Still running SFC 1 here in LAN games and single player.
Have so many models on file now that I've exceeded the in game maximum for most races, so use custom SFCSPB13.TXT shiplists for camapigns and playing various races.
I run the Kzinti alongside the Lyrans, if I require Kzinti.
Other races crowbarred into SFC 1 here are Borg, Cardassian, Sleen, Kzinti, Wyn, Andoran, Vulcan, Tholians, Andromedans, etc.
I've managed to download, convert or model myself enough models to allow LAN game scenarios from pre-Federation to TNG, though the latter can be a bit bland as everyone has extremely powerful ships compared to TMP and TOS.
I've also gradually added in most of the missing SFB ships and variants missing from SFC, however, still a lot more to do yet!!

I also figured out the fighter system and run fighters with races other than the Hydrans.
I generally play with the music off as it does become a bit tiresome after a few hours.
I do have the Borg, which we usually play in LAN humans versus AI Borg team battles.
Best tactic to take out a Borg ship?? Trundle up to point blank with a fully loaded up suicide minelaying freigther, hit self destruct, and stick close. Causes enough damage to either destroy the Borg ship or cripple it enough to be finished off by the rest of the surviving team players.
Now the thing is piloting something with only 15 shields and limited power that close to a Borg ship and surviving long enough to blow it up!!

So E-mail me a wish list of models and I'll see if I have an SFC 1 version somewhere.