Topic: D.Net needs your help !  (Read 2348 times)

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Offline FA Frey XC

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D.Net needs your help !
« on: September 10, 2007, 01:44:12 pm »
Hello all,

As many of you probably know, I'm a pretty giving guy. I have a pretty healthy respect for life - all forms of it (except for damned mosquitoes!), and as such I was given an opportunity a month and a half ago to try and rescue a stray dog that decided to take up residence on our porch.

That attempt went horribly wrong, and there's a thread in Hot & Spicy regarding it.

Well, it appears we've been given another chance. Just about a week ago, ANOTHER stray seemed to decide that the tree in our front yard was a perfect place to try and get away from whatever she was running from. After two days, we decided to go ahead and take her in, get her checked out, and try to find a home for her OURSELVES.

Here's her stats:

Name : Abby (this is the name we've given her, but she's smart as hell, and has already learned it)
Sex: Female (appears to have been spayed)
Breed : Rottweiller / German Shepherd
Age : Approx 3-4 years old
Weight : About 64 pounds when we took her to our vet, but she's gaining weight now as she's eating and .. well, keep reading.

We took her to our family vet, and paid for (to the tune of $210) a complete examination, blood work, etc. The results were not good, but not bad either:

1.) She had hook worms, which have been taken care of, so she's now gaining back weight and is much more active than when we first rescued her.

2.) She has heart worms, which haven't been taken care of yet. It's not a "bad" infestation according to our Vet, but everyone knows Heartworms are a terminal thing for dogs, and it's somewhat expensive to treat.

3.) Her blood work is great, in fact, our Vet was quite surprised at just how great considering by his estimate she'd been on the streets for a good 3-4 days.

Here's where you can come in and help :

We'd like to run a small donation drive to get the money to treat her Heartworms. No-Kill shelters won't accept animals with heartworms, because it's too expensive for them to treat it, so if we tried to give her to a shelter, she'd just be put to sleep.

I've got the actual treatment program from the doctor, and I'm planning on scanning it so everyone can see just what their money would be going for. Please... PLEASE, people, help us out here. We need around $500, but not all at once. Her first treatment will cost $55, but 2 weeks after that she has to go back for another treatment ($155) and then the big un where she'd be in the Vet's hospital for 48 hours and a injection to kill the adult heartworms (to the tune of $210), then 2 weeks after that another $55 visit, and 2 weeks after she's re-tested for heartworms.

Our Vet said he's never seen a animal treated with this regime not showing up negative on the first re-test.

So help us out, and save a life! Donate HERE

Thanks so much, and I appreciate your donations! Addy does too!

Here's some pics of her when she was at the Vet's:



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Re: D.Net needs your help !
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2007, 05:35:44 pm »
Of course you got my support Frey.

Fellow D.neters, this is a wonderfull chance to help out a fellow friend, and an animal at the same time. If we all pitched in about 5 bucks, we can have Abby on the train to a good life with Frey and co.

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Offline FA Frey XC

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Re: D.Net needs your help !
« Reply #2 on: September 11, 2007, 08:19:44 am »
No contributors to the Funddriver for Abby here as of yet :(
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Re: D.Net needs your help !
« Reply #3 on: September 11, 2007, 11:13:45 am »
<S> She looks just like my old dog that past away last year, Im happy to help.

Respects Rubin


Offline FA Frey XC

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Re: D.Net needs your help !
« Reply #4 on: September 11, 2007, 05:15:47 pm »

Thank you for your donation!!!


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Re: D.Net needs your help !
« Reply #5 on: September 13, 2007, 06:37:58 am »
We've collected now about enough to begin her heartworm treatment.

The first $55, plus we're about $50 into the 155 for the treatment she'll need 2 weeks after the first.

Her appointment's been set for Friday for her first treatment.

Cmon, people, give a little and she's home free !


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Re: D.Net needs your help !
« Reply #6 on: September 14, 2007, 10:06:27 am »
ok frey i think i did it right so there you go buddy, all i can give, sorry it couldn't be more, and bless you frey i knew you were a good guy but your crew continues to surprise me , lemme know if it didn't go through and ill try and resend.

ps. keep on those damn mosquitos

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Re: D.Net needs your help !
« Reply #7 on: September 14, 2007, 10:08:33 am »
Strayy's Tavern sends $20 for da puppy  8)

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Re: D.Net needs your help !
« Reply #8 on: September 14, 2007, 11:05:56 am »
I posted on our website your issue at hand and directed the link I hope this helps

Fixed your triple post ~ SFHQ
« Last Edit: September 14, 2007, 11:33:23 am by Capt_SFHQ_XC »

Offline FA Frey XC

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Re: D.Net needs your help !
« Reply #9 on: September 14, 2007, 11:39:56 am »
Thank you very very much!

WooT !  Just dropped her off at the vets for her first treatment :D

I'll keep this topic updated as we progress.

Also - we're looking for a home for her too, so if anyones in the Dallas / Ft. Worth area, and is interested, just shoot me a PM or email.


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Re: D.Net needs your help !
« Reply #10 on: September 27, 2007, 11:33:21 am »

Abby is doing much better - she's been able to integrate herself into the family a bit... at first, she was somewhat agressive (no biting, just a bit of huffing and puffing - literally, it was kinda funny) towards Logan, but now it's more playful and less domination oriented. She's playing with some of the toys we've brought home for her, and her first heartworm treatment went without any complications.

Thanks to the kind and generous folks here - and when I say thanks, I mean it, because as of Sept the 1st I was layed off my job, so the primary breadwinner is no longer bringing in bread! Hence the reason I pleaded my case with you all here @ D.Net. Now, don't get all worried, we've already done the necessary "reductions" to ensure D.Net will remain up, as will all the other hosted services and servers XenoCorp runs. For the record, those reductions are in my families personal cable services (TV), and a bunch of my personal subscriptions and the like. Now, I'm in no way bitching, just trying to ensure everyone understands how much we all put into this here @ D.Net... all of our Admins and Mods have donated, and with their and your donations, we've gotten Abby's next heartworm treatment paid for!

She's going in tomorrow, it's already scheduled and paid for.

We still need the money for the big one, though. We had twenty bucks left over from the money we've collected so far after the first two treatments (2nd of which she going in tomorrow for, like I said above), so we're -20 on the $255 we need for her third, and most important, treatment. That one will happen two weeks after tomorrows treatment, and it's going to require her to stay at the Vet's for 48 hours, under close observation and constant monitoring in case any complications arise, as it's the treatment that kills the adult heartworms, and any others remaining from the previous treatments.

After that, we'll have one more treatment of $55 bucks, which is something much more in my range at the current time, I plan on siphoning $20-30 bucks for that last treatment by the time it comes around.

I've got the fee schedule and receipts of each treatment, I'll be scanning them soon and posting them here so everyone can feel good about the fact that they are - INDEED - saving a life.

Also, remember we need to find her a home. If your close to the Dallas / FT. Worth area in Texas and would like to adopt her, please send me a PM here on D.Net and we can talk about it. She's fiercly loyal, and whomever she bonds with for keeps can count on one heckuva loving, attentive and SMART companion and protector.




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Re: D.Net needs your help !
« Reply #11 on: October 03, 2007, 01:54:46 pm »

We're getting closer to Abby's next, and most critical treatment, and we've not recieved any additional donations.

Please don't let this lil girl down,  just drop a couple dollars into the tank.



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Offline Strayy

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Re: D.Net needs your help !
« Reply #12 on: October 15, 2007, 09:42:01 am »
Strayy's Tavern sends 30 for Abby, and a case of Doggy Ale... :)

Admiral Strayy
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