Plan NIne From Outer Space is a classic. It is also lauded as being, by far, the worst Hollywood Film ever made.

Just type the title into a search engine and you'll see why.
One fact about PNFOS was that the star, Bela Lugosi, died halfway through filming. So the director had his brother-in- law, who was a full foot shorter than Bela Lugosi, play the role of Dracula. The brother-in- law played the rest of the movie with the cape held up to cover his face.
Now you're probally asking what Dracula is doing in a Flying Saucers film??!! There were Zombies as well.
There is also the classic movie dumb line from a Police Detective of, quote, "He's been murdered, and one thing's for sure, somebody killed him!!"
Actually, all the dislogue is pretty lame.
Better still, all the cast are relatives, local amateur dramatics and friends. Some double as the production crew.
The naffness spreads to the prps and special effects.... Hub as flying saucers caps on visible string.... Alien space ship controls all sat on an Oak table inside the ship. The aliens are telling the human captives how superiour their tecjnology is, at the time. Also the fact that all the internal wall of the alien flying saucer are straight and plaster covered with house doors.
Ironically the camera work is excelent. Only the moive is extremely crap. It is so bad it is facinating to watch. The whole film had a budget of $5,000 back in the late 1950's.
The movie is available on VHS and DVD.
Anyone else seen this movie??
Plan Nine From Outer Space is worth seeing as it is just so ridiculous and amusing to watch.
Perhaps this Flash Gordon show will end up in a similar naff classic role.