Topic: The 15th Annual Transnational Road Race  (Read 22135 times)

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Offline KOTH-KieranXC, Ret.

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Re: The 15th Annual Transnational Road Race
« Reply #20 on: September 19, 2007, 12:02:38 am »
I notice you didn't post my first RP post. Sheesh, I have to do it all myself? ;)

Anyway, this takes place after Leg 4, prior to the layover.
A tiny corner of Kell's mind was amused by the fact that he was still calm and relaxed. His temper was a subject of conversation in Kieric racing circles; his legendary ire had been both boon and curse to him throughout his racing career in Kiermark.

As he lit a cigarette and slid an ashtray out of his button-festooned center console, he considered that really, nothing unexpected had really happened yet. Oh, he'd have liked to be a few places ahead of where he was, but he had yet to run into the bad luck some of the other racers had already endured, and he'd ridden his engine lightly enough that he was in good shape for a late race burst of speed. He hadn't seen a car in the race yet that could match the Vektor for top speed... should he ever have the opportunity to exploit it.

Actually, things had played rather well into his hands. He never liked to start out with the lead, anyway; he preferred to stay back, measure the other drivers, their capabilities, and that of their vehicles. He certainly felt he was getting a feel for Gree and the Larryian girls, who had been with him since the start of the race; he was much more impressed with the latter than the former. The Wellutrians were a sensible people, courteous to a fault, if a bit stuffy; but their culture produced lousy drivers. The Brochensteiner noblewoman, in his estimation, was clearly unbalanced; such uncontrolled rage could be a fatal flaw in a racer. He shook his head, lip curling in a confident sneer; it was still potentially anyone's race.... and in his estimation, there was still a strong possibility it could yet be Dietrich Kell's.

Taking another drag on his cigarette, he slid a Neuromancer CD into the CD changer. Instantly, his ears were filled with the Kieric industrial rock band's heavy melodies and deep vocals, and his head started instinctively nodding as the bass kicked in. Nothing to do now but keep pace, smoke his cigarette, and watch for his moment.

It wasn't here yet, but he could feel a sense of anticipation well up in his gut. It was coming.
"One minute to space doors."

"Are you just going to walk through them?"

"Calm yourself, Doctor."

Offline Commander La'ra

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Re: The 15th Annual Transnational Road Race
« Reply #21 on: September 19, 2007, 12:25:52 am »
Sorry, man, somehow thought that was next leg.
"Dialogue from a play, Hamlet to Horatio: 'There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy.' Dialogue from a play written long before men took to the sky. There are more things in heaven and earth, and in the sky, than perhaps can be dreamt of. And somewhere in between heaven, the sky, the earth, lies the Twilight Zone."
                                                                 ---------Rod Serling, The Last Flight

Offline KOTH-KieranXC, Ret.

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Re: The 15th Annual Transnational Road Race
« Reply #22 on: September 19, 2007, 01:41:38 am »

Dietrich Kell's Vektor, parked outside the motel at Solatis.

Another exterior shot of the parked Vektor.

A close up of Kell's main console. [Edit - You'll just have to pretend it's all in Cyrillic, not English. ;)]
"One minute to space doors."

"Are you just going to walk through them?"

"Calm yourself, Doctor."

Offline Scottish Andy

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Re: The 15th Annual Transnational Road Race
« Reply #23 on: September 24, 2007, 12:27:45 pm »
heh, that is a sweet looking car, Capt. K! A pint-sized Lambo. I see where we are here. Maybe you can wait another week before posting the next one, Larry? I'm nearly at the crux of my personal issues, and will be more likely able to write that section I was telling you about after the turn of the month. Or, I'll be a wreck and unable to do anything useful at all, but them's the breaks.

If not, no biggie, and I'll see if I can do a much-belated flashback.
Come visit me at:

The Senior Service rocks! Rule, Britannia!

The Doctor: "Must be a spatio-temporal hyperlink."
Mickey: "Wot's that?"
The Doctor: "No idea. Just made it up. Didn't want to say 'Magic Door'."
- Doctor Who: The Woman in the Fireplace (S02E04)


Offline KOTH-KieranXC, Ret.

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Re: The 15th Annual Transnational Road Race
« Reply #24 on: September 24, 2007, 01:51:18 pm »
Another week? Man, you're killin' me here. ;D
"One minute to space doors."

"Are you just going to walk through them?"

"Calm yourself, Doctor."

Offline Commander La'ra

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Re: The 15th Annual Transnational Road Race
« Reply #25 on: October 01, 2007, 05:00:37 am »
Posted on behalf of Prince George Von Brightonburg's player...

Prince George, after signing a few autographs and speaking to the Brightonburgian press corps, retires to the bar to take in a few adult beverages and perhaps get a Larryian maiden to bed down for the night.

The Prince's favorite form of relaxation was sex.  He loves women and one has caught his eye, a stocky gal of full figure with ample breasts and wide in the hips. The swarthy Larryian lass was taken aback by the affable Prince. It does help his cause that he just picks up the tab for all the drivers in the race. The Prince is having a good time. Tomorrow they were rivals, tonight, they were all here to rest, and have some fun.

Prince George's mechanic works on the Prince's racer.  It was holding up well, but needed a just some fine tuning, and also needed to be re-stocked with BB wine. Two bottles were flown in his personal jet, chilled just so he can have them when he takes off on the race tomorrow..

Posted on behalf of one half of the Clarissa/Nero team  Better known here as 'The Guv'.  (Warning, Drug and violence content.)....

"Would you put those things up!"

Nero, the scary thin, 5'10 Goth-Chick renowned for more vices than the Bureau has departments to combat, straightened from her hunched over pose and let the cadaver flop unceremoniously to the gravel. Clarissa gaped and tried to look away, but found the entire scene far too macabre to ignore. Should she take her eyes away, it could only get worse…

Seemingly for the first time, the Goth looked down, arms poised aside liken to a marionette on strings, and noticed the disarray of her dress. She giggled and began the task of slipping her generous triple-D's back into their designated places in the revealing garb and then looked back to her travelling companion.

"All better now, Clar?"

"NO!" The redhead co-ed shouted back, her voice much louder than intended. She gasped and looked about at the assorted vehicles drawn close to theirs, hands over her sensuous mouth. No one seemed the wiser. She could not believe what this night was turning into! The first day of the Race, the first leg! Their first night off the road! They were supposed to be sleeping! Not out trying to cover up a murder!

None had noticed them. This less than reputable side of Ft. Solastis was not heavily populated. Thankfully! Nero seemed drawn to these places. Clarissa glowered back to the Goth in the most stern expression her youthful, slightly tanned face could manage.

"You are going to get us thrown in jail, damnit!" She pointed in accusation, making her friend smile devilishly. Her green eyes glinted back in the garish night lighting of the back street, made all the more luminescent by the contacts she wore to make them truly stand out. "We're not even supposed to leave the motel they arranged for us! We're not supposed to be HERE!"

"Are we <bleep!> prisoners or racers?" The Goth shot back, again stooping to pick up her baggage beneath his unclad armpits. "They don't give a <bleep!> if we leave the motel."

"I'm pretty sure they take a dim view on going out and killing people on the streets!"

Nero rolled her eyes and began to tug. She'd had much more enticing plans for this Latino man when she'd met up with him. She'd brought her digital camera just for the occasion. But he'd just had to insist that she include Claire along with his sick little fantasy… Nero had, in fact, explained quite nicely that Claire was not the type to get involved with anything of the sort. Claire was just along for the ride, there to keep her companion from getting into trouble. Maybe drive her back to the motel after the debauchery had caught up with her and rendered her insensible…

The Latino hadn't been smart enough to take the hint. He'd tried to force the issue, grabbed Nero by the throat and started marching her back to the Murdermobile to 'talk' to Claire. He'd just taken too much for granted. So now he was being dragged out behind the dingy motel he'd lured her back to, Nero's knife jutting out of his belly.

Yeah…what a night…

The unlikely pair made their way to the back of the flea-bag motel and took a look around for a likely hiding place… There was a nice fat dumpster… A perfect place to wait for his dirt-nap. Nero began the onerous task of dragging him that way. Claire kept looking behind, expectant to see blue lights at any moment. She tried to hum a soothing rhythm but found any such tune elusive. Her harmony was nothing but discord.
Nero looked up with warning at her friend.

"Claire, quit it!"

Clarissa shot a dark look back.

"You've made enough noise for the both of us!"

"It ain't the noise I'm afraid of!"

Claire's eyes widened as she realized the tune she'd been humming. That song didn't end well at all…


Nero gave the dead beaner another long tug and propped him up against the rusty metal side of the black trash receptacle. She knelt beside him and began to probe his pockets with slim hands accented by long, sharp black nails.

"What the hell are you doing?"

Nero looked back up to her friend. She noted the slim, form fitting white shirt Claire was wearing. She'd bought that shirt for Claire last April… It went with her complexion and showed off her own supple curves. Claire's figure was much more normal than her own, Nero found herself thinking. She had wider hips and more of the classic hourglass shape. Her C-cups looked bouncy and fun, opposed to her own heavier bosom…

"Hmm?" Oh, yeah…Clar was griping again….

"What the hell are you DOING!"

"Oh… He had some blow…or said he did…" Nero suddenly found something and jerked it free of its denim repository. A small plastic baggy, filled with white. "Jack pot, <motherbleep!>!"

"Oh my God! You're stealing coke from a dead guy!"

"He ain't gonna be usin' where he's goin', trust me babe!"

Nero had the baggie open already and was sampling the goods on the tip of a pinky. The taste seemed okay…her tongue numbed a bit. "Nice!"

"Just throw him away!"

Nero tried not to roll her eyes again. Claire was the only person on Satan's black Earth that gave her the time of day for anything other than her <bleep!>. No matter what Nero did, Claire was always there. Even when she was throwing away dead Latinos…

The Goth again picked the man up, this time from the front, her forearms braced beneath his pits much as before. She began to lever him into place to topple him over the side of the bin. Her boobs molded around his face, the navel-level v of her dress allowed a lot to spill out into the night air.

The Latino man groaned…

Nero dropped her victim, letting him fall to the broken asphalt and splash into a puddle from the ongoing rains pelting the coast of Larryia. She stared in disbelief, her own eyes wide with shock. Clarissa was beside herself.

"I thought you killed him!"

"So did I! I hit the femoral!"

"Femoral is in the legs!"

"Doesn't it go up the trunk too?"

"How do you expect me to remember in a time like this!"

"You're the one with the good grades and all the smart classes!"

