Topic: The 15th Annual Transnational Road Race  (Read 22134 times)

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Offline Commander La'ra

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The 15th Annual Transnational Road Race
« on: September 04, 2007, 01:27:55 pm »
This, strictly speaking, is probably a better fit for the 'Interactive Games' forum.  It's a thing I decided to run on Mentat Jon's Nationstates forum, but also invited several friends of mine who don't lurk there to participate as well.  The concept was a Cannonball Run-style road race across my old NS country, with other forum members creating drivers.

Why am I posting it here?  Because, damnit, I am really ENJOYING writing this and think some of the descriptions and such are as good or better than in my actual stories.  Thus I wanted opinions, and hopefully, to share my enjoyment with ya'll.  I'll be posting the parts that've already happened over the next couple of days.  I'll also be posting the little bits I get from the participants, which I encourage as they add a lot of color to the whole thing.

To start this off...I present the rules and the roster.



The nation of Larryia invites all drivers who wish to participate to sign up for the 15th Annual Larryian Transnational Road Race.

The race itself is a grueling endurance rally tracing the perimeter of Larryia, starting and ending in the city of Sylamore. Drivers are allowed to pick individual routes, so long as they hit certain checkpoints in the required order, and the race takes place on roads and highways that have not been shut down. Any driver, from anywhere may register and is responsible for providing his own vehicle. The vehicle itself may be any ground-based conveyance with four wheels and a engine.

This year, the prize for the winner is $1,000,000 Larryian dollars and any fame or adoration a victory would bring.

Any who wish to register may announce their intentions below. Several racers have already pledged their interest in the race.

OOC: The race will consist of 10 'legs'. For each leg I'll roll dice, RPG style to determine who's making the best time. The person who rolls highest on the most legs will, naturally, win the race...UNLESS the second bit of mechanics prevents such...

That second bit of mechanics is the 'complication' roll that I also make for the driver for every segment of the race. The roll will indicate severity, and in the spirit of movies such as Cannonball Run, complications may be anything from blown tires and speeding tickets to being called upon to rescue a truckload of girl scouts from a band of villianous thugs. If your driver does not deal well enough with said complication, his or her progress may be inhibited or halted altogether.

Note that, though I'm cooking the dice to make it a remote possibility, it is possible for racers to die with the system I'll be using. This race, after all, is dangerous. Also, to ensure enough racers for an interesting competition, I'm allowing some non-OBI folks to create drivers.

Beyond mechanics, I'll start the race in August and post periodic updates as to the race progression. When the thread starts, any participant may feel free to post as their character in the race thread. I would, in fact, encourage this, especially in relation to 'complications'


Krazy Red Karver -- A 34-year old rally-car driver from Warm Springs, Larryia. Has had a well-publicized and colorful career on the Larryian circuit, but recent defeats, advancing age, and premature baldness seem to have made this one-time hearthrob a wee-bit unstable. He drives a 1968 Camaro SS painted 'Plum Krazy' purple with a blue/white flame job, and is assisted in the race by his wife, Linda, who performs navigation duties.

Dietrich Kell -- Born in Brechten, Kiermark. A long-haired, chain-smoking twenty-six year old Kieric with delusions of racial superiority and an arrogant streak a half-mile wide. Despite racing not being very popular in Kiermark, his accolades and attitude have ensured him celebrity status is his own nation and now he seeks to spread his fame worldwide. Drives a Vektor K8 (RL equivilant, the Vector W8).

Prince George Von Brightonburg -- Major General, former commander of Brightonburg forces in Northumbria, and present-day ambassador to Larryia. Controversial at the moment due to his revealing book on the Neo-Brightonburg conflict, Prince George is a bit of a Playboy who conducts himself according to his own version of Brightonburg social mores. Can be a bit pompous. Drives a NASCAR Modified Chassis powered by a V-8 motor that was specially constructed for this event.

Toomblee -- A native of the mystical and enigmatic nation of Ponkapaug, Toomblee is identified as a Kobald by her own people. It's not apparent why one of the Ponkapaugi's legendary builders is participating in the race...they usually prefer creating to using...but Ponkapaugi represenatives say that their racer is 'a lovable, aberrant child, deeply obsessed with the concept of speed'. It is known that her prior work was at Ponkapaugi's uniquely designed airport. Toomblee is small and wiry, with lustrous, iron-black skin with multicolored hair arranged in a garden of vertical spikes. ("Like a deranged porcupine"). She drives a Ponkapaugi vehicle of her own design.

