It also focuses public attention away from Dioins, heavy metals, mercury, toxic waste and land fill seepage polution. Some of the companies claiming green credentials because they are CO2 friendly, are naughty poluters with some of the above.
Anyway, I still can't figure that if we try to reduce the 0.8% contribution that the human race makes to the planet's CO2 production, that we'll make any difference.
We survived the Medieval Global Warming period in total ignorance and that was +3 Degrees higher than the doomsday figure quoted by the "Experts".
If someone is trying to make you blindly believe something on face value and telling you to trust them, then you should ask yourself, "What would they gain out of me believing this tale??", and also, "What do I have to loose if it is a con??", and more importantly, "Why do they want me to belive this??".
It is always best to dig around for the truth yourself. Add up the numbers yourself. Check it out yourself.
If we were all more like this then used car salesmen, politicians and a whole lot of the "Believe what I say, you can trust me" brigade would have a tougher time.
Venus is a lot closer to the Sun than us.
Venus is having its atmosphere slowly stripped by the Solar Wind and leaves a vapour trail stretching out as far as the Earth's orbit. We even pass through it sometmes.
Venus has more CO2 in its atmosphere than the Earth. More than double in fact.
Most of the Carbon on Earth is tied up in life forms.
Mars has more CO2 in the atmosphere than the Earth but it is bloody cold there.
The fact still remains that the Sun is hotting up once again and scientists were aware of this years before the first CO2 Global Warming theories were sugested.
Now if they'd said, right from the start, that the Sun is hotting up and maybe if we reduce the CO2 emissions we might be able to make a teensy weensy difference to the effect that it has on the future climate, then Joe Public would be more responsive.
It is the fact that they've ignored, surpressed and derided any mention of the Sun's activities or any scientists who points out the Sun's involvement in the Climate Crisis that is what has made Joe Public highly suspicious. Add in the sad fact that the fanatical "Hate the Automobile and Industry" Eco Nazis have seized on the Climate Crisis as a vehicle for their own ends, that has tainted the whole affair. The science was lost long ago in amongst dogma, political ambitions, reputations, agendas and social engineering plans.

Note when i refre to Eco Nazis I don't mean those honest souls who stand up and shout about toxic waste, deforestation, etc., I mean the loonies who believe that we can all go back to living a pastoral existance living off the land, dying at 40 and being at the mercy of mother nature.
Somewhere in there is the truth but the neither the Governments, Oil Barons, Industrialists, Fanatical Eco Nazis or CO2 Theorists want anybody to start digging for it. They're all frightened that it might not be what they want to hear.
The thing is that the whole Climate Crisis thing has turned into a massive Gravy Train funded by taxpayers worldwide. I don't think that the "Experts" want to give up all those lucrative lecture and seminar invites quite yet.
Oh yes, there's money being made by and paid to both camps to promote both sides of the arguement.
Maybe I should have posted this in Ten Forward.
What I'm saying is for everyone to ask awkward questons and not just accept the dogma, mantra and propoganda churned out by all parties involved.