"We've got to get him to a hospital!"

"<bullbleep!>" The Goth turned and delivered a vicious kick to the Latino's temple. His round head rebounded off the dumpster with a gong. Nero crouched again and studdied the long, ultra thin stilletto protruding from the man's abdomen. He wasn't really bleeding all that bad, now that she looked at it. Maybe he'd just been too wasted to remain conscious… She considered the curvature of his adam's apple as she reached down to the half-zipped knee-high boots she wore. She freed the wickedly curved Arabian dagger from it's hidy-hole.

"You can't just kill him!"

"You was perfectly alright when you thought I already had!"

"The hell I was!"

Nero shrugged and looked up into the sprinkling rain to eye her friend. She seemed confused, as though the idea of NOT killing him was an alien concept. "Then what the <bleep!> do you want me to do with his Arse?"

"He needs a doctor!"

"Tough titties, we ain't got one!"

"I've got my cell. We can call—"

Nero was up in a flash, claiming the phone from the redhead's hand. Clar backed up a bit, not so much from fear or intimidation. Nero was just bloody. The thinning rain made rivulets of crimson down the busty Goth's again semi-exposed breasts. Nero regarded her friend for a moment, then nodded. She opened up the cellular and dialed off three numbers.

"Yes, I have a fight to report… A man's been stabbed… I don't know…they were arguing about drugs…. Two guys… I think one of 'em wanted to rape the other." Nero looked down at the Latino laying in inch high water. With a glint of pure delight in her unnatural eyes, she turned to wink at Clarissa. The blonde's face had fallen to neutral.

"The Latino man is laying face down in the alley now, behind the Felldown Motel on Roger's. He ain't moving… Great…thanks."

Nero closed the Razor and handed it back to the wide eyed woman standing shocked in front of her.

"You're pure evil." Claire told her.

Nero smiled again, again opening the baggie she'd claimed. She pressed her nose lightly into the container and snorted once. She recoiled from the strength and burn of the powder. Then, with obvious regret, she swiveled and poured the remainder onto the unconscious form behind her.

"That should be a little more convincing!"

"So we're just going to leave him here!"

"You can babysit him if you want. I'm leaving!"

Claire turned to follow. She'd be damned if she was going to talk to the cops that could only be minutes away. Her sensitive ears were straining for the sound of sirens…there still weren't any.

Nero clapped her hands and turned back to the fallen Latino.

"<bleep!>, almost forgot!"

The thin Goth skipped back through the puddles and uneven asphalt to the half dead man and bent low. She pulled her stilletto free with a cruel yank. The man groaned and bent into a fetal position. With a dark smile, Nero sauntered back to her friend's side.

"You think the prince would like me?" She asked Claire.

"Brightonburg? No way."

"Why not?"

"Have you LOOKED in the mirror?"

"Well, I'm gonna take a shower!"

"I don't think that'll gain you any points…"

"No…? What about Gree…?"

"Just because you flashed him doesn't mean he wants you now."

"He's trying awful hard to catch back up with us…"

They halted before the glossy black Chevy Bel-Air. The severity of the Murdermobile's chassis-rake made the beading water cascade down the hood and onto the bumper… Nero paused to play with some of the shining droplets, leading them around with a long nail. Her bosom was still mostly exposed to the four winds. Claire was beyond caring any more. She crossed her arm, almost sobbing as she noticed the smear of blood on her white sleeve.


"Think we got a chance of winning?" Nero asked, unconcerned. Blood continued to trail down her own pale flesh, collecting in her saturated gown. "We should have brought the dragster…"

Claire rubbed at the crimson stain, barely looking back to the demonic woman.

"The dragster would have run out of gas before the first check point. And it smells know what it smells like."

"Yeah…that would have gotten old really quick… The Murder' has that fifty gallon cell…" Nero nodded, satisfied. "Yeah, we made the right decision…"

Clarissa looked back up, sickened from the fluid on her arm.

"Can we go back to our <bleep!> room now? I'm covered in blood!"

Clar had just said the F-word. She was tired and Nero had pushed her along too far. Nero tugged her dress over her curves and smoothed some of the blood out of it. She looked back at the sound of sirens that approached from the East. Finally.

"Alright, babe. Le's go."

They hopped into the lowered and chopped rod, firing the throaty 350 and jamming it into gear.

They had a long race to run. Another day loomed before them....

Posted on behalf of Lynn Cutter's player....

"Miss Cutter? MISS CUTTER!"

Lynn Cutter jogs purposefully past the reporter, not making eye contact. Nothing like a little morning exercise to get the blood flowing for today's leg. Her dark hair is ponytailed; earphones in, no jewelry. She wears faded jeans and a simple thin gray t-shirt, which is just beginning to show signs of moisture.

"I don't give interviews." If there was a small flash of a smile at the reporter attempting to jog alongside in high heels, Lynn concealed it quickly.

Huffing slightly, the young reporter (blonde, fluffy, you know the type) considers faking a sprained ankle, and then, in an unusual show of intelligence for someone of her hair color, decides Lynn wouldn't go for it. She stops, leaning over a bit and putting her hands on her knees.

"What are you listening to?" She doesn't know why she says it...any scrap of information might be valuable.

Lynn stops. The reporter quickly stands to a more professional height. Cutter wheels and grins at her. Overhead, birds call. The wind is light and whips a lock of hair out of its binding.

"Soul Shaker, of course."

Turning up "Barbwire Speed," track 7, Lynn Cutter continues to jog. It's a good day to race.*


*This whole thing is an inside joke that is probably wasted on everyone here, but I posted it anyway.
"Dialogue from a play, Hamlet to Horatio: 'There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy.' Dialogue from a play written long before men took to the sky. There are more things in heaven and earth, and in the sky, than perhaps can be dreamt of. And somewhere in between heaven, the sky, the earth, lies the Twilight Zone."
                                                                 ---------Rod Serling, The Last Flight

Offline Commander La'ra

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Re: The 15th Annual Transnational Road Race
« Reply #26 on: October 01, 2007, 05:06:41 am »
Visual Aids....

Gree's Supra

« Last Edit: October 01, 2007, 05:20:07 am by Commander La'ra »
"Dialogue from a play, Hamlet to Horatio: 'There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy.' Dialogue from a play written long before men took to the sky. There are more things in heaven and earth, and in the sky, than perhaps can be dreamt of. And somewhere in between heaven, the sky, the earth, lies the Twilight Zone."
                                                                 ---------Rod Serling, The Last Flight

Offline Commander La'ra

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Re: The 15th Annual Transnational Road Race
« Reply #27 on: October 05, 2007, 11:08:48 am »

Morning comes earlier to the racers.  There isn't anything so formal as an official wake-up call, but most of the competitors have arranged for the hotel staff to rouse them before the sun is completely up.  Some want to stretch or exercise before today's part of the race.  Others want to do a final check of their car.

The first leg of the race's second day is going unique.  Thus far, the competitors have had a choice in route.  Some sections of the race might have limited possibilities, but this morning, there's but one.  Fort Solastis is on the edge of the Mifune Straights, the (relatively) shallow bit of water between the Larryian mainland and the South Island.  Except for ferries, there's really only one way across:  The cross-channel highway.

Built in the '50's, the CCH amounts to a continual bridge.  It anchors itself on several tiny bits of land that don't really deserve the term 'island', and a couple of larger specks that generally have little communities on them.  A few sections are built higher, to allow shipping to pass, but other than that, the road is a long, straight, drive from Fort Solastis to Gulfbay.

By seven am, all the competitors are assembled and in their cars.  Most look rested, relaxed, though Prince Brightonburg is squinting away a hangover -- while not an easy drunk, Southern-style liquor has more kick than he's used too -- and Nero, the busty Goth, seems lethargic, which might be the reason her redheaded partner is driving today.
Dietrich Kell and Wade Gree both note that change.  Kell learned a lot about the Goth-girl driver yesterday, but her companion will likely play a different tune.  He'll have to revise some assumptions.  Gree, still determined to pass the pair, hopes Clarissa is more apt to let him slip by.  He also gives Duchess van der Prutt a wary glance (through a solid windshield, thanks to overnight repairs), but the she-devil in the Jaguar is paying him no mind.

An official gives Duncan Hawke a hand signal, and the Devon's Islander starts up his Aston Martin and pulls out of the garage.  No one else order to maintain the earned positions, racers depart in the order they arrived at the layover point, and with the same time interval.  Hawke is aware he has a chance to strengthen his lead;  if he can get onto the CCH and put the accelerator down soon enough.

Lynn Cutter waits with mild impatience.  There's a bobble-headed cat toy on her dashboard, a present from her repair crew's employer.  Cutter dislikes cats.  She'd remove the thing if she wasn't just superstitious enough to suspect it might be good luck.  An official signals her, and the electric-blue Camaro roars out of the hotel garage, once again bearing two good headlights.

Toomblee is next, and her departure comes only a few moments after Cutter's.  The little Kobald is already chanting, already 'becoming speed'.

Krazy Red Karver has to wait a couple of minutes for his turn.  His wife, blessed be the morning, is quiet.  Karver is hoping it'll last when he gets his signal and hits the gas.

Prince von Brightonburg is next, and when his turn comes he roars off with his usual vigor.  The Southumbrian nobleman continues to rub his eyes.  The liquor that blonde woman introduced him too was potent, and the after effects are lingering.  He remembers only vaguely the torrid love-making session that'd followed his inebriation.  His life is littered with such bits of half-memory.

The Murdermobile gets it's turn next, and Clarissa pulls the car into the street in a rather conservative fashion.  Nero, still half-asleep in the passenger seat, doesn't seem to mind.

Laura Blair's midnight-blue Charger blazes off a few seconds later.  Her car is a sprinter, and she's grinning at the prospect of a nice long run on the CCH.  An expended cigarette flies out her window.

Duchess Lena van Der Prutt waits for her go-ahead.  The bright red Jaguar pounces on the asphalt when she's allowed to go.  The top is down again, and the noblewoman's hair is back up in it's scarf.

Wade Gree's Supra follows her out.  The Wellutrian is giving the Duchess a wide berth, today.  He's not one to tempt fate.

Finally, Dietrich Kell's turn comes.  Ahead of plenty of racers, he's still in last place among the big ten.  He's not worried.  He's been waiting for this stretch of the race since he was sitting at the starting line.