Lynn Cutter -- Shapely Larryian driver with a fondness for cowboy hats and barbed wire. Little is known about Ms. Cutter...whatever her reasons for joining the race are, she hasn't made them public. While she's never participated in an officially sanctioned race before, it's rumored that she regularly participates in underground competition. Grants no interviews, but when confronted by the press in an unavoidable fashion, displays an acidic wit and firm confidence. Drives a 1980 Camaro painted electric blue.

Commander Duncan Hawke, DVRN -- Thirty-four year old commander of the Devon's Island frigate Kingfisher. Second son of an old money merchant shipping business in his own nation. Hawke is quite patriotic, never hesitating to espouse the accomplishments of Devon's Island or her navy. Smug, but not particularly arrogant, he's generally personable, and has the lanky, laid-back look of the classic Devon's Island destroyer commander. Is participating in the race while his beloved Kingfisher undergoes a refit...he signed up for the competition to represent his nation. The prize money, to him, is incidental, and it's rumored he may be planning to do something other than keep it if he's victorious. Drives a deep green Aston Martin DB9 with a Devon's Island Jack emblazoned on the roof.

Duchess Lena van der Prutt -- Redheaded illegitimate daughter of the Duke of Brochenstien (a microscopic nation on the Tuscan/Eurograd border) and Larryian starlet Judy Fleming. Inspired by her mother's escapades in fast cars to try high-speed racing despite Ms. Fleming's death in a Jaguar accident. The Duchess is as famous for her '60's fashion sense and svelte figure as she is for her driving, but her performance in several Tuscan and Eurogradian races means she should be taken seriously in competition, especially given her tendency to take pot shots at 'rude' competitors with her Luger. Drives a cherry-red 1963 Jaguar XK-E.

Clarissa McDonnell and Nero -- Two college students on summer break from Warm Springs University. McDonnel is a busty redhead majoring in music (she plays the cello) from Sylamore, Larryia who favors jeans and modest shirts. Nero (no last name) is a slim Goth-girl with some fame granted by her raunchy 'adult's only' web site who favors cocaine and carries a bullwhip. Neither has ever raced professionally. The team drives a 1957 Chevy Bel-Air, painted black with a blood red flame job and red-glazed chrome, known to the team as the 'Murdermobile'.

Wade Gree -- Recent immigrant from the Southumbrian nation of Wellutria, Wade Gree is a relative unknown in racing circles. Press shy, his few statements in regards to his experience indicate that, as a younger man, he once raced on the semi-professional circuit in his native land. Possibly the Road Race's 'Dark Horse', as his style and abilities are completely unfamiliar to racing fans or his competitors. Drives an Aston Martin DB9, though the color scheme he plans to sport during the race has yet to be announced.

Laura Blair -- 27 year old internet information broker and classic car afficionado from Gulfbay, Larryia. Definite experience in less-than-official racing arenas, though mostly as an incidental adjunct to her fondness for muscle cars. Flirty, intelligent, but known for occasional bursts of temper. This dark-haired, buxom entry has revealed in press interviews that she's mostly racing for the thrill, and what she considers a slim chance at the 1,000,000 prize. Drives a 2007 Dodge Charger, painted Midnight Blue with silver racing stripes.

« Last Edit: September 04, 2007, 01:39:03 pm by Commander La'ra »
"Dialogue from a play, Hamlet to Horatio: 'There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy.' Dialogue from a play written long before men took to the sky. There are more things in heaven and earth, and in the sky, than perhaps can be dreamt of. And somewhere in between heaven, the sky, the earth, lies the Twilight Zone."
                                                                 ---------Rod Serling, The Last Flight

Offline Commander La'ra

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Re: The 15th Annual Transnational Road Race
« Reply #1 on: September 04, 2007, 01:32:19 pm »
And then, Leg One...


Sylamore, Larryia
0930 Local Time

Concrete shimmers with heat on a sweltering August day as the 15th Annual Transnational Road Race prepares to open.

