Here ya go ..................
Hammer Of Thor Class Assault Destroyer
Originally this class of vessel was used primarily as a heavy boarding craft due to the ram and exit appeture on the front of the vessels hull.
With this it could fire its powerful primary thrusters and smash through the side of much larger capital ships.
During the early stages of the Andromedian War, the Earth Alliance placed this class into a much less unique role.
After replacing the exit appeture with a heavy proton canon, the front ram was heavily reinforced and has enhanced shielding to deflect up to 95% of incomming enemy fire.
The weapons have been highly upgraded and the engines have also been enhanced.,898693c1736b9aa685b53c799671fb90.rar Tigon Class Battleship 
This front line vessel carries far more firepower and shielding than any other ship in the Earth Alliance fleet.
Its twin pulse canons mounted in the nose can tear through an enemy vessels hull in seconds.
It also carries many anti fighter turret canons whcih can auto track enemy fighters with relative ease.,1ae9330d2659d861c318efe8ae752d3b.rarZhelom Class Super Carrier 
Although there are not many of these gargantuan ships in the Earth Alliance fleet, they perform a unique and necessary service.
Each vessel acts as both a mobile city ship and heavy carrier.
Each ship, whilst not being well armed, they do carry very heavy shielding.
As well as this shielding each ship carries hundreds of squadrons of fighters and also a single pair of Recon Class Heavy Cruisers whcih are deployed from arms on each side of the main hangar section.,234957a914c3684af1dba26d8dd1320d.rarEnjoy !!!!