Well, Its been a hell of a ride the last couple years. A whole hell of a lot has gone on.
I figured I needed something to get myself straighted up a little, something to set my mind on and stuff. I had so much drama in my life about 3 years ago it was driving me insane. I had friends of 14 years, people I considered family stab me in the back, all of them in one fell swoop which kinda screwed me up. I ended up dropping down to 145lbs and at 6'2" losing 35-40lbs in the course of a 2 or 3 months was not good. I was barely sleeping and working 70-80 hour work weeks. Long story short, my GF cheated on me with my roomie, someone I considered a brother, all my friends knew about it and not a single one told me, I had to walk in on it and find out the hard way.
I ended up moving out of town with someone I barely knew while I saved up some cash for a place of my own. Since my car was pretty much torn up and drenched in brake fluid from being stolen, I got rid of it and picked up a newer one. At that time I decided I need a hobby and took up racing the car. Some might say that was a stupid thing to do, since at the time I didnt know crap about cars, I could barely change a tire. Since then, I have switched it over from a automatic to a 5 speed and am currently completing my very first engine build. Ill post some pictures at the bottom.
I ended up quitting my job shortly after getting my place and the car, I just could not handle the 70-80 hour work weeks. I took a week off to sleep, I think thats all I did besides throw up because of quitting the job and not having much saved up after all the down payments etc. Luckly I got a new job, which I am still at, within 2 hours of searching. I was doing construction at the company for a while but now they have opened up a new sister company and I am the warehouse supervisor which is a much better job. I still put in a lot of hours but 55-60 hours a week aint nothing and honestly, it keeps me busy.
I did end up going to the hospital a couple times in the last 6 months, once for kidney stones and another time for a refractured jaw which was caused by a tool falling off the top of the engine and into my face, below the engine. I currently have about $10,000 worth of medical bills to pay off which isnt all that great but I can manage. Financially I am doing alright for CA living costs.
Other than that, it has not been much going on the last couple years, when I am not at work, I am in the garage working on the car, getting it ready for January and the start of the new race season. Last season ended early when my turbo took a crap, my clutch took a crap and a broke an axle all at the same time. That happed last July and the car has pretty much been down since. I figured it was time to put in everything I could new. The car is not done, it should be tomorrow if the wind doesnt pick up.
I am looking at approx 500-550hp out of this 4 cylinder engine. I was pushing my old engine at 450hp to the wheels, about 550 to the crank on a stock 132,000 block which is quite a feat as the stock engine only came with about 180hp to the wheels, 210 to the crank
Video: In this video, my axle broke and my clutch was slipping/turbo was dying quick
racing a friends 400hp evo
The car pretty much stock
Stock engine bay
What the car looks like currently