The temperature has already hit three digits but the crowd gathered to send off the racers is massive, lining the old section of freeway that serves as the race’s starting point. Spectators run the gamut from bikini-clad young girls jumping and screaming their approval of things, to much calmer elderly folk, most of whom are being fretted over by heat-fearing relatives.

The noise level explodes when the first racers make their way into the starting area. There are perhaps one hundred individual entrants, and each gets a raucous greeting, though it’s the ‘big ten’, the racers who, for whatever reason, have attracted the public eye prior to this point.

The first of these to ease their car onto the starting ramp is Laura Blair. A late entry into the contest, she’s attracted the spotlight mostly due to an ill-timed burst of temper at a recent press conference. The dark-haired Larryian has a cigarette hanging casually from her mouth, giving her an uncaring air, but she smiles and waves boisterously at the crowd. She’s at pole-position, today, an advantage granted by random draw.

Next up, following a few lesser-known competitors, is Prince George Von Brightonburg. Heat or no heat, he’s dressed in his old-school leather racing suit, and a long white scarf is wrapped about his neck. He responds to the crowd as a noble greeting commoners, though it’s also noted that he winks and waggles his ample mustache at several young Larryian women is well. The crowd is still cheering, but there are some chuckles when he eases himself into the tiny Modified Racer he’s using; Larryia is muscle car country, after all.

There’s less disapproval of the next racer’s ‘little car’. Larryians are deeply fond and protective of their Ponkapaugi neighbors, and so Toomblee’s silver, needle-shaped projectile is the object of curiosity, not derision even though if it were any smaller it'd be a motorcycle. The wild-haired Kobald emerges from her car to do a final check-over, and stares, wide-eyed at the assembled throng. It takes her a moment to wave shyly back, but then she treats her fans to a few acrobatic cartwheels. There’s a blizzard of applause, almost drowning out the next racer’s entrance.

Wade Gree is as quiet as his press releases, and seems to be making an effort to not attract much attention. His Aston-Martin doesn’t have the loud paint job of many of the other racers, and he himself is dressed to blend more than promote. Despite this, he gets his share of cheers. As the ‘mysterious Wellutrian immigrant’, he’s a bit of an underdog, and Larryians love underdogs.

There’s a throaty rumble as Krazy Red Karver pulls his vintage Camaro into the starting area, and the crowd noise swells again. Despite the rumors of odd behavior, despite his highly public tiffs with his wife Linda (blonde, blue-eyed, and sitting in the passenger seat with a disapproving expression), he’s still got a rather large fan base. He emerges from his ostentatiously painted car, waving at the crowd, paying special attention to a group of young, scantily clad girls holding up a sign declaring them to be ‘Karver’s Kuties’. His wife also emerges, cutting short her husband’s long-distance flirting with some angry body language and an inaudible (due to the crowd and engine noise) tirade. Karver’s shoulder’s slump as he turns away from the Kutie’s and open’s his car hood. A gust of wind catches his ball cap and blows it away, exposing his bald spot.

There’s a flash of red as the next competitor comes up too fast, but she brings her cherry-red Jaguar XK-E to a flawless halt without any noticable effort. Duchess Lena van der Prutt leaps from her convertible and poses for the assembly of Larryian’s, who cheer wildly and at great length. Half-Larryian, and the daughter of a well-loved superstar, it’d be odd if she wasn’t popular with these folk, but even without those advantages, it’s likely her ostentatious behavior and her svelte figure, shown off to great advantage by a white catsuit, would have attracted a large share of admirers. She puts her red hair up into a scarf as she begins checking over her car.

Krazy Red Karver looks up at the Dutchess and grins appreciatively. She rewards him with a wink before an open-handed smack from his wife Linda diverts his attention.

The driver of the deep-green Aston-Martin DB9 who pulls in next is less emotive, but manages to convey a certain likability with his relaxed posture and confident gaze. Commander Duncan Hawke, captain of Her Majesty’s Ship Kingfisher and on leave from the Devon’s Island Navy, often has that effect. He’s dressed simply, in loose and cool white shirt and loose and cool tan pants. The crowd is approving; he’s a sailor, and in Larryia, that tends to score points.

