Some notes before we start tonight:
Server Wise:
-Keep in mind we have, in this mini-campaign, completely switched shiplists and fighter lists to SFB
-The number of mission possibilities is now basically
double of the orig Forge, so do expect some of the new missions to possibly be bugged. If so, just report here, and if its a major thing I will pull the mission from the selection list.
-As this is the latest build of the SQL server, we need as many people as we can possibly to get on, preferably the same or more in numbers of a full fledged campaign! When it crashed due to player load we get some good data on how to improve the code.. so get on!

-I do expect bugs to pop up, weird anomalies to appear, so if you spot anything please post it here..

-If the server does crash at all, or requires a reboot to get rid of ghosted players, please PM Me, Braxton, or Frey.
Player Wise:
Please try to keep even numbers on each side.. gets things much more interesting