Duncan Hawke makes it onto the CCH well ahead of everyone.  The racing green DB9 accelerates, it's immaculate engine pushing to car to greater speeds than the driver has bothered with up to this point.  Traffic is light on the CCH today;  it usually is on race days.  He slips from one lane to another to another as he weaves between cars and minivans and semi-trailers.  He can't help but gaze out off the bridge occasionally, though.  Playful blue water so clear he can see the sandy bottom, spot the silhouettes or sharks and rays and schools of fish.  It's shallow water all across the straights, well suited for a spot of recreational sailing.

Cutter and Toomblee aren't far behind the Devon's Islander.  Passing the blue Camaro is difficult.  The Kobald expected it to be.  She's over water.  Not unfriendly, but not an ally.  The Larryian in the Camaro, the sailor in the Aston Martin...they're friends with water.  There's something feline about the Camaro's driver, too.  Odd for someone who water liked.

Cutter is focused on Hawke.  Toomblee is focused on Cutter.  Neither notices that Krazy Red Karver's purple pony car is on the CCH and rapidly closing on both of them.  Linda is talking now, but still relatively quiet, and the pro rally car driver is trying to make the most of it.  He decides that if he's going to move up on this leg, it has to be before she gets out of her quiet mood.

The '60's era Camaro pushes itself up to unheard of speeds.  Toomblee's Silver Bullet doesn't try to block.  The Kobald doesn't think in terms of blocking.  Instead she speeds up.  Larryian and Ponkapaugi jockey for the lead spot.

Prince von Brightonburg, on the CCH now, notes that Karver is pulling away.  He'd intended on reclaiming his dominant position over the Larryian, but he's got more a more serious problem at the moment.  A big, black problem with a flame job.  The Murdermobile looms in the rear-view mirror, and the Prince can see the sleepy-eyed Goth and the redhead behind the wheel quite clearly.  He applies some gas, tries to pull away, only to find that the '57 Bel-Air is quite capable of keeping up.  Despite his best efforts, the lowered hot rod pulls up alongside him.

While in his own way he's more progressive than most of his countrymen, Prince George still has a scoopful of anachronistic male superiority in his soul.  His judgement a little fuzzy from last night's revelry, he decides he simply cannot let a woman...a foreign woman at that...pass him by.  Ahead, there's a semi trailer in the Murdermobile's lane.  If he can put on enough speed to catch it, it'll block the girls from passing him.  He puts his foot down on the pedal and his little modified surges forward...but the Murdermobile, while following slightly behind, is still quite close.

"Now?"  Redheaded violinist and Freaky Goth ask each other simultaneously.  Both grin.

"Jinx!"  yells Nero, who hits the black button on the dash.  The gothwagon's engine noise changes from a rumble to a roar as a sudden application of nitrous oxide flows into it's cylinders.   Tiny Modified and old school hot rod are suddenly even again, as the semi ahead looms bigger.  Clarissa cuts the wheel to the right, and Prince George, at a definite disadvantage were he to collide with the monster, brakes and tries his best to avoid the Larryians.  They slide into his lane ahead of him, overtaking the semi-trailer.  Prince George, reflexes a bit fuzzy, scrapes the bridge rail and his little racer spins into traffic, miraculously avoiding a collision, but coming to a dead stop facing entirely the wrong way. 

The Prince indulges in a display of soldierly cursing as a midnight blue Charger flashes past.  Then a red Jaguar, a neon-painted tuner car, and the sleek black Vektor of Dietrich Kell.

Kell is accelerating.  The last onto the CCH but with, potentially, the fastest car in the line-up, he's starting to build up some real speed and a real chance of improving his position.  The Kieric grins with satisfaction as Wade Gree cannot prevent him from passing.  Up ahead, Lena van der Prutt's Jaguar speeds along.  Kell watches it grow larger and keeps a firm grip on the wheel.

At the front of the pack Duncan Hawke is frowning.  He's been unable to pull any farther away from Lynn Cutter's Camaro, and there isn't much more speed to wring out of the Aston-Martin.  He knows all the cars in the race have been tuned and modified to go far beyond their textbook statistics, but whoever had tweaked the Larryian cowgirl's ride had done an impressive job.  He blocks her from passing, slips across lanes to block her progress with civilian traffic.  He recalls a long-ago incident, when the ship's launch he was commanding was fired upon by Northumbrian pirates.  It'd taken him a second to realize he was in a real fight then.  He has a similar experience now.

Duchess Van der Prutt is enjoying the high speed run across the CCH, but it's not really her kind of racing.  Not shortcuts, no sudden tug of fear when you wonder if your car will hang on to the gravel of an old dirt road...smooth asphalt is boring by comparison.  That doesn't, however mean she can't drive on good roads.  Ahead of her, Laura Blair's midnight blue Charger is having some trouble getting past a passel of civillian cars.  With an instinctive eye for a shortcut, the Duchess notes that the wide shoulder of the bridge is quite clear.  She smiles radiantly and veers out of the marked lanes, then accelerates, left side of her car mere inches from the bridge rail.  She zips past Blair, several non-racer cars, then swings back onto the road.  There's the sound of squealing brakes and honking horns behind her.  Apparently her little manuever surprised a few people.

Blair fumes as the Duchess passes her by, but at least the noblewoman's Hail Mary had broken up the gaggle of cars blocking her way.  Her Charger lurches forward, working back up to high gear.  She can catch the Jag, she knows.  There's a flash of motion in her mirror, though, and it gets her attention.  Something low and black and...passing her.

Kell gives Blair a sarcastic wave as he zooms past her.  The Larryian woman can't see it due to the heavily tinted windows, but it's the thought that counts.

Well behind Kell, Prince Brightonburg gets his car turned around and moving forward again.  His hangover is gone, banished by adrenaline.  He's lost several positions, but his car is functional.  He's far from out of the race.  The little modified accelerates.

Wade Gree isn't all that worried about Kell passing him.  In fact, he has ideas about how to use it.  His little tuner car's flat-out speed isn't good enough to keep up with the Kieric for long, but he can keep close enough, let the black supercar open holes for him.  Then, when the situation is more to his advantage, he'll pass the arrogant snot.  He zips past Blair with some effort, accelerates.  Ahead, Kell's Vektor is moving up on Duchess van der Prutt's Jag.  Gree is planning on passing her too, though at a comfortable distance, when he feels an old familiar tingling in his belly.

He glances quickly around.  There are civillian cars around him.  One of these, a nondescript car with a non-descript paint job, has a window rolling down.  Gree sees the chubby barrel of a silenced submachine gun poke out, swing his direction.

The 'Wellutrian' can't just hit the brakes, as there's too many cars behind him.  Instead, he hits the gas, and the nitrous oxide and his car zooms forward.  Something...several somethings...tear into the body of his car, but nothing serious is hit.  Too his surprise, the nondescript car accelerates, keeping up with him.  He'll have to be more creative to get rid of this pest.

He sees an suitable opening and flips his car into a 180 degree turn.  His pursuer matches the manuever, but the opening that works for Gree has closed.  A big Dodge truck with a deer-catcher bumper slams into the side of the nondescript car.  Metal rends, airbags deploy, and Gree finds himself minus a pursuer, but speeding into oncoming traffic.  Blair's Charger nearly takes him head on.  He finds another opening, pulls another bootlegger turn, and he's headed the right way again, flashing past the wreckage of his would-be-killer.

Dietrich Kell doesn't see the crash.  He's too intent on the bright-red Jaguar just ahead of him.  The CCH is crossing an island now, and actually curves slightly.  Kell knows better than to be too aggressive with the Duchess.  He passes her wide, using pure speed.  For a moment he gets a good, long look at the noblewoman, the intent blue eyes, the pursed lips.  He shakes off the split-second entrancement and keeps on trucking, but the sudden itch in his fingertips lingers.

Lynn Cutter knows she's about to pass Hawke.  She's just got that feeling.  The Devon's Islander is good behind the wheel or he wouldn't have dodged her this long.  He's not doing badly.  It's little things.  Cars in his way at the wrong moment.  People changing lanes as if to inhibit him.  She, on the other hand, is so 'on' it scaring her a little.

Hawke moves to block her yet again, but he has to abandon the effort thanks to a beat up old El Camino.  Cutter sees her chance, accelerates, and pulls ahead of the Devon's Islander.  She gives him a winning smile as she edges past. 

It's been quite a while since the racer's left the hotel.  The blue water under the CCH gets shallower, and ahead, the opposite shore grows larger.

Dietrich Kell isn't satisfied.  He's moved up well, but once the CCH is behind him, he won't have as clear-cut an advantage.  Temperance be damned, he decides, and takes no pressure off his gas pedal.  He might have other motivations, as the car ahead of him is the Murdermobile.

He draws up next to the Gothwagon.  It's a slow, painful process for the thing is far faster than it should be.  He glances over.  The Goth girl isn't looking his way.  She's talking, with some animation, to her redheaded partner.  Oh well, he decides, and begins to draw ahead.

Nero's hand is poised over the black button.  Clarissa's eyes snap to the heat indicator.  She shakes her head.  Nero agrees.  Behind then, a red Jaguar slides closer.

The racers swoop into Gulfbay.


Lynn Cutter is in 1st, with a lead measured in feet over...

...Duncan Hawke in 2nd.

Krazy Red Karver is in 3rd and moving up fast on the leaders.  Will his wife stay quiet enough for this to continue?

Toomblee is in 4th, but now back in her native element.

Dietrich Kell, after a stellar performance, has moved up to 5th place!

Clarissa and Nero are close behind Kell, in 6th place, but their position is being challenged by...

...Duchess Lena van der Prutt, in 7th.  Will gunfire be exchanged next leg?

Laura Blair is in 8th place and cursing up a storm.  Cigarette sales in Larryia increase dramatically.

Wade Gree, having avoided some old friends, hangs onto 9th place, and his skin.

Prince George von Brightonburg, after a nasty complication, is in 10th.  Both he and Gree are still quite capable of moving up, though perhaps this will teach the good Prince the value of alcoholic moderation.


#5 was a fun leg to write.  And I know it's Kieran's favorite so far. ;D
"Dialogue from a play, Hamlet to Horatio: 'There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy.' Dialogue from a play written long before men took to the sky. There are more things in heaven and earth, and in the sky, than perhaps can be dreamt of. And somewhere in between heaven, the sky, the earth, lies the Twilight Zone."
                                                                 ---------Rod Serling, The Last Flight

Offline Czar Mohab

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Re: The 15th Annual Transnational Road Race
« Reply #28 on: October 05, 2007, 05:09:51 pm »
Which dice diety got miffed such that you rolled "Random car with random driver shoots up player"? I suppose it could have been much worse, appearantly the roll for save landed, could have been "player collides with truck, dies;" instead of how it went.

