We're having to face more than 20 Drone salvoes!!
Kzinti are fair game and easy to kill, for a Klingon player, when it's a one on one battle. However it's when they turn up in large numbers that they become a problem.
9 x Kzinti DD chucking out 4 x Drones a piece equals a major nightmare scenario when the human players coordinate their fireplans. Your should see how long it takes them to destroy a Klingon battle station.

Now imagine what 9 x Kzinti CAs can do when human players control them!!

AI is just so much easier to play against compared to human players.
I'm sure our Kzinti LAN opponents could coordinate their Drone firing strategy to sort out any Lyran ESG defence strategy. It would be intresting to try to develop one though.

As Klingons, we've resorted to firing our Drones at theirs, which is a waste or sitting in the radiation field of a star, if there is one on the map. Not much use in open space really.
Have an enjoyable time with your campaign. Even being on the loosing end of a campaign is OK in SFC.