Topic: Things that need to be invented!!  (Read 7171 times)

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Offline Brush Wolf

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Re: Things that need to be invented!!
« Reply #20 on: September 29, 2007, 03:24:34 am »
That Voshkod sounds like it is related to my lawn mower. Every spring I end up spraying enough starting fluid into it that I am surprised it hasn't entered orbit.  ::) All the other Tecumseh engines I have had over the years have been super reliable and would run on anything remotely resembling gasoline and start in just a few pulls.
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Offline Panzergranate

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Re: Things that need to be invented!!
« Reply #21 on: September 29, 2007, 12:04:54 pm »
I ran a Czech made JAWA 350 sidecar outfit for 3 years and 10,000 miles with a disintergrating right hand journal bearing. The engine ran to 75 MPH still with no vibes, started OK and ran smoothly.

In the end the engine ran but refused to move the bike so I had to replace it. It took just under an hour to put in a new journal bearing and seal in the drive. The original had only 3 out of 8  balls and no cages left!!

Probally explains why the bike is still made and sold to millitary and civilians all over the planet. At present there are an etimated 7 million in existance trundling around in the world. It is the world's most common 2 stroke bike.

I also ran mine on neat diesel for a month during the 2000 petrol crisis and it still ran the same as on gasoline. They'll also run on Methylated Sprits, Cooking Oil, whatever goes bang good when compressed to 11:1.

Out of the 15 bikes I own and others I've owned in the past, this one is the least hastle, mechanically, to run and work on.

My worst bike is a Suzuki, which just seems to self destruct as quick as I can fix it.

Now why can't all vehicles be designed by people who know that some guy may need to perform major surgery on the engine, etc. later in the vehicles service life, at home in the garage or drive??

On the lawnmower, try using anything other than an NGK plug and you should find it'll start easier. I run LODGE Sintox race plugs in every engine I use. Reasuringly expensive but reliable. They last about a decade before you need to think about changing them, instead of the 3 or 4 months of NGK plugs.

KLG plugs work well in chainsaws too. :)

Always drain out the gas tank on lawnmowers when not planning to use them for a month or two as unleaded gasoline loses potency very quickly and will leave like a fish paste residue in the fuel system.

All the stood up bike I'm asked to wave a magice spanner over have fuel residue prolems.

The Klingons have many ways to fry a cat. I prefer to use an L7 Fast Battlecruiser!!

Offline Brush Wolf

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Re: Things that need to be invented!!
« Reply #22 on: September 29, 2007, 12:55:42 pm »
I use Champion's in my utility motors which can be found just about everywhere. I never heard of KLG or Lodge. As far as draining the tank goes I have tried running the fuel system dry, I have used fuel stabilizer, and I have just left the old junk in plain and every year it is the same. If the city wouldn't have fits I think I would just buy a couple of pygmy goats and move them around the yard. :)
I am alright, it is the world that is wrong.

Offline The Bar-Abbas Anomaly

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Re: Things that need to be invented!!
« Reply #23 on: October 08, 2007, 09:51:16 pm »
I think a bullsh*t detector would be more useful.

However artists, salesmen, politicians and lawyers would find life very complicateed if it did exist.

Already exists... I've got one, don't you?

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Offline Panzergranate

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Re: Things that need to be invented!!
« Reply #24 on: October 09, 2007, 10:23:39 pm »
Naw.... I have to rely on instinctive perpescosity (there's a word not to attempt after a few beers!! ;D).

There are a few guides from the wisemen, in particular, Al Bundy.

"All women are liars!!" and "Red Heads lie more than normal women!!"

I have an ex-girlfriend, from a very long way back, who is a compulsive Macevlean liar.... Yep, shes a Firey Red Head. that's the numero uno reason we split up was the fact that she only had to open her mouth and a lie would fall out of it!!

Having been exposed to the mother lode of bulls**t, I find it easier to detect.

However, the majority of the people on this planet seem unable to decern fact from bulls**t. You only have to see how people vote, what they buy, etc.

These people need such a device.

Contary to myth, liars look you in the eye as they need to "read" you and sway your mind in the direction they want it to go. Male bull artists will always have a moustache (not a beard) so as to focus your attention, subconciously, on their mouth, which is communicating the lies and distracts you from noticing that they are reading your reactions.

Now think carefully.... think of all the bull artists you've ever known.... how many had moustaches??!! ::)

The Klingons have many ways to fry a cat. I prefer to use an L7 Fast Battlecruiser!!