Czar "One big surprise there" Mohab, who notes that at least one $5 investment might be coming back :D

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Offline Commander La'ra

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Re: The 15th Annual Transnational Road Race
« Reply #29 on: October 06, 2007, 01:55:37 am »
Which dice diety got miffed such that you rolled "Random car with random driver shoots up player"? I suppose it could have been much worse, appearantly the roll for save landed, could have been "player collides with truck, dies;" instead of how it went.

Well, for the most part, complications will be random bad things, but a couple of racers (Gree is quite obviously one of them) have a backstory that allows me to be...hrmm...well...elaborate, when they roll a complication.  Gree clearly is not popular with certain folks, for instance.

None of the royalty has rolled bad enough that anyone has tried to kidnap and ransom them yet, though.*snaps fingers*
"Dialogue from a play, Hamlet to Horatio: 'There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy.' Dialogue from a play written long before men took to the sky. There are more things in heaven and earth, and in the sky, than perhaps can be dreamt of. And somewhere in between heaven, the sky, the earth, lies the Twilight Zone."
                                                                 ---------Rod Serling, The Last Flight

Offline Commander La'ra

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Re: The 15th Annual Transnational Road Race
« Reply #30 on: October 08, 2007, 01:45:34 pm »
Posted on behalf of Prince George von Brightonburg's player...

"Damnit!", thought Prince George as he brought his car back up to top speed.  He had done that near suicidal power move many a time, using a lorry as a blocker/slingshot, if was sober that is.

The Prince while loving women, was not about to let one beat him, as he thought to himself, "Damn Larryian booze, BB liquor is cut to damn thin, damn BB booze laws back home,oh well, the race is not over yet!,must remind myself to get a few cases of that stuff for home."

Posted on behalf of Lynn Cutter's player...

"So how are you doing, my Wildcat?"

Lynn Cutter jumps a little in her seat and glares at the small bobble-headed cat figurine on her dash.


"Hehehe. I installed your kitty-kitty with a microphone so I could get a status report." The strange accent coming from the cat could only belong to one person.

Lynn sighs. "I see that. I'm in the lead, can you believe it?"

"Very good! So...where should we set up for next year?"

"Hm. We'll discuss it when I get home. Is Nikki back?"

"Yes. Back from Antarctica with a bad case of frostbite in all the wrong places."

A faint, "Bite me, Ein!" can be heard in the background - if you have the acute hearing to catch it.

"You'll never believe the people racing with me." Cutter stretches in her seat, and arches mightily.

"Do tell."

"There's royalty, this Manson-lookin' chick, this...I dunno...this little..creature...and an old racing dude my dad used to watch all the time - Karver something."

"Royalty, you say?"

"No ransoming mid-race, partner. Gonna concentrate on driving now, if you'll hush."

The voice behind the bobble-head gives one last catlike "FFFT, FFFT!" and silences.

Lynn smiles. She was right; it IS a good day to race
"Dialogue from a play, Hamlet to Horatio: 'There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy.' Dialogue from a play written long before men took to the sky. There are more things in heaven and earth, and in the sky, than perhaps can be dreamt of. And somewhere in between heaven, the sky, the earth, lies the Twilight Zone."
                                                                 ---------Rod Serling, The Last Flight

Offline Commander La'ra

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Re: The 15th Annual Transnational Road Race
« Reply #31 on: October 08, 2007, 11:17:51 pm »

The Cross-Channel Highway into Gulfbay offers an excellent view of the tourist town's white beaches, ocean-view hotels, the dreadnaught-era battlecruiser anchored here as a museum ship, and other impressive sights.  None of the racers can spare a glance, though.  They're rather busy.

Lynn Cutter is still smiling, her electric-blue '80 Camaro roaring along in front of every other racer.  There are spectators lined up along the last section of the CCH;  she gives them a wave, but it's a brief gesture;  the sailor riding her bumper doesn't give up easily.

Duncan Hawke has finally achieved that frosty concentration that serves him so well when he's on the bridge of his destroyer.  He hadn't been precisely distracted during the CCH run, but he hadn't been as sharp as he'd liked.  Cutter's Camaro bulling it's way past had forced him to collect his wits, and now the naval Commander is in the zone, his steering and manipulation of the pedals as precise as it can be.  He hasn't passed the cowgirl yet, though.  She's clearly in a zone of her own.

Neither Hawke nor Cutter is yet aware of just how close Krazy Red Karver is getting to them.  The middle-aged Larryian might be the butt of an occasional tabloid joke, but he still makes his living racing cars and he's still good at it.  More importantly, his wife is still only occasionally chastising him.  The Purple '68 Camaro stalks the two lead cars like a cagey old lion.

Toomblee the Kobald  only wants to go faster.  She's off the water now.  She's on dry land.  That was good.  She should be able to go faster now.  Going faster means she can pass people.

Passing people is also on Dietrich Kell's mind.  The straight-line performance of his black supercar bought him several places last leg.  He won't be satisfied until there's no one in front of him, though, and after his high-speed cross-channel run, his confidence is high.  Not high enough, however, that his discounts the most immediate threat to his position.  He's learned the hard way not to underestimate...them...

Clarissa and Nero and the Murdermobile snarl along at high speed. Nero, usually groggy in the mornings, is wide awake now.  She's studying her best friend.  The redhead in the driver's seat is wearing the same expression she has when trying to master a difficult piece of music.

Behind them in a candy-apple red Jaguar, Duchess Lena Van der Prutt adjusts her grip on her steering wheel and tries to summon some patience.  Once Gulfbay is behind her, it's time for her kind of racing again.  She's had enough of long, straight, and smooth.  That's for liquor, not roads.

Laura Blair should be angry, given her decline in position, but she isn't.  She's, briefly, at home, and only wishes the city council didn't restrict the racers to the freeway within the city limits.  She knows shortcut after shortcut in her home town.  She hopes passing through will lend her some luck even without a home turf advantage.

Wade Gree ignores the thumping bass from his stereo system and thinks hard on his situation.  He doesn't know who, precisely, has found out where he is and tried to put an end to him, but the last attempt was far more blatant than the first, which leads the 'Wellutrian' to believe that further, possibly more overt, tries will be made.  Worse, the killers on the highway are probably in police custody by now.  Alive or dead, they'll give some clues to his own shadowy past.  How would the Larryians react once they discovered his various deceptions?

Prince George von Brightonburg's tiny modified racer zips forward as fast as the nobleman can make it go.  He's got a couple of women to catch up with and pass, and then a race to win.  Falling a few positions is a setback to the tenacious Brightonburger, not a defeat.

Restricted by local law to the expressway, the racers blast through Gulfbay within minutes and speed into the interior of the South Island.  The next checkpoint is quite distant: Carbon Rock, Larryia's southmost city.  The freeway goes there, of course, but it makes all sorts of turns and loops through the hilly terrain of the South Island.  Route selection is important. 

Lynn Cutter slips off the expressway and onto an old, lonesome highway that leads through a few tiny towns.  Duncan Hawke is latched to her.  He'd made the same route selection after careful consideration;  he knows his car can't match Toomblee's Silver Bullet or Kell's Vektor for sheer speed, so he's shortening his run based on some good maps.

Cutter's selection is based on personal experience.  This isn't the first time she's took her Camaro down her choice of highway at over a hundred miles an hour.  A few stray memories float into her head.  She smiles, but fights the urge to reminisce.  Her efforts to shake Hawke loose refuse to bear fruit and she needs her concentration.

Karver and Toomblee stick to their strengths and stay on the expressway.  Both of their cars are quite fast.  Karver prefers relatively straight roads.  Toomblee thinks curves slow her down.  The Purple Camaro and Silver dart pace each other as they roar on down the freeway.

Kell is in hot pursuit.  He'd considered another route the night before, prior to a long and well-deserved nap.  He's not a navigator, though.  He drives for a living, and his skill in that area, along with the speed of his car, are his best weapons.  Blair and Gree stay as well, doing their best to catch up with the black supercar.

Clarissa and Nero don't bother, taking a favored highway of their own.  Duchess van der Prutt follows them for a bit, before disappearing onto backroads even the rurally-raised Clarissa is reluctant to drive down.

Prince von Brightonburg briefly considers following Cutter and Hawke.  He decides against it.  It's the safe play.  The Prince has never been one for the safe play, and thinking so conservatively rankles him.  Where was his daring?  His elan?  When he sees the Murdermobile and the cherry-red Jag turn off the freeway, he reverses his early choice.  He may not know the layout of the Larryian highway system, but he's sure those women do.  He'll follow, take advantage of their knowledge.

The temperature rises as the racers get farther from the coast.  Though not as hot as other parts of Larryia, the South Island is still balmy, and there's no sea breeze to cool things down.  Kell, noting his Vektor's rising heat gauge, takes the pressure off his accelerator.  He can cruise are a damned impressive speed, after all, and following his high speed run, he needs to give his car a break.

Other racers don't have that luxury.  Cutter is surprised when Hawke's Aston Martin slips by her.  His lead is brief; she shifts gears, guns her Camaro past the touring car and stays ahead for a few moments before the Devon's Islander again slips past.

Not far behind, Toomblee paces Krazy Red Karver, waiting for a chance to pass.  The Larryian's purple Camaro is big and heavy.  The Silver Bullet is not.  Karver likes to block.  The Kobald finds the habit bothersome.

Lena van der Prutt is in something close to heaven as she charges down old gravel roads, through muddy pools left by the rain, and past signs that say 'no vehicle traffic permitted'.  The Duchess has a feeling she isn't gaining any ground.  The mud from the recent storms is still slowing her.  Judging by her time estimates, all written in the exhaustive sets of pace notes in her passenger seat, she's not losing any either.

Laura Blair is in the same situation, but less jubilant about it.  She snarls into her rear view as she notes Wade Gree's Supra gaining ground on her.  She presses the pedal, and her dark blue Charger starts to pull away.  Gree is more focused now, and accelerates in kind;  whatever else he has to worry about, he's in the race to win.

The Murdermobile roars through a small town Clarissa knows fairly well.  The redhead is humming a favorite tune.  Nero is going on about the next website photoset she's going to put up.  Why not go with a race theme?  Pictures of her sprawled over the car and such.  Clarissa only occasionally offers an opinion.  She's glancing in the rear view. Another racer is following them, and getting closer.

