Topic: Interface for LCW?  (Read 1300 times)

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Interface for LCW?
« on: November 17, 2007, 05:27:28 pm »
Soo am working steadily on the brilliantest server ever when it hits me.

If I use the Lyran interface for one side and another interface for side B (who -iirc are supposed to be getting the shaft) some people will complain I'm fixng it so side A wins. (Or did I call them sides 1 and 2? can never keep that straight)

Just so no one can prove I'm fixing the server so my sides wins I need interface suggestions.
Was going to go Klingon/Fed- does that sounds best or is it simply going to drive everyone to fly for their usual sides?
(Which may or may not be a bad thing)

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Re: Interface for LCW?
« Reply #1 on: November 17, 2007, 11:16:49 pm »
Assuming there is sufficient interest to fly:  Lyran  or maybe 'Lyran' on a server.  Now if you really cut down the shiplist for "Interventionist" forces so they may/would play rebels/loyalists and interventionists then all may be quite cool.  The rationale would be that each Interventionist side would be only willing to commit "Fleet X" e.g. max Fed CVB, no Klingon BB, no ISC CVA etc.

A classic map with Feds already having an SB supply point in Mirak.  space _ you can see where I'm going for others.  Sure you can play all the races you like, but there is an incentive to fly Lyr (stellography plus U decide).

and I assume it is all about "The Battle for Ringworld" or is that the NEXT SERVER ?