There’s less cheering when the electric-blue 1978 Camaro rumbles up. It’s not that the crowd doesn’t like Lynn Cutter; it’s that they know next to nothing about her. Still, there’s plenty of applause; she’s a Larryian driving a car with some teeth, after all. After the applause comes the catcalls when Cutter herself emerges. Clad in a tight-black tank-top, cowboy hat, and form-fitting blue jeans, the Larryian driver cuts a memorable figure.

Two people emergy from the black Chevy Bel-Air that comes up next. One is almost unnaturally slim and pale despite an ample chest, and displays most of what she’s got in a microscopic black-vinyl dress. The other is just as busty, but with healthy curves that seem to be well-concealed despite her being dressed for the heat. The pale girl is Nero. The other, bespectacled, redheaded and a bit overwhelmed is Clarissa McDonnell. They have some fans; one group of front-row spectators, dressed mostly in leather collars, leashes, and other BDSM accoutrements, is holding up a sign marked ‘Nero’s Dogs’. Nero poses a bit for her fans, vamping it up and at one point lifting her skirt enough to reveal her thong. Clarissa leans on the car, blushing and hiding her face, unaware that this gives some amateur photographers a chance at some grand cleavage shots that’ll be on the internet in less than an hour.

Finally, almost last in the starting order, is the blonde-headed Kieric, Deitrich Kell. The cheering doesn’t die, but it reduces notably in volume. The arrogant Kiermark driver hasn’t won too many converts in Larryia, thanks to some untactful interviews and a car choice seen as a somewhat effete. Still, he’s here and willing to race, so there’s little booing. Kell himself doesn’t bother to wave to the crowd as he starts his final check. His long hair is wilted from the heat, his pale skin is pinker than usual, and he generally seems ill-at-ease with the heat and humidity. His final check goes well, and he retreats into the safety of his air-conditioned Vektor K8.

The last few competitors are introduced, and by 10:30, all is ready. The loudspeaker thunders with the command ‘Ladies and Gentlemen…start…your…engines!’ and the cars begin to roar. The noise is intense, almost defeaning. Over a mile away, windows rattle and pets howl with discomfort.

Hands tighten on steering wheels. Teeth grind in anticipation. A red light turns yellow.

Eyes flick to other drivers, the road ahead. Tiny amounts of pressure are applied to accelerator pedals, just to break that initial resistance.

The yellow light turns green.

Cars fling themselves forward, accelerating down the abandoned freeway. It’s a mass, hive-like motion at first as the pack is too close together to really take off, but that doesn’t last long. Tiny amounts of distance are gained or lost. Small openings present themselves for racers to slide their cars through, and while the collection of cars stays close, the first signs of the break-up appear.

Wade Gree notices a oppurtunity and cuts between two lesser-known racers. Ahead of him is the midnight-blue Dodge driven by Laura Blair, the silver dart that belongs to Toomblee. He carefully applies some acceleration and his sleek Aston-Martin passes both cars. Blair, tossing her cigarette out her open window, puts her right foot down a little more and stays close to the Wellutrian. Toomblee merely keeps pace. The three cars move forward, ahead of the mass of other racers. Ahead of everyone.

Some of the others aren’t far behind though; Prince Brightonburg’s tiny racer weaves and ducks through tiny openings, it’s small-for-this-race engine more than adequate to push the lightweight car up to impressive speeds. People react to his ducking and dodging, though, and the openings he slides through broaden with his passage…enough, in most cases, for Krazy Red Karver to follow him through, displaying the concentration and quick-thinking that made him a champion racer a few years back.

Behind them, there’s a three-way tussle between Lynn Cutter, Duncan Hawke, and Duchess Van der Prutt. They’re in the eye of the storm, a clear area where the pack has parted, providing some ‘play room’, and the Camaro, Aston-Martin, and Jaguar jockey for the best position. Hawke slides past Cutter only to be cut off by the Dutchess’ sprightly Jaguar, but the distraction allows Cutter a chance to use her car’s muscle and sprint past them both…until another car blocks her, and Hawke speeds past her…then the Dutchess blocks him again until Cutter once again siezes the advantage…the duel continues.

