Topic: =/\= new trek movie plot revealed!  (Read 2355 times)

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Offline stoneyface

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=/\= new trek movie plot revealed!
« on: November 12, 2007, 03:00:49 pm »
i have the scoop for you loyal readers!

here's the link:


..."We’ve got two different sources on this one. These are the same sources that gave us the intel on Karl Urban cast as Bones and Chris Hemsworth joining on. Now, they have both given us some very juicy tidbits on how this whole time travel/alternate timeline is going down"...

stoney's note: timetravel? ugh!  ::)
BlackOps agent for XenoCorp...

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Offline Starkiller

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Re: =/\= new trek movie plot revealed!
« Reply #1 on: November 12, 2007, 08:16:32 pm »
For a planet that has been labeled FORBIDDEN (as in visit and you die) the Rommies getting access to the guardian is almost as laughable as the chinese popping a sub up in the middle of US tactical excersises.  Ooof.

BlackOps would NEVER have allowed this.  Stoney... you are slacking :)

Fortunately, the Roms could never get along long enough to do any damage, this should all work out fine.

Offline doctor

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Re: =/\= new trek movie plot revealed!
« Reply #2 on: November 12, 2007, 08:32:21 pm »
Personal cloaking devices like the jem'hadar? Maybe that would slip them past guards and into the guardian.

Offline Starkiller

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Re: =/\= new trek movie plot revealed!
« Reply #3 on: November 13, 2007, 11:58:05 pm »
The Romulans and a personal cloaking device = backstab'o'rama.  Would be fun to watch, except its all cloaked and all... "I'm the Emporor!" "No!" STAB "I'm The Emperor!" "No!" STAB and so on and so on...

Honestly, you want to make a million trekkies shiznit in their pants... (Uhura back in the day flashing Spock during an away mission shiznitting mind you) Have a Tholian Carrier unleash it's fighters against a Fed Dread... or even... better... A Kzin Strike Cruiser unleasing a full Alpha Drone Strike against a Chandley Class Frigate, and the frigate does the drone shuttle 'flower' back at them after picking off the drones with a volley of phaser IIIs.  THAT would make a good movie.