Prince von Brightonburg sees the big, black Gothwagon growing larger and steels his resolve.  He'll soon put the Larryian girls in their place.  He follows the Murdermobile down a side street, then out of town onto another old highway.

Duncan Hawke curses as Lynn Cutter's Camaro once again steals his lead.  Aston-Martin and Camaro roar down the highway, almost alongside each other.

Red Karver loses focus as Linda begins to reassert herself.  Whatever had prompted her quiet mood is losing it's effect, and small, nagging remarks are once again bombarding the Larryian rally driver.  He almost doesn't notice when Toomblee passes him.

Toomblee is happy that she's passed him.  She'll be happier when she passes everyone else.

Prince Brightonburg finds himself on a winding section of hilly road with many curves.  He resists the urge to slow.  The Murdermobile is not visible, but he knows the girls can't be too far ahead, and he must catch up.

Clarissa and Nero are grinning and laughing.  The little recreational area they'd ducked had allowed them a tree-obscured view of Prince Brightonburg whizzing on by.  Now they're back on the right road, wondering how long it'll be before George realizes he's been tricked.  There's a flash of red from a side road, though, and the Goth girl and the Redhead are suddenly confronted with a Jaguar on their tail as Duchess van Der Prutt comes back onto the main highway.

A few miles down the wrong road, Prince Brightonburg sees a sign giving the mileage back to Gulfbay.  He slams on the brakes, turns his little modified around.  He calls the Larryian girls various ungentlemanly things as he roars back towards the right road.

Cutter and Hawke continue to battle, trading positions almost constantly.  Both realize the duel is better avoided.  Both realize that they're pushing their cars harder than they should and fatiguing themselves when there's still most of a day of racing ahead of them.  Each looks for an oppurtunity to gain a solid lead.

Cutter sees it first.  The road loops here.  There's a simple dirt path, with a small bridge in the middle,  that connects one half of the loop to the other.   She does her best to keep her car between the little path and Hawke, then veers down the gravel cut off at the last possible moment.

Hawke wonders for a second if something has just went horribly wrong with Cutter's car, glances back.  He sees the electric blue Camaro kicking up dirt and gravel, sliding more than driving down the little shortcut.  He curses, wrenches out what little bit of speed his car still has in reserve.  By the time he rounds the loop, Cutters back on the highway.  Her lead is measured in yards rather than feet now.  Not much, but the best she's had all day.  The dusky Larryian grins widely.

The racers near Carbon Rock around noon and once again, cars are forced onto the freeway by checkpoint rules.  Clarissa and Nero merge onto the expressway with Lena van der Prutt in hot pursuit.  The fire-haired Duchess is crowding the Murdermobile a little until Clarissa hits the brakes for a split second.  The Jaguar is forced into a wild turn.  The Duchess recovers, uses the Gothwagon's momentary loss of momentum to try and pass.  Clarissa puts the hammer down, keeps up with the noblewoman.  The two redheads lock eyes.  Clarissa feels an odd connection there, as if the Duchess were a friend in another life. There's still this life to deal with, though.  Clarissa swings the Murdermobile towards the Jaguar, almost bumping it. 

There's another flash of fury on the Duchess face, the usual reaction to someone taking liberties with her car.  The Luger comes up.  She doesn't squeeze the trigger.  Nero is leaning across her redheaded companion, aiming a revolver in the Duchess' general direction.  Clarissa gives a 'no-no' motion with her finger.  The Duchess grins and salutes.

Kell can't see the interplay, but he does see the Murdermobile, the Jag, in his rear view.  He narrows his eyes.  He'd hoped he'd lost the Murdermobile.  No such luck, it would seem.  He puts a little more pressure on his accelerator pedal.

Prince George zips onto the freeway in between Laura Blair and Wade Gree.  The Wellutrian doesn't seem to be in the game today...he doesn't even try to catch the Prince, who's lead over the tricked out Supra expands rapidly.  He draws up alongside Blair's dark blue Dodge, intent on passing.  The dark-haired Larryian sneers at him, and the hemi-powered Charger roars forward and away from the Prince's modified.  A still-lit cigarette flies out the driver's window, thumping off the Prince's windshield in a hail of tiny sparks.

Cutter blasts into Carbon Rock with Hawke still close on her tail.  The rest of the racers aren't far behind.


Lynn Cutter is in 1st by a hair, challenged constantly by...

...Duncan Hawke in 2nd, who's now quite familiar with the back end of a '80 Camaro.

Toomblee, having passed up Karver, is in 3rd with a ghost of a lead over...

....Krazy Red Karver in 4th, who's probably considering divorce or at least a muzzle.

Dietrich Kell is in 5th, maintaining his position and preserved his superiority complex.

Clarissa and Nero are neck-in-neck with Lena van Der Prutt.  Who's in 6th or 7th would be hard to determine.

Laura Blair is in 8th place.  She's drawing closer to C&N and Van der Prutt, but also has...

...Prince George von Brightonburg, in 9th place, close on her back bumper.  This is not the first time George has been spotted Larryian tail.  It probably won't be the last.

Wade Gree, probably a bit paranoid at the moment, is in 10th.


Almost caught up with the 'live' race thread, now.  Can't wait to post leg seven.  It's a doozy.
"Dialogue from a play, Hamlet to Horatio: 'There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy.' Dialogue from a play written long before men took to the sky. There are more things in heaven and earth, and in the sky, than perhaps can be dreamt of. And somewhere in between heaven, the sky, the earth, lies the Twilight Zone."
                                                                 ---------Rod Serling, The Last Flight

Offline Commander La'ra

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Re: The 15th Annual Transnational Road Race
« Reply #32 on: October 10, 2007, 06:07:38 am »
Visual Aid....Jaguar XK-E, same color as that driven by Duchess Lena van Der Prutt

"Dialogue from a play, Hamlet to Horatio: 'There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy.' Dialogue from a play written long before men took to the sky. There are more things in heaven and earth, and in the sky, than perhaps can be dreamt of. And somewhere in between heaven, the sky, the earth, lies the Twilight Zone."
                                                                 ---------Rod Serling, The Last Flight

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Re: The 15th Annual Transnational Road Race
« Reply #33 on: October 30, 2007, 12:49:10 pm »
Oooh, she's a sweet ride. She looks much better with the top down. <insert obvious joke here>

I really wish I could link up my X-Box account to the computer so I could post a pic of Hawk's elegant DB9... *grumbles*

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The Doctor: "Must be a spatio-temporal hyperlink."
Mickey: "Wot's that?"
The Doctor: "No idea. Just made it up. Didn't want to say 'Magic Door'."
- Doctor Who: The Woman in the Fireplace (S02E04)


Offline Commander La'ra

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Re: The 15th Annual Transnational Road Race
« Reply #34 on: October 30, 2007, 03:57:35 pm »
Posted on behalf of Dietrich Kell's player...

"Verfluchte larrische Huren..." snarls Dietrich Kell, scowling at the sight of the Murdermobile in his rearview. If he were the religious type, he might have thought they were the fates' revenge for some great karmic sin he'd committed in the past. They certainly had done nothing but bedevil him since the start of the race. At least, though, he'd left the other racer he dearly wanted to beat, that effete Brightonburg prince, far behind him with no signs of closing the distance.

Next to the Murdermobile was the psychotic Brochensteiner woman's Jaguar. He sneered at the image in the mirror as he lit another cigarette with his silver Zippo. If this woman was any judge, the so called 'nobility' of Brochenstein could barely be called such. He wasn't terribly fond of the Kieric aristocracy, hailing from land-owning yeoman stock in northern Berhagen, but at least Kieric noble families recognized the dangers of too much inbreeding.

The Sphinx 2000 pistol that had found its way into his car after the layover had once been frontline issue for the Landesheer Kierholme and the Reichsheer after that, but following the introduction of its successor, the 3000, the market had been flooded with military surplus 2000s. Kell had bought one several years ago, and nothing had ever made him regret the purchase. After watching van der Prutt's antics over the last several legs of the race, he'd made sure the pistol was waiting for him with his race crew at Festung Solastis. His hand tapped the handle of the pistol, strapped to the side of his center console, and his mind flooded with images of a bullet putting a large hole into one of the two trailing racers' tires... or that red-haired Larryian girl's lovely Busen.

That particular image was dismissed from his mind not quite immediately, and not without a certain amount of regret, but dismissed nonetheless. His focus was on winning the race, not going postal on the competition. Still, though, nothing would make him happier right now than seeing the Murdermobile on the side of the road with a blown tire or two... He resolved to let the Larryian girls play their part in that particular fantasy of his should they ever try to pass him again.

Noticing he'd smoked his cigarette nearly down to the filter, he quickly tapped it in the ashtray and promptly lit another. He looked down at the heat gauge on his dashboard. Not as low as he liked, but low enough thanks to his last coast that he could continue to pile on some more acceleration, which he does. He taps a control on his CD player, which clicks, whirrs, then begins playing his favorite Megaherz CD. The dark, full sounds of Alexx Wesselsky's band - a common theme among Kell's favorite groups - reverberated throughout the car, the frenetic beats stoking the fires of his adrenaline. His face twisted in a cruel grin as he continued to lay on the accelerator. Yes, there was plenty of race left... and he had big plans.

Posted on behalf of Lynn Cutter's player...

"Aw, s-." Lynn Cutter's accent deepened in frustration. A familiar blue and white streak was coming up fast in her rearview.

The bobble-headed cat on her dash buzzed.

"Heya, Dubya-Cee. Ein's talking to the boys, but I thought I'd tell you we've got a..."

"I see 'er, Nikki."

"Looks like you-know-who. How's it haulin', by the way?"

"About 110." Cutter can almost feel Nikki smile.

"Need any help?"


"Kay. Nikki out."

A motion outside her driver's side window. The car outside was keeping up with the Camaro. For the moment.

A quick CD-track change and Cutter rolls down her window.

"Was I speeding, Officer?" She smiles sweetly, a cheshire's grin.

Favored band Dope's cover of "F- The Police" blared.

A young, well-built blonde in a blue Mustang, late-90's model, sped along beside Lynn's classic. The 'Stang had little lightning bolts airbrushed down the sides.

"The Museum of Antiquities contacted us. They'll be wanting it back." The blonde's voice only trembled a little.

"Well, she doesn't wanna go back, Sparky."

Cutter puts a little more pressure on the gas. The blonde and her Mustang are left behind.

Posted on behalf of Toomblee's player...

Toomblee sings a song from her youth, one she has always known. She sang it often while building this car, she sings it now, since it rests her mind and lets her focus on driving and speed.