Farther back, Dietrich Kell fumes as he finds himself unable to advance, blocked continually by the Chevy Bel-Air driven by the Goth Girl and her shy friend. It wouldn’t matter much, since ahead of him, the pack is solid, and there’s no way, yet, to pass. The Goth Girl sticks her tounge out at him at one particular moment. He’s not sure what to think about her tongue-piercing.

This state of affairs, this automotive status-quo, however, changes in an eyeblink.

Wade Gree is drawing ahead of Brown and the Kobald, will ahead of everyone. An early lead doesn’t mean much in this particular race, considering the distances involved, but it’s still an advantage, and one the ‘Wellutrian’ driver intends to parley into a million Larryian dollars. Then his lead evaporates. His steering turns muddy, his car swings to-and-fro for no reason he can determine until the rapid thumping of a flat tire begins to shake the entire car. It isn’t a blowout. He doesn’t flip or spin into the divider, and he manages to lose enough speed that he’s in no danger of such…except that there’s a whole passel of cars who’re moving at eyeblink speeds right behind him. He veers and turns, suddenly frightened eyes riveted to the rear-view mirror.

Brown and Toomblee, speeding close together, split, neatly avoiding the out-of-control Aston Martin. The pack reaches Kree about then, and one car, a Mustang of some stripe, clips him, which doesn’t help his control problems. Prince Von Brightonburg narrowly avoids a collision. Karver, just behind him, does as well.

It’s Lynn Cutter who has the first hard-hitting encounter with Kree. She’s in the middle of a pass, another attempt to get past Hawke and Pratt once and for all. There’s no real way for her to avoid Kree’s wild car, but she almost manages it anyway, just barely grazing him. It takes out a headlight, but the solid-steel construction of her ‘70’s era pony car limits the damage. It does, however, send her off the right side of the road. Fortunately, there’s nothing there but grass and a shallow ditch, and she brings the car to a halt without further mishap. The Dutchess and the ship captain’s duel becomes one-on-one, for the moment.

Nero sees the Aston-Martin coming at her, and tries to avoid it, but thanks to some tricks of physics, she doesn’t quite manage it. The Bel-Air, even more solid than Cutter’s Camaro, doesn’t even flinch when it brushes Kree’s car, but small forces have big results at such speeds, and the Murdermobile flies toward the same ditch Cutter now resides in. Cutter watches, with some amusement, as the big, black Chevy barrel past her, into the a muddy section of shoulder, and spins, throwing muck everywhere.

Meanwhile, Gree’s car has struck a minor racer. It’s T-Bone collision, and sparks and metal fly. Other cars become involved, and the wreck becomes a pile-up. Dietrich Kell avoids a nasty fate when he brakes, pulls a classic bootlegger turn, and ends up speeding the opposite direction for a moment before he turns again, determined to use the removal of certain obstacles to his advantage. He seethes when he realizes that the road, and thanks to Cutter, the ditch, is almost completely blocked. He might take solace in the fact that his expert reactions just bought him a few points with the Larryian spectators, if he knew about it.

Ambulances and wreckers come forward. Gree is pulled out of his car, unhurt thanks to the usual racing safety devices. The ‘Wellutrian’ racer takes a look at the wreckage that was his car. No one else is looking for fine details, but his trained eye notices the single neat hole in his front tire. Had he not taken the precaution of reinforcing his tires, he would probably have died. As it happened…his paranoia has left him alive and, if he can find another vehicle, still in the race.

Cutter simply drives her Camaro out of the ditch and speeds up, managing to get fairly close, once-again, to the Dutchess Hawke, who continue to jockey for the lead position. Brightonburg and Karver are ahead of the rest of the pack now, the Prince slightly ahead, but nervously eyeing his rear-view mirror as the Larryian and his wife breathe on his bumper.

At the very forefront of the string of racers, Blair and Toomblee try desperately to get an advantage on the other. At the very end, Nero and Clarissa, with the help of Nero’s Dogs, push their Bel-Air out of the muddy ditch. Kell waits for enough wreckage to be cleared and roars on, passing the Larryian women as they work to get their car back on the road. He noticed they’re following within moments, and narrows his eyes.


Toomblee and Brown tied for 1st.

Brightonburg is 2nd, but very close behind is..

…Karver in 3rd.

The Dutchess and Hawke are tied for 4th.

Cutter is in 5th, again, very close to the two ahead of her.

