The Forge - The Hammer of Thor Campaign Server SERVER STATUS CURRENTLY: Offline PermanetlyDown Time Expected:
ScrapedRunning on latest build of the MySQL server.
Online Campaign Interface:
The Hammer of Thor Online Campaign Interface(OCI)Installation Instructions(In this order)
Stock OP2.
2552 patch3.
OP + 4.04.
The Forge Scripts 15.
The Forge Scripts 2**************************************************************************
The Forge - The Hammer of Thor is the second in a series of "minicampaigns" hosted by and Xenocorp.
These campaigns are the pilot for our SQL based server kit, and will run until the VCs are met, the other side surrenders, or the other side is wiped out. This server is running on beta builds of our SQL server kit. The schedule for the server (outlined below) is to give our developers much needed data and a field test of the latest build.
Special Victory Conditions will be unique to each side.
PVP points will be awarded for the following:
BB - 10 points
CVA - 7 points
DN - 5 points
BCH - 2 points
-Please report your kills in the OCI interface. Be sure to have it screenshot-ed as well, even though this is a more of a "fun" server over a full campaign.
PvP Area
Although PvP is allowed in all hexes of the map, the
CENTER (hexes with DV 15) will be most favorable to PvP in this map. Lower DV then the outside neutral barriers, each side will easily be able to reach eachother so that those who wish for PvP will not have to wait a while
Hex Flipper Area
Outside of the DV 15 hexes(above and below) is very high DV hexes specifically for hex flippers. With such high DV hex flippers will have to work together to quickly lower the DV of hexes, and quickly raise it as well. These 2 areas are
designed to take a while to flip.
Inside your Territory:
Except for the first line of hexes, most remain at a low DV. They are easily flipable, so therefore be wary of the otherside, as if they break through the first line, then it will be hard to repel them.
Fleeting Rules
Capital ships may not fleet together. Fleets may consist of no more than one Capital ship and two other ships. All fleet are required to have a CA Command Cruiser if the fleet contains 3 ships(More then 1+ ships will allow the fleeting rule to apply).
Hex Ban
Disengagement - 20 turns
Destruction - 10 turns
"The Hammer"
Unique set of VC territories and Planets. Each will be unique to the other side, and if all are captured equals the destruction of the other side. All hexes that add to the completion of "The Hammer" VC must reach DV of at least 50% of the max DV before they count, and should they drop below it, then the VC will not count till it is back up to the DV requirement.
Other Notes
-Note this map has little in the way of planets or starbases compared to most maps, especially within the territories itself.
-The "Homeworld Ring" around each race that has economy
all other hexes of that race have been removed. Static Economy.
-The "Front Races" (Kzinti Hegemony and ISC) have the lowest econ while the races in the back of the map have the highest starting economy
-BB's will be available this time
-SFB shiplist and fighterlist
-Some new missions, and some updated missions are in thanks to Dave

-Have fun!