there are reports of ship that don't have fighters workin
Indeed, currently I'm trying to look through the 2-ton archives to see if I can find a fighterlist that actually works.. the last 2 were a bust obviously... <_<
If I can get it going before this server ends, I'll let you guys know. PFs for many races never have really worked well from the start on a proper ship/fighter list but still.. I'm working on it.
Right now I'm sorta caught up in fixing the and 9thfleet e-mail system, as well as RL etc, so its slowly progressing.
Good news is that there aren't really any significant server side errors Ive seen pop up, its running smooth and stable, no weird DV jumps, etc. 
So enjoy the limited fighters, hey it might actually be a new challenge/aspect trying to fly with just a few fighters instead of many, if you want to think of it that way, but I'll get this fixed ASAP.
At the very least the server is going well despite this, and Ive been able to collect some useful data for the serverkit development 
Have fun on Hammer of Thor!
Where's DieHard when ya need him...? 
<sigh> overlooked by a jealous klink yet again...

The reason some races (Rom.Lyran,Gorn) can't use fighters has nothing to do with the fighterlists.
The carrier that the race uses (K7VR from far's post) must be in two places-in the shiplist-
1) The race that wants to use it (in this case Romulan)
2) A fighter using race (usually -iirc- one of the pirate races)
The #2 seems to be missing from the lists
(ie every single carrier the Roms,Gorn,and Lyran have would need to be placed into the shiplist in a race that uses fighters list)
Now I could be wrong- I've been more concerned with my system meltdown than this (and more thanks to Capt SFHQ btw!)
If someone wants to take a quick look through the shiplist and see if those carriers do indeed appear in two spots would answer the question.
( Basically just look for a number of rom carriers in the Fed/Klink/ISC/Hydran/Kzin or one of the fighter using pirate races)