Kell is running 6th.

In last place are Clarissa and Nero, not counting Gree. If Kulma wishes to continue the race…well, he started out so well he’ll actually not be in last place.

Posts/emails (depending on who we’re talking about) detailing your driver’s efforts are of course, encouraged. Impress me and you’ll get a die bonus on the next leg. Note that since I imagined Leg One and Leg Ten as the ‘crowded racing’ legs, I may up the race to 12 Legs to have more ‘free-driving’ time.


Opinions on the action are QUITE well as observations on the racers and other such.  Note that these are not editted beyond basic spellchecking, and there's bound to be mistakes, but since it's not a traditional story, only point them out if they're really, really glaring.

That means YOU Andy. ;D
« Last Edit: September 04, 2007, 01:43:26 pm by Commander La'ra »
"Dialogue from a play, Hamlet to Horatio: 'There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy.' Dialogue from a play written long before men took to the sky. There are more things in heaven and earth, and in the sky, than perhaps can be dreamt of. And somewhere in between heaven, the sky, the earth, lies the Twilight Zone."
                                                                 ---------Rod Serling, The Last Flight

Offline Czar Mohab

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Re: The 15th Annual Transnational Road Race
« Reply #2 on: September 04, 2007, 09:30:32 pm »
Not that I would stand 100% behind betting on a fictional race, but are there any odds available? My $5 would go towards the redhead and her partner to place. Lastish place after the first round doesn't mean much. I'll worry if they're last near the last of the race.

Since I can only guess who one of your toons is designed after, $5 on him to win. Unless I'm wrong. We'll see.

Czar "Push the button, Max!" Mohab, who 1.) used to have a cat named Renfield, and 2.) Now has a cat (Kitten, really) named Max.

P.S. I'll post more after the results of the next 'leg'.
« Last Edit: September 09, 2007, 12:51:50 pm by Czar Mohab »
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Offline Commander La'ra

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Re: The 15th Annual Transnational Road Race
« Reply #3 on: September 05, 2007, 03:18:50 am »
These bits are the individual posts/emails done by the players.



Prince George von Brightonburg

Prince George was already pushing car already, he was driving angry, his book,under attack,his own brother rebuffed him, and sacked him as ambassador his repuation ruined at home at court , all he had was this road race now, and he was going to win or die trying. He was speed shifting his car though the traffic, his scarf was fluttering behind him he just kept repeating to himself "win this race, win this race,and I will be redeemed as a star back home. " as he passed civillian cars on the road....


Commander Duncan Hawke

Duncan Hawke swung his car around with precise, economical movements, his snug, black leather gloves giving him perfect traction on the steering wheel, and flicked another glance over the passenger seat at the car pacing him on his left. The huge length of the E-Type Jaguar's bonnet became visible as it pulled ahead of him slightly. It was keeping up with him quite handily and he was surprised at just how well the classic '60s sports car was handling on the corners.

He also noted that the XK-E's colour, a fierce candy-apple red, contrasted well with his own 'Devon Racing Green' Aston Martin.

Another straight and another glance over revealed the driver once again. She flicked him a quick glance, and grinned at him in a playfully dangerous way, her spill of long red hair contrasting beautifully with her white catsuit. Encountering her in a club or bar, he'd have been on her like a destroyer hunting a sub. As it was, he grinned back at her but resisted the urge to give her a wave or a hand salute while screeching around another bend at ninety MPH.

His precision-tuned DB9 - his pride and joy outside of his frigate - straightened up with slightly more alacrity than the 45-year-old classic and once again he edged ahead of his opponent. He and the Dutchess had spent the entire race so far like this, leapfrogging past one another as various obstacles showed up a weakness in the car or driving style of one or the other. Soon they would come to take their individual routes and he could use his car where her strengths were maximised and weaknesses reduced.

The other racers were dismissed from his consideration at present, having been left behind or being too far ahead - for the moment.

Duncan had selected the wide, spacious freeways of Larriya for his own route, to pamper his car and play to her strengths. He deemed himself more than up to handling whatever traffic mischief Larriya could throw his way after growing up in and mastering the narrow, twisty streets and motorways of his homeland. He was, however, having a change of heart. In taking such a route, he would still be using his skill and judgement while maximising his chances of winning. Having enough money for any five lifetimes already, the cash prize meant little to him, but he still wanted to win. However, after dueling for an hour with the Dutchess - whose skill easily matched her stunning looks - he decided he no longer wanted to go it alone.

