Below is an unfortunate situation someone found themselves in duirng this Sunday's LAN camppaign here. Anyone familiar with playing against Kzinti or Mirak will recognise the situation.

The Klingon ship is a SFB K-MON (monitor) whilst the Kzinti ships are all DDs, six of them to be exact. Apart from the 12 x Drones visible on the screen view, there are another 8 x Drones coming in from the left side of the screen out of view.
The snapshot was taken approximately 2 seconds before the otherwise undamaged K-MON was destroyed.
Needless to say, out of a force of 1 x K-MON and 5 x G1 PFs, this is the last Klingon ship in the game.
The K-MON has a top speed of 12 only, shileds 36 all round and to make matters worst, the player has just fired all the Ph2 and Ph3 turret batteries at a Kzinti DD just out of view.
So the Caption Contest can involve what the player is thinking, what the crew of the monitor are doing or maybe even the Kziinti are up to.
You can't use "Oh sh*t.... Oh Sh*t.... Oh Sh*t.... Oh Sh*t.... Ba**rds!!" as we've already heard this one in sync with the actual event!!