Oh Coydog
Oh Hey Coydog
We can have a party
We can have a big party
Look at all these people
Get them in a party mood

I'll find juice
Sweet juice, strong juice mellow juice hot juice
I will bring a lot of juice

Oh Coy dog
O hey coydog
I am your child
Let us have a good time...

Oh, she does love speed. She likes Larryia, with its odd and playful people who make such fun things, and who are so good about letting others play. It is a good day, a good time, it is speed.

She continues to sing, yipping a little as her car hums smoothly.

Posted on behalf of one half of the Clarissa/Nero team...

The skyline of Carbon Rock, Larryia is visible in the distance. Clarissa's gaze is fixed on the sleek black supercar not far ahead.

There's a tune playing in Clarissa's head. There usually is. She's learned to let the rhythms guide her. Her instincts don’t talk to her. They sing to her, play for her. Right now the beat is...steady. She doesn’t particularly want it to be steady. The guy in the black car is managing a difficult feat; he’s making the Clarissa the introverted scholastic angry.

She doesn’t know why the other driver is bothering her. He’s done nothing to her specifically. At least nothing that every other person in the race hasn’t been doing or trying to do.

It’s subtle, she supposes. A style of driving that betrays misplaced arrogance and hostility. When she thinks about him, the notes in her head get heavy and oppressive. She doesn’t like it. The dislike is manifesting itself in an urge to put him in his proper place: far behind the Murdermobile.

Nero is talking, Clarissa realizes.

“Wha?” She asks. She blinks. She’d been pretty far ‘under’.

“I said that you wanna pass him.” The Goth drawls.

Clarissa steals a glance at her pale companion. Nero’s green eyes show amusement, interest, and a certain kind of pride...the kind mother cats display when their kitten disembowels a mouse.

“We’re racing, of course I wanna pass him.”

“You really want to pass him.” Nero restates. “You haven’t blinked in a couple of minutes.”

Clarissa feels herself flush. Nero always made her blush, whenever the Goth spotted something that the redhead didn’t like to put on display. It made her secret little urges easier to handle though, when Nero knew about them.

Clarissa’s hands tighten on the wheel. She almost puts more pressure on the accelerator, almost makes an aggressive move toward the black supercar. The music wasn’t right yet, though. She keeps the Murdermobile at a steady clip.
« Last Edit: October 30, 2007, 04:10:28 pm by Commander La'ra »
"Dialogue from a play, Hamlet to Horatio: 'There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy.' Dialogue from a play written long before men took to the sky. There are more things in heaven and earth, and in the sky, than perhaps can be dreamt of. And somewhere in between heaven, the sky, the earth, lies the Twilight Zone."
                                                                 ---------Rod Serling, The Last Flight

Offline Commander La'ra

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Re: The 15th Annual Transnational Road Race
« Reply #35 on: November 06, 2007, 03:21:54 am »

Unlike Gulfbay, Carbon Rock, Larryia is not a tourist trap.  It's the southmost city in Larryia, on the farthest tip of the South Island.  It's not a terribly attractive city, the burst of growth that made it into the industrial metropolis it is today having occurred in an era of architectual conservatism. 

Lynn Cutter isn't Carbon Rock's biggest fan, but she's had some memorable adventures in the rough, somewhat crime-ridden town.  She grins to herself as she recalls this escapade or that as she zooms down the expressway, weaving in and out of the heavy midday traffic.  Other drivers recognize the electric-blue Camaro and wave.  She usually responds with a tip of her black cowboy hat, or a sultry wink.

Not far behind her, Duncan Hawke is equally amiable.  The racers speeds have generally lowered, in deference to the Carbon Rock traffic, and he uses the opportunity to catch his breath.  He's still close on Cutter's heels, but the Larryian wildcat has given him a tough run.  He smiles, waves to a civilian driver here, a roadside onlooker there.

Toomblee, for once, is somewhat distracted.  Carbon Rock is orderly and logically planned and they build things there.  Large things.  Ships.  Planes.  Trains.  Trucks.  She doesn't care that it seems a little dirty.  Places where things are made are supposed to be dirty.  The Silver Bullet slides through traffic with ease, as if energized by it's driver's delight.

Krazy Red Karver is beginning to worry.  He's not losing ground.  His 68 Camaro is rumbling like a lion trying to purr.  But Linda is still quiet.  Linda is never quiet for any great length of time unless something bad is about to happen.  Under his racing gloves, his hands are a little sweaty.

To Dietrich Kell, Krazy Red Karver is his next target.  He can see the purple antique up ahead.  He'd have passed him by now if it weren't for the cursed traffic.  Larryian drivers don't make way for him, or for any other racers.  It wouldn't be like that in Kiermark.  He glances at the rear-view mirror, checking for Clarissa, Nero, and the Murdermobile.  They're still there.

Clarissa's full lips are pulled in tight.  She's not sneering.  She's not pouting.  She's irritated.  The traffic inhibiting Kell is keeping the Murdermobile restrained as well, and she's saw no opportunity to zoom past the Kieric, yet.  Nero gazes out the window.  Carbon Rock looks boring, all right, but the busty Goth has heard that it's her kind of town.  Lots of nooks and crannies to find dark things in.

Duchess Lena Van der Prutt is pacing the Murdermobile, waiting.  The girls had surprised her last leg, matching her 9mm ante.  She's decided she likes them.  That doesn't mean she's reluctant to pass...she's making Clarissa feel the pressure...but she's put the Luger away.  For now, and for those two.  She glances in her mirrors.  A threat is approaching.

Laura Blair's midnight blue Charger slowly gains on Van der Prutt's Jaguar.  The Duchess had passed her with a crazy move last leg, but the dark-haired Larryian knows her car can outrun the 60's era sportster if she can manufacture a chance.  She exhales a smoke ring, slides past a slow-moving truck.  She'll probably have to wait until she gets out of Carbon Rock to do that, and she might have to ditch her attached royalty, too.

Prince George von Brightonburg has lost his patience.  He's been outaccelerated, outfoxed, and outran over the last few hours, and the royal decides he'll have no more of it.  His tiny modified is well suited for zipping in an out of traffic.  It's time to move up a few places.

Wade Gree is in a bigger car, but his advantage is similar to that of the Prince's.  The Supra he's driving is quite responsive.  He's still a little rattled from the earlier incident, but with each mile, he's getting back into the groove.

The train of racers wind their way through the Carbon Rock traffic.  With most of the drivers electing to maintain their spot, there's few passes, few attempts to move ahead. 

Few, however, is not 'none'.  Prince George puts his foot hard against the gas pedal and the little modified begins to scream down the expressway.  Horns honk as the blue-blood from Brightonburg ducks through spaces too small for almost any other car.  Middle fingers are extended as he cuts off merging traffic, narrowly misses a vehicle or two, and other minor incidents.  His sudden rash driving, however, brings him far closer to Laura Blair.

Blair sees the modified approaching.  It surprises her;  she'd been quite focused on Van der Prutt.  The midnight blue Charger accelerates, begins to pull away from Brightonburg's modified.  The Prince can't quite keep up, but the Dodge is large for a sports car, and can't weave and duck as ably as his own diminutive racer.   Blair is forced to slow when she can't quite get around an airport shuttle bus.  Brightonburg can.  The buxom catches a quick glimpse of a grinning, mustachioed face as the Prince passes her by.

Moments pass before she can get through.  Blair snarls, takes a long drag off her cigarette, and pursues.  The little dandy and his little car aren't getting off that easy.

As Brightonburg makes his move, Lynn Cutter is passing the Carbon Rock city limits marker.  The traffic doesn't thin immediately of course.  It takes a bit.  She smiles.  The next checkpoint is in St. Lucia, many miles to the North.  The problem, from most of the racer's point of view, is that while the freeway leads to St. Lucia, it runs along the coast.  Sandy beaches and warm waters dominate the scenery, but as a quick way to Lucia-town, the expressway just doesn't cut it.  Cutter slides down an exit ramp and onto the old South Island highway.

Duncan Hawke, his reserves rebuilt, is just behind her.  With any luck, he'll reclaim his lead.  Cutter has proven a difficult foe, thus far, but he is confident.  He's plotting his next passing attempt when a low, silver shape zips past him as he was standing still.  The Devon's Islander blinks.

Toomblee exhults, and belts out another round of her favorite song.  Roads would be hillier and curvier along the old highway.  She probably couldn't go as fast, but she'd be closer to the ground.  Coydog giveth and Coydog taketh away.

The Silver Bullet pulls away from Hawke.  The sailor slams his foot onto the pedal and tries to keep up.

Karver and Kell are next off the expressway, and the sleek black supercar is clearly gaining on the purple Camaro.  Kell flexes his fingers, anticipates his next gain.  Karver frowns into the rear view and glances at his wife.  Still quiet.

Clarissa and Nero are staying in sight of Kell's Vektor.  Clarissa thinks she hears a change in tune.  It's not time yet, but it was coming.  She smiles at Nero.  Nero smiles back, before she's thrown around the car a bit.  A candy-red Jaguar had just tried to pass, and Clarissa's avoiding block had been lively.

"Do that again!"  The Goth demands.  Clarissa laughs.

Duchess van der Prutt grins, tries to slip past the Murdermobile again.  The big Chevy swerves, once again blocking her.  The Larryian girls aren't like driving on gravel, but they are a challenge.  The Duchess is enjoying herself.

She's also Prince Brightonburg's next target.  He's aware of the midnight blue Charger, now uninhibited by freeway traffic, coming up from behind, but let her come.  He means to move up, and the Duchess is in the way.  The little Modified draws closer to the Jag.

Blair stares at Brightonburg's modified and keeps pressure on the gas.  She wouldn't have to be fancy to outrun him.  Just persistent.

Gree watches and waits.  He's seen the Duchess incite her share of small disasters.  He's seen the murder girls do the same.  He decides that he'll let them cancel each other out.  When whatever chaos they cause this time happens, he'll be ready.

Cutter finds herself swerving, doing her best to keep the Silver Bullet from getting by.  Something seems to have lit a fire under the little Kobald, though, and the sleek little projecticle slips by the '80 Camaro.  Toomblee gives another affectionate wave as she scoots past.  Cutter can't help but laugh.

Hawke blinks again.  That little silver thing was devilishly fast.  He's on Cutter's tail again, now, but in third, not second.  He'd already planned on dealing with her, though, and decides that at least his planning won't be for naught.

