I had a go at creating a "Captor Mine" in SFC 1 today.
I used the XMN.MOD mine model from the game and gave the thing 1 x Tractor, 6 x APR, 20 x Armour (as shields would make it show up!!
), Sensors = 1, Scanners = 1, move cost 2 and turn circle H.
I then gnereated a scenario, using FMSE and tried it out.
Now you'd think that the bloody thing would tractor my ship (or an allied AI freighter) I sent into range of it.
Like bloody hell it didn't.
It's amazing that if it was an Orion Pirate it would tractor my ship or the AI ship, once I'd shot off the other weapon systems.
Give a game piece nothing but a tractor and all the power it needs to run it and it can't do the bleeding obvious, which is to tractor and hold a ship in place until help arrives or it is destroyed.
I made the mine's explosive value 200 so that blasting the thing to atoms by a ensnared ships is not a good idea.
I'm also toying with the idea of an Orion Pirate "Snare" device that'll hold a victim still so that hidden raiders can move in and capture it.
The idea is that you seed an asteroid belt with a few of these, using the FMSE scenario scenario script writer, hide and wait for something to be caught up. As the AI programming allows AI ships to be triggered if something in their side is fired at, the Pirate should automatically show up should a mine receive fire.
Needless to say, with the "Captor Mine" and "Snare Mine" both having 5 maximum tractor value, anything weaker than a warship will have problems breaking free and may have to resort to blasting away.
Up until then, I first have to figure why the mine doesn't want to tractor when all it has is a tractor and lots of power for it.
So basically the weapons are as follows:
Captor Mine: A very large Tri-Lithium charge (explosion value 200) with a gravity anchor and high powered tractor beam. It holds its victim until help arrives or the victim fires at the mine, destorying both the mine and the victim in the subsequennt blast.
Snare Mine: A device used by Orion Pirates to trap some of the faster freighters. Has a gravity anchor and high powered tractor beam. Holds a victim and allows Pirate vessels to surround and capture the victim.