I konw what he's on about.

The ships are shown in Ship Edit 2 and 3 in the MIrak Tactical Display image selection.
The MIrak are just renamed Kzinti as the Kzinti are copyright of Larry Niven and pre-date the TOS TV series. Gene had read Larry Niven's Sci-Fi book series and invited him to write a story to incorporate the Kzinti into the TOS TV show. However TOS was axed by TV executive morons but was resurected in the Animated Series.
The Kzinti were intended to be a canon ST race in TOS, but didn't quite make it into the show, mores the pity.
The Kzinti are also shown in ST TM V briefly, when Kirk has a fight with a Kzinti female in a bar. Obviously his charisma doesn't work on all races!!

SFB uses the Kzinti under licence from Larry Niven.
Taldren obviously didn't want to do a deal and cough up dosh for a licence and so just reinvented them.
The Mirak are a knock off copy of the SFB Kzinti to avoid royalties!!

However, all the SSD details and history profile are the same as the SFB Kzinti.
There is a site dedicated to the Kzinti both in the 1960's Sci-Fi books and in SFB, ST TAS and ST TM 5.