Kell's Vektor draws close to Karver's Camaro, like a sleek black shark approaching a hapless seal.  The Kieric grins, lets himself enjoy the vibrations of his engine.  He was going to savor this pass.  After Karver, there were the top three.  After them, first place for Dietrich Kell.  And putting opponents between him and the Murdermobile couldn't be a bad thing.  He accelerates.

Karver sees the Vektor approaching.  He's in that split second of decision, that little moment where, out of thousands of ways to react, your mind must select a single one, when Linda finally breaks her silence.

"I've been with another man."  She says.

Red Karver doesn't respond.  In truth, it takes a moment for what Linda has said to register.  He goes through the usual.  He thinks his misheard her.  He thinks he imagined it.  He thinks she's joking, making it up.

But, for all their conflicts, Krazy Red Karver has been...if he isn't now...close to his wife.  He knows her joking tones, her occasional fibs told just to piss him off.  Her voice had been serious.  He glances at her.  She's looking at him.  There's defiance in her eyes, and the statement had been uttered in a way that told him she was daring him to do something about it.

Rage boils up in the middle-aged racer and once again he's faced with a moment where ones mind must select a single course of action.  Several options, some homicidal, some suicidal, some both, most neither, spring into mind and the near-berserk rally car driver is having trouble with his selection.  At least until he sees the flash of black in his side view mirror and remembers that long-haired Kieric son-of-a-bitch had been about to pass him.

Karver throws the Camaro across the road.  Kell, halfway through a pass, swerves to avoid a collision.  He tries to accelerate, zip past anyway, but Karver slams his foot down and the purple Camaro lets out a roar, pulling in front of the Kieric. 

Kell is not to be denied.  He pulls right, trying to get by on the other side.  He has to hit the brakes to avoid Karver's wild block this time.  Another swerve, another attempted pass, another near collision.  Kell's brow furrows.  The Camaro pulls away.  The Vektor pursues.

Behind the embattled pair, Clarissa smiles a little and the Murdermobile accelerates.

"Soon."  Nero says confidently.

"Soon."  Clarissa agrees.

Prince Brightonburg is feeling the morning's frustration fall away as he draws closer and closer to Duchess Van der Prutt's candy-apple Jag.   He's heard the talk, and knows she can be a tad violent, but he's not the type of racer who tends to draw her wrath.  What kind of gentleman slams into a lady's car?  He cuts inside the Brochensteiner on the next curve, almost pulls ahead.  As the road straightens, though, he finds himself neck in neck with the fire-haired Duchess.

Laura Blair's Charger rounds the curve only a second or two behind the Prince and the Duchess.  She can't see a way past both cars, yet.  She lets some pressure off the accelerator pedal, watches, and waits.

Behind her, Wade Gree continues to amble along.  Let the others tussle.

"Well aren't you going to say anything?"  Linda Karver demands of her husband.  Her hands are holding tight to the dashboard, feet braced against the floor.  The Camaro is going faster than it's ever gone before, and Krazy Red Karver's face has flushed until it matches his name with a vein in his forehead more prominent than usual.

His mind is racing, cataloguing every single incident when the blonde in the passenger seat yelled at him, scolded him, slapped him, sniffed at him, dismissed him or ridiculed him.  He notes the recurring theme of his assumed but never real infidelties.  He notes that for all that drama and turmoil over him talking to a chirpy female fan or a hot female pit mechanic, HE's not the one who shopped in the wrong store first.  Fingernails dig into the steering wheel.  There's a car ahead.

Duncan Hawke notes Karver's rapid approach, takes the next curve on the inside, to keep the Larryian from passing.  He can't stop Karver from getting alongside him, but the deep green Aston Martin is starting to pull ahead.  Starting too, when Karver's purple Camaro sideswipes him.  It's a gentle tap as automobile collisions go, but Hawke finds himself on the shoulder, heading for the ditch. 

The sailor has fast, trained, reflexes.  The brake is applied, but not too much of it.  The wheel is turned, but not too far.  The DB9 straightens, runs on the shoulder for a few seconds before pulling back onto the road.  But speed, that priceless thing, has been loss.
Dietrich Kell doesn't know what the hell's going on in Red Karver's front seat, but he knows road rage when he sees it and he's giving the Larryian some room.  That doesn't mean he can't take an offered opportunity, though.  He zips by Hawke, chuckling lowly.

Clarissa does the same, without the chuckle.  Nero waves to Hawke.  He's a sailor, after all.  She knows how they are, and hell, maybe she'll take advantage of it later.

Hawke pulls back on the road.  He's not fuming.  Devon's Islanders don't fume.  Stiff upper lip and all that.  It'll take some time to regain his lost ground, certainly.  But he's confident...then he sees the mini-convoy coming up on him from behind.

Prince Brightonburg is leading Van der Prutt's Jaguar now, but by inches.  He chances the occasional look back.  He can clearly see the noblewoman's sunglasses, scarf-secured hair, and the grin on her face as she tries to slip by time after time.  He even sees the look of surprise on her face when Laura Blair's Charger scoots by them both.

Blair whoops with satisfaction, then does it again when she blasts past the still-not-quite-recovered Duncan Hawke.  A spent cigarette flies out her window.  A replacement is lit, in celebration.

Hawke rebuilds his speed, but not in time to keep Brightonburg and the Duchess from passing him too.  There's a split second of frustration, before his eyes lock onto the Duchess, her red Jag, her bound hair.  There were, he knew, advantages to nearly any situation.  He grins, pushes the DB9 faster, faster, until he's once again at a respectable velocity, his concentration focused on the red XK-E.

Wade Gree continues to cruise.  He's gotten close enough to the other racers that he can see some of the chaos ensuing up ahead.  He knows better than to get involved in that mess.

"Red, you're scaring me!"  Linda shouts.  Karver doesn't really hear her.  He didn't really notice nearly running Hawke off the road.  He's thinking about racing now.  Not the race he's in, really, but all the races he's missed thanks to Linda's disapproval of the sport.  Her objections always seemed centered on groupies, how if he lived on the road, he was sure to stray.  Many long tirades, many violent arguments had been had about it, and each one is rotating through his head like a hellish kalediscope.

His teeth grind.  He almost rams someone in front of him.  They don't seem too eager to get out of the way.  He decides he may as well bump them.

"<censored!>"  Lynn Cutter yells as the older model Camaro thumps her bumper.  She tries to pull ahead.  The road curves again, and she tries to drift inside, but the purple brother-car behind her cuts in, and slowly, achingly pulls away.
Cutter gets a glimpse of Karver's face.  The middle-aged racer is beet-red.  He doesn't look at her.  Indeed, he doesn't seem to be looking at much of anything.  She notes that the woman is the passenger seat is much more animated.  So that's what all that was about.

"What you get for marrying a <censored!> blonde!"  She hollers as the older, purple Camaro pulls away.  Her eyes note the Vektor approaching, looking as if it's eager to take advantage.

"Uh uh."  She says, and accelerates, pulling away from the supercar, but not quite keeping up with Karver.

Dietrich Kell frowns.  The cowgirl was going to take some planning.  He considers the problem as the road begins to slope downhill.  Ahead was a long, gentle curve.

There's a tune-shift in Clarissa's head.  Her face lights up, and her foot puts the accelerator to the floor.  The Murdermobile rockets forward, eating up the distance between itself and the smaller Vektor.  She can't quite make it to the inside edge of the curve, but the Gothwagon has a reserve.  It won't matter.

Kell sees the Murdermobile surging forward and grins.  He slides open a side window, left hand closing around the butt of his handgun.  The Murdermobile is almost alongside....

"Gun!"  Nero yells.  Clarissa brakes.  Three sharp cracks are audible above the roaring engines.  Sparks fly off asphalt as 9mm rounds miss the tire they'd been aimed for.

"Did he just shoot at us?"  Clarissa yells, sliding the Murdermobile in behind the Vektor.  Nero responds, though with a stream of curses that would make even Hawke, a lifelong sailor, blush.

Blair, Van Der Prutt, and Brightonburg roar along, almost in formation.  Blair blocks the Duchess from passing, nearly sideswipes Brightonburg's little modified.  Curves are slowing her a bit.  She needs a straight stretch of road to pull away. 

Van der Prutt knows a stalemate when she sees one.  She makes a faux attempt at passing Blair.  The Prince, predictably, tries to capitalize when it 'fails'.  This occupies both racers for a few seconds.  Long enough for the Duchess to veer off down a side road.  It's planned, but why let them know where she went?

Blair and Brightonburg note the Duchess' sudden departure, but pay it no mind.  Duncan Hawke sees it, too, though, and knows from experience what the nobelwoman is up too.  And if it can work for her, it can work for him.  He throws the Aston Martin down the same side road and roars after the Brochensteiner.
Wade Gree doesn't.  He likes it just fine where he is.  For now.

Toomblee is rejoicing in first place, taking curves with childlike glee, nearly ramping over hills.  She feels something...bad, approaching, though.  Betrayal?  Anger?  Suddenly there's a purple Camaro, big enough to just run her over if it wanted too, right on her tail.

Always fun to invoke Coydog, she knows, but dangerous.  Weird things happened.  Like whatever was happening in the Camaro.  Toomblee loves speed.  Toomblee wants to win.  Toomblee isn't stupid.  She simply lets the Camaro by.

Red Karver really doesn't even notice. 

"We're in first, Red!  You can slow down now!"  Linda implores.  Karver sees a hill ahead.  His car is maxed out, pushing the edges of what it's capable of.  But the hill...the Camaro is steel and iron.  It's heavy.  As long as he keeps the pedal down, he might manage a few more miles an hour.  The purple Camaro rockets down the hill, shaking and shuddering and picking up through gravity more than it's engine can give it.  Linda screams.  Karver's snarling frown turns into a sickening grin.

Toomblee watches, blinks, and tries to keep up.  Not far behind, Cutter does the same.
"Dialogue from a play, Hamlet to Horatio: 'There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy.' Dialogue from a play written long before men took to the sky. There are more things in heaven and earth, and in the sky, than perhaps can be dreamt of. And somewhere in between heaven, the sky, the earth, lies the Twilight Zone."
                                                                 ---------Rod Serling, The Last Flight

Offline Commander La'ra

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Re: The 15th Annual Transnational Road Race
« Reply #36 on: November 06, 2007, 03:23:27 am »

The Murdermobile rides Kell's bumper, following the supercar as close as Clarissa can manage.  The Vektor almost pulls away on an uphill.  The Bel-Air regains the space on the way down.  There's another curve ahead.  More importantly the shoulder is wide.  Kell takes the turn on the inside.  Clarissa goes farther.  The big Gothwagon slides as the redhead takes her across halfway off the road, comes back on the highway almost sideways.  Gravel spatters the Vektor's windshield, leaving tiny chips and cracks, and Kell swerves to avoid what he's sure is a crash.  But the bespectacled co-ed corrects.  Hot Rod and Supercar find themselves rocketing down the highway, almost fender to fender.