His competitive side had been awoken, and now he didn't want to just win any more.

He wanted to beat his opponents.

She had already proven herself a worthy opponent for him, and he decided he wanted to push her as far she could go, to the bleeding edge of her skill, and see if he had what it took to deny her that final victory. To do that, he would follow her on her own selected route, and they would battle it out until one of them left the other in their dust.

Still confident of his own car's overall superiority over the Dutchess' E-type, he eased off slightly, giving her a small opening which she immediately capitalised on to bolt past him again. "Regaining" control, he tucked himself in tight behind her and started pushing to overtake but never quite managing it. In this way, he'd follow her into the next leg of the race.

Chivalry may suffer, the officer and a gentleman thought with a tight grin, but this will be a race to remember!
"Dialogue from a play, Hamlet to Horatio: 'There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy.' Dialogue from a play written long before men took to the sky. There are more things in heaven and earth, and in the sky, than perhaps can be dreamt of. And somewhere in between heaven, the sky, the earth, lies the Twilight Zone."
                                                                 ---------Rod Serling, The Last Flight

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Re: The 15th Annual Transnational Road Race
« Reply #4 on: September 05, 2007, 12:59:32 pm »
Dietrich Kell -- Born in Brechten, Kiermark. A long-haired, chain-smoking twenty-six year old Kieric with delusions of racial superiority and an arrogant streak a half-mile wide. Despite racing not being very popular in Kiermark, his accolades and attitude have ensured him celebrity status is his own nation and now he seeks to spread his fame worldwide. Drives a Vektor K8 (RL equivilant, the Vector W8).

That's me! ;)
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"Calm yourself, Doctor."

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Re: The 15th Annual Transnational Road Race
« Reply #5 on: September 07, 2007, 12:36:36 pm »
Heh... guess which one is me.  :D
Come visit me at:

The Senior Service rocks! Rule, Britannia!

The Doctor: "Must be a spatio-temporal hyperlink."
Mickey: "Wot's that?"
The Doctor: "No idea. Just made it up. Didn't want to say 'Magic Door'."
- Doctor Who: The Woman in the Fireplace (S02E04)


Offline Commander La'ra

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Re: The 15th Annual Transnational Road Race
« Reply #6 on: September 07, 2007, 03:28:31 pm »

With one hideous wreck and a lot of hot asphalt behind them, the Transnational Road Racers speed out of Sylamore City Limits. The abandoned stretch of freeway that served as the starting stretch is left behind; from this point on, until the last few minutes of the race, the drivers on real, fully operational roads.

This point of the race is, according to most sports commentators, where the competition really starts. Raw speed is less of a factor. Car reliability, route selection, and plain endurance become just as important.

Toomblee, the wild-haired Ponkapaugi Kobald, is the first off the old freeway and onto real roads. Her racer, now dubbed the ‘Silver Bullet’ by fans, slides effortlessly onto I-27, the expressway that mostly follows Larryia’s western coast and leads directly to the Jackson Creek checkpoint. Traffic doesn’t impede her; quick applications of her odd controls allow her to slide her car almost directly sideways.

Laura Blair’s midnight-blue Dodge is close behind Toomblee and weaving through traffic effectively, if not as effortlessly as her Kobald competitor. She grinds her teeth together, presses a little harder on the accelerator pedal, and draws a little closer to the flashing silver racer running just barely ahead of her. In her rear-view mirror, she can see the tiny Modified Racer driven by Prince George von Brightonburg leap onto I-27, closely followed by the purple Camaro of Krazy Red Karver.

A cherry-red Jaguar and a dark green Aston Martin blast onto the expressway almost simultaneously as Duchess Van der Prutt and Commander Duncan Hawke continue to jockey for position. With traffic about them now, they’re forced to be a bit less aggressive, but it’s obvious that the two racers are still determined to wrest the leading slot away from the other.

Another Camaro is close behind the duelists, this one electric blue and missing a headlight. Lynn Cutter is giving the two scrappers their space; proximity to the pair almost got her into a nasty wreck only a few minutes before and the dusky Larryian isn’t going to make the same mistake twice.

