, resident "Model Junkie" recovering from a tragic crayon sharpener accident.