Awesome... I had already begun those conversions so it should be merely as simple as renaming textures? If not, no biggie.
But did you really need to mention your GF? (jealous) I think this isn't the first time you've done so... (kidding)
+1 karma for awesome textures and the fact that you're still "Getting some"... Now that's Multi-tasking!
Pretty much. Ive actually replaced the default textures with mine, but I'll release them as different textures.
Lol, yeah - I wouldnt put it quite like that (getting some) but she's seriously awesome. I head home tomorrow, and I want to push out a quick-and-dirty model of the Lyrans I designed, Then this stuff gets finalized, including the recolors that BlackRook requested.
Speaking of which:
BlackRook - in one post you indicated that this was before Season 2 of BSG came about, as if to say they weren't pegasus-style but your list indicates that some of the battlestars are Mercury class, which the pegasus belongs to, so please clarify.