We've kind of moved over to SFC 1 as a platform for our campaigns now. Kitbashing virtual ships as opposed to cutting up Micro Machines ships, (pauses whlist Nerd ST collectors reading this scream, "YOU DID WHAT??!!"

), to make ships, making patterns and castings for other modles, etc., is just so much easier and less hastle.
Also we can fit in a huge number of skirmishes and battles on SFC instead of spending all afternoon on just one SFB battle.
I act as player/umpire is other types of wargames, occasionally, and can't memorise all the rules verbatim. Most of the time consumed in SFB, is spent checking the rules when complex tactics are used. SFC eliminates all the ,"Hang on a moment whilst I check....", plus the "Rules Lawyers" found in any game or sport you can name.
It isn't that hard to hook a bunch of cheap old P3s or P4s and monitors into a 6 computer LAN network at home.
The thing is to have a common shiplist for all computers involved. The images used on each individaul computer don't really matter, just that the shiplists are indentical.
LANs can run 18 ships maximum, unlike online games.
There is still the 32 shuttle and 32 fighters limit in the whole game though.
All you need is a group of you to assemble to do this.