"Push the button!"  Clarissa yells.  Nero does so, with an evil cackle.  The Murdermobile's engine howls in protest, nitrous oxide flowing into it's cylinders.  The big Gothwagon pulls away from the sleek Vektor.

Clarissa lets out a victorious cry.  Nero gives her an amused look.  Clarissa blushes.

"Yeah!" She says, much more quietly. 

Behind them, Kell has more to say, though there's no one in the car to hear it.  Worse, there are other racers approaching, quite fast.  He can deal with the Murdermobile later, he decides, sliding his car around on the road so that Blair's Charger, suddenly on him, cannot pass.
Blair narrows her eyes.  The Kieric had passed her on the CCH without any trouble.  She owes him one, she decides, tries to slip by.  Kell is slippery though, blocking her, cutting her off.  The road starts on an uphill grade.  The swerving, the slope slow both cars.  Blair curses as Prince Brightonburg's lightweight modified, slips past her.

The Prince nods to himself, and almost gets by Kell's Vektor before the Kieric notices him.   Kell's tinted window is still open from his earlier shooting expedition, and the two drivers lock gazes.  Both hit the gas.

The uphill turns to downhill.  Brightonburg almost scoots in front of Kell, but the Kiermark driver blocks him.  Blair shoots past both, then swerves as the Duchess and Hawke blast back onto the highway from an old side road.  Kell uses the distraction, accelerates straight through the mini-traffic jam.  For a moment he's out in front, then Hawke's deep green Aston Martin DB9 zips by.  Five cars pass and block and bump, each gaining the lead, each losing the lead, as the entire wad of automotive mayhem rockets down the highway.

Wade Gree, watches from the rear and smiles to himself.  It wouldn't be long now.  St. Lucia was on the horizon.


Krazy Red Karver is in 1st place!  His hate has made him powerful.

Toomblee is in 2nd, close to Karver, but keeping a safe distance.

Lynn Cutter is in 3rd, close to the leaders still, and fairly far ahead of...

Clarissa and Nero in 4th place after an off-road pass an a timely injection of nitrous oxide.

Dietrich Kell, Duncan Hawke, Duchess Lena van der Prutt, Laura Blair and Prince George von Brightonburg are snarled together in a collective 5th place.

Wade Gree is in 6th, waiting for his moment, and probably happy he's not in 5th.


Thanks to the havoc wrought by my favorite 10-sider, this leg has been the most enjoyable to write so far.  Hope ya'll like it! ;D
"Dialogue from a play, Hamlet to Horatio: 'There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy.' Dialogue from a play written long before men took to the sky. There are more things in heaven and earth, and in the sky, than perhaps can be dreamt of. And somewhere in between heaven, the sky, the earth, lies the Twilight Zone."
                                                                 ---------Rod Serling, The Last Flight

Offline Commander La'ra

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Re: The 15th Annual Transnational Road Race
« Reply #37 on: November 14, 2007, 04:30:23 am »
Posted on behalf of Prince George von Brightonburg's player...

" The time is now," said Prince George as he re-lit his cigar  "Lets now show them what we can do!"

Prince George pushed his car though its paces zigging and zagging though the traffic.

if I can break out of this log jam, I can make up lost time!" Prince George shifted through his gears and thought to himself

Lets see what Brightonburgian motorsports technology can do..

Posted on behalf of Toomblee's player...

Toomblee smiled as they tore through the filthy city, her car filters sucked in the outside air, redolent with carcinogens and pollutants. It brought back happy memories of her young days in the kobald child care*. Such great fun rolling through the flames, round, sleek and smooth, bouncing and bouncing in the molten metals until they were old enough to play….FOOTBALL!

Oh Toomblee had loved football. She bounced in her seat, happy memories filling her, foot urging her bullet on for more speed. She hadn’t played many games, it was true, but she had been on target to be nominated as a MVB**. That had been heady stuff, but then, then she had discovered speed and she was lost to football forever.

Well maybe not forever. She did sometimes still like to drop in on a practice, the balls had so much fun…

Toomblee didn’t know, but she wore a meltingly goofy, fond smile, the kind of smile the hymentopaerae and dryads wielded as weapons, the kind of smile that could melt a person’s good sense and make them agree to ANYthing just to see that smile again. She passed a trooper on a motorcycle, and his heart gave a little leap as he realized he’d just seen the face of his bride…spiky hair and all.

*Kobald day care: Kobald young start life as perfect sphereoids. Their nurseries are usually blast pits and blast furnaces. The young spheroids are hard, round, impervious to heat, cold, water, acid, and molten rock, which, given kobald habits, is a good thing for the survival of the species.

**MVB=Most Valuable Ball. Football is a sport played with living balls. In other respects it is pretty similar to versions of the game played elsewhere. Young Kobalds who show the proper shape, weight and most important, neutrality are prized as footballs. An MVB playe ris one whose spherical or ovoid surface is perfect, with balanced weight and can remain utterly impartial so as not to favor one team of the other. Ponkapaug football is held to field four teams, the umpires, the balls, and of course, the two playing teams.

Posted on behalf of Lynn Cutter's player...

The goddamn bobblehead spoke again.

"Readout says you're losing ground!"

Lynn blinks mildly.

"I thought you just wanted me to scout things out, Ein. Getting a little race fever?"

Silence from the small catlike figurine.

"Besides, the lil' critter that just passed me was so cool to watch. She was just kinda hunched over the wheel, staring straight ahead. Like she didn't even see me, except when she waved."

"Ugh! LOTS of people DON'T EVEN SEE YOU ALL THE TIME! Will you get back into the RACE?"

"AND I'm kinda worried about the lesbian couple behind me..."

"WELL THEN GO FASTER!" The unmistakable sound of thrown papers.

Cutter smiles. "The redhead's kinda hot, too."

"What the HELL did you say? Where's your freakin' FEROCITY? How can you just -"

"Sorry, Ein. Difficult passage coming up. You've gotta hush."

With a disgusted sound, the cat figurine on her dash falls quiet.

Lynn Cutter scrunches her cowboy hat down a bit, leans back, and gives the old car some time. Inside her, something purrs contentedly.

Posted on behalf of Duncan Hawke's player...

Commander Duncan Adam Hawke, DIRN, is not a happy bunny. He doesn’t know what made that Larryian muscle-car muscle-head decide to play tag with him, but the results of that tussle has left the frigate commander slightly miffed. He had been running in an incredibly close battle for first place with the cowgirl when that bizarre little faerie woman blasted past him as if that fragile little D-Type wannabe was rocket propelled. It had worried him to think that his car might be so completely outclassed in speed and agility, but his previous performance allowed him to consider that it may be a sprinter where as his exotic was definitely built for endurance at speed. He could make up the time somehow.

But when that hunk of steel had bumped him, it had lit off his anger. Sportsmanship was everything to the Devon Islander, even as he did his best to surprise pirates and blow them out of the water without taking any casualties himself. The two incidents, he knew, were completely different. But now his beloved car had been roughed up, and he owed that muscle-head a debt of honour. I’m not going to trade paint, or attempt an eye-for-an-eye retribution – oh no. I’ll make sure to leave that classic metal monster breathing my exhaust fumes in the most viciously fair manner that I can devise. I’ll make sure that my skill will be superior, and treat the boor with a respect he no longer deserves to defeat him on pure skill.

The navy commander toyed with the idea of inviting the paint-scraper to try again with him when Hawke caught up to him – which he would, there was no doubt in his mind – and lead him astray if he did try again. A momentary lapse of judgement is forgivable, after all. But if he does try again… Maybe I can engineer a spin of his own that won’t happen unless he initiates…

Also of note in the past half hour was the genuine wave of appreciation from that horribly unhealthy-looking Goth girl. Duncan had done a bit of light research on each of his major competitors before the race, and knew all about Nero and her website. The performance of her car and the fact that she has kept up with all the other racers eloquently attests to the quality of her driving skills and pit crew. If she was one of the pit crew as well, then she is a worthy opponent indeed, even if her… extracurricular activities… are somewhat loose on morals.

Even as the puritanical thought crosses his mind he grins at the silliness of it. He’s not exactly been a monk himself. However, he does find the Goth’s redheaded friend and current driver to be far more suited to his tastes.

And thinking of redheads, he reminisces with a softer smile, the progression of thought brought on by the appearance of the candy-apple red E-Type beside him once more. He remembers his… reaction to her, both on the road and off. Most memorably, off, he thinks with another grin, picturing the bathing suit worn by the Dutchess back at the first layover.

Well, I think I’ll try more than just getting acquainted with Miss Lena at the next layover. He doesn’t permit himself the crude jokes that would have occurred to many at such wordplay – or at least pretends to think that way. He can’t help a self-depreciating smirk at himself for the longing gaze he directs at the flame-haired beauty, currently still ahead of him.

Hawke lets the all this percolate at the back of his head as he focuses all his attention on the fight for fifth place.


Gonna post the next leg tomorrow or so.  It has a...guest appearance I've been planning for awhile. ;D
"Dialogue from a play, Hamlet to Horatio: 'There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy.' Dialogue from a play written long before men took to the sky. There are more things in heaven and earth, and in the sky, than perhaps can be dreamt of. And somewhere in between heaven, the sky, the earth, lies the Twilight Zone."
                                                                 ---------Rod Serling, The Last Flight

Offline kadh2000

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Re: The 15th Annual Transnational Road Race
« Reply #38 on: November 14, 2007, 02:08:09 pm »
Hmm, time to ask a question.   Can outworlders join the race next year?
"The Andromedans," Kadh said, "will never stop coming.  Not until they are all destroyed or we are."

Offline Commander La'ra

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Re: The 15th Annual Transnational Road Race
« Reply #39 on: November 15, 2007, 12:29:02 am »
Hell yes.

Actually, it's mostly outworlders this year.  Several of the racers are 'visitors' from other RPGS. ;D
"Dialogue from a play, Hamlet to Horatio: 'There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy.' Dialogue from a play written long before men took to the sky. There are more things in heaven and earth, and in the sky, than perhaps can be dreamt of. And somewhere in between heaven, the sky, the earth, lies the Twilight Zone."
                                                                 ---------Rod Serling, The Last Flight