Topic: StarFleet Comms is back  (Read 1544 times)

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Offline Max Torps

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StarFleet Comms is back
« on: November 17, 2007, 05:23:49 pm »
SFC is back! After 4 years, leveling up a load of characters in various games and a battle to regain the domain from a cybersquatter, StarFleet Comms is back and we'll be bigger and better than ever before.
We provided a safe haven of forums for many fleets that played Starfleet Command, right up until SFC3 was launched. It was then that we decided to take a break. In the days before web2.0 it was extremely hard work providing forums for thousands of players! Not many realised but a lot of the site was hand coded. Looking back it seems pretty obvious, go figure.
The game community for SFC2 was quite small in comparison to EVE but we had over 3000 forum members with 47 different fleet forums, 2000 free email members and also ran a series of 'galaxy servers'.
Admiral Frey and his team have saved the SFC community from extinction by providing servers and other services to keep the community going since Taldren folded over at and SghnDubh over at has been going onwards and upwards, supporting more games than you can shake a stick at. My only regret is taking the time out...ah well.
Anyway, we had a break. We dabbled with other projects and played around with a few things, eventually returning to Internet Spaceships and pew pew as a way of life. No more dorfs in loincloths, no more plus 10 wisdom. We are talking frickin' laser beams, masers, torpedoes and scrammers. We're primarily talking EVE Online but we're also looking at other games,...only if they have the dynamism that EVE has or the pew pew that it shares with StarFleet Command.
"So what makes this site so special? Why can't I achieve what I want at another site?", I hear you cry above the roar of the tumbleweed.
You are in charge. Not me. Not some corporate entity. You.
You create your Group/Fleet/Corp/Whatever. It gets an initial forum, you can even add more. Only you and your mates can see what's there, you can make it as private as you wish. You may not know me but I was considered trustworthy and still consider myself the same. My sites reputation and therefore success depends on it.
You could be a bunch of mates spanning the galaxy in all sorts of corps. You could all be in one corp. You can all meet there.
We are pleased to announce unlimited forums and "groups" for CEO's, fleetmates and friends spread amongst fleets and alliances or even games. With this site you can create or join your own "groups" with their own forums. Free. Try it out. The possibilities are staggering. That's just the beginning. The end is nowhere in sight.
Grab your free account now. Begin the journey. But never forget your roots.

And also, if this conflicts with what Frey provides, please stick with his services as I'm unsure if it will or not. Anyway, I'll pull the post if required.

Offline Mog

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Re: StarFleet Comms is back
« Reply #1 on: November 19, 2007, 06:38:21 am »
Nice to see you back :)
Merriment is All

Fear the Meow!

Offline Max Torps

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Re: StarFleet Comms is back
« Reply #2 on: November 19, 2007, 04:00:31 pm »
Cheers Mog. How's things?

Offline KBF-Kurok

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Re: StarFleet Comms is back
« Reply #3 on: November 19, 2007, 05:02:27 pm »