Topic: Model.siz SFC3 Question/Help  (Read 2359 times)

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Model.siz SFC3 Question/Help
« on: November 02, 2007, 10:42:50 am »
Okay, I am a littlel late to the game, but I have been playing around with adding new models to my SFC3.  I have managed to get everything to work fine, but am having trouble resizing the models for the game.  I am a stickler for correct scale, and some of the models I am using need to be readjusted.

I found the post below from Victory below, and tried that.  I get the model.siz file written, and can change the numbers in the file for the models that needed resizing.  I then change the SFC.INI file writeoutmodelsizfile to 0; if I leave it at 1, it just overwrites the numbers I changed.  But when I run SFC3, none of the models have changed in size (my Interdictor cruiser is still larger than my Imperial Star Destroyer).  Is there another step I need to use to make SFC3 recognize the model.siz file?

Thank you.

it's not a seperate program, Taldren actually scripted it into the game itself, you just gotta know how to unlock it. Here's the instructions:

Open the SFC.INI file in the main SFC3 directory.

Add the line writeoutmodelsizfile=1 in the file, in the section labled [3D]

Remove any models from the models folder that you do not wish to size IE Planets, Stock ships.....

Start up your game and go into Single Player Skirmish

When you click on "Start Single Player" button, your game will hesitate. Depending on the speed of you computer and the number of files you have in the models folder, it could take anywhere from a few seconds to a couple of minutes. You game will act locked up, but it's not. Don't close it or it won't work. When the screen changes to the Mission Selector screen, just back out and exit the game. Go to the Models folder in your game, and you'll see a file called Model.siz Open that file in notepad and it'll have every model listed that was in the folder followed by it's size. For whatever reason, it puts decimal points in. The size of 7.78 in the file will be 778 in the DefaultCore. Put the size value in the last column of numbers for the ship(s) you wanted to size, and there ya go. It will size the shields to the proper fit around the ship, and it will adjust the zoom so you can see where you are flying as well.

**Please Note: If you get an error report durring the writing process, when the game is locked up, Don't panic. If you have too many ships in the Models folder, it can't handle it. Just take the file you get, copy it out and rename it. Find out where it left off and remove the files it already sized. It lists the ships in alphabetical order by the name of the folder. Just find out which ship it stopped on and remove all folders before that and run again.

***After you run the program, you can switch the 1 to a 0 on the line you added. That way you'll still have the line if you need it and won't have to go searching for this post. Just switch it back to a 1 to work (0 is turned off, duh)


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Re: Model.siz SFC3 Question/Help
« Reply #1 on: November 02, 2007, 01:34:15 pm »
I think that in SFC3 Models.siz only effects shield size and camera zoom for each ship. I don't think that it changes the actual model. To do that, you will need to use a 3D program like Milkshape or Max

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Re: Model.siz SFC3 Question/Help
« Reply #2 on: November 02, 2007, 01:55:43 pm »
I think that in SFC3 Models.siz only effects shield size and camera zoom for each ship. I don't think that it changes the actual model. To do that, you will need to use a 3D program like Milkshape or Max

I believe thats correct. That size file was released in one of the patches for SFC2. I'd be willing to resize a couple of your ships if you want. No more than a couple though as I have to re-image my hard drive to use Milkshape as I am having problems when both Milk and my IP software are installed on the same machine. I can't leave my computer configured that way for too long, other wise I can't go online.  So give me a message, if you'd like and I' give you an email address where to upload them to. The files need to under 1MB, also I would only need the mod file and no textures.

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Re: Model.siz SFC3 Question/Help
« Reply #3 on: November 02, 2007, 05:18:20 pm »
I guess it's time to buckle down and start with the modelling software; I'd rather learn how to do it myself.  Thank you for the offer, though.


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Re: Model.siz SFC3 Question/Help
« Reply #4 on: November 03, 2007, 05:11:41 pm »
It is really really easy with Milkshape. If you have the AssimSoft plugins, you just type in the length (in meters) that you want the ship and it will size the mesh, hardpoints, and all.


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Re: Model.siz SFC3 Question/Help
« Reply #5 on: November 04, 2007, 09:10:08 am »
Beware that Milkshape cannot save *_brk.mod properly. You need to do that with 3ds max.

The way SFC3 handles break models is different to SFC1/2/OP. If the size of normal model and break model is different, you will see very weird things when a ship is going to explode. :P