The sleek, low-slung Vektor K8 driven by Dietrich Kell is next into traffic. The pale Kieric is slathered in sunscreen and thanking himself for tinting his windows as the hot Larryian sun blazes down on him. The earlier snarl left him in next-to last place and he’s determined to catch up…several lesser known racers are already behind him, but what he’s decided is his real problem is still close behind; The ‘50’s era Chevy Bel-Air driven by Nero and Clarissa McDonnel looms in his mirrors. The little Goth girl driving has nudged his bumper three times at this point. That’s a no-no in Kieric racing circles, but par for the course here. Dietrich makes a mental note of that fact and tries to coax a few more kph out of his supercar.

The racer in last place is nowhere near I-27. He’s not even in a car. Wade Gree is having an animated discussion with several other drivers. All are injured, having sustained enough personal damage in the earlier pile-up to be out of the race. Most aren’t considering what he has to say. They blame him for the condition of their bodies and their cars, after all. He doesn’t feel that sharing his theories about what punctured his tire would be a good idea, so he has to live with their irritation. What finally gets him what he needs, though, is that old persuader: money. A young-woman with a broken arm and mocha-colored skin decides it’s better to have a fourth of the prize money than none at all. Wade Gree has a car again…not the kind he’s used to, but a car. Race officials come out with some documents and the deal becomes official. Gree hops into his new vehicle: A lime-green Toyota Supra with blue flames down the side and all kinds of street racing accessories. With the high-pitched whine characteristic of such cars he tears off after his competitors.

With Sylamore well and behind them, racers begin to split away from each other. Many do stay on the freeway: It’s straight, in good repair, and away from the city the traffic is much less dense. Toomblee stays on I-27, as does Blair. Prince von Brightonburg doesn’t know Larryia well enough to get too creative and does as well. He hopes, perhaps, that the Camaro on his posterior has another idea for a route, but Krazy Red Karver disappoints him and stays glued to the nobleman. Kell hope the same thing about Clarissa and Nero, and growls as they pass up exit ramp after exit ramp.

Lena van der Prutt DOES have other ideas, and turns so sharply onto an off ramp that Hawke almost misses his chance to follow his new rival. His quick reflexes keep him on the Jaguar’s tail, and he follows the Duchess first down a paved rural highway, then, with increasing bemusement, onto an access road that leads through a lush section of rain forest.

Lynn Cutter follows the pair off the freeway, but not into the wilderness. Before the freeways were built, plain highways connected cities. Most still exist and are well-maintained, but traffic tends to be lighter, and, in many cases, the route can be shorter.

Wade Gree is just making it onto I-27. Whatever his original plan, he stays on the freeway now, for he finds his new rice rocket to be well-suited for straight, high speed runs. He’s not all that fond of the purple lights under each wheel well or the spinning rims, but as his digital speedometer passes 120 miles per hour, he decides he can live with it.

Time and miles pass. Toomblee holds firmly onto the lead spot, and Blair just as firmly to second place, and Prince von Brightonburg leads Karver in a similar fashion. Speeds have reduced a bit now; In the Larryian heat, cars can’t be run all out forever.

Dietrich Kell knows this, but he’s risking it anyway, and because of this he’s finally pulled well ahead of the Murdermobile. Next in his sights is Karver. He knows there are other racers in between him and the purple Camaro, but he suspects the ‘Big Ten’ are the best racers, and according to his stereo system, Karver is the next one of those between him and first place. After Karver comes Prince Brightonburg, and leaving him in the dust will give the blonde-maned Kieric true joy.

Nero and Clarissa are starting to regain a little distance on Kell when a green-and-blue Toyota street racer zips right past them. Both women blink and give each other and incredulous look. Nero’s hand hovers over a certain button on the dash, but Clarissa recommends saving it. The Goth girl reluctantly agrees, but presses the pedal down a little farther.

Off the freeway, Lynn Cutter is finding that her chosen route is smooth and traffic free. That’s a real shame, in a way, she decides, for it’s the old coast highway, and the view of the Ponkapaug Channel is breathtaking. She sneaks glances as the blue water, the beach and rocks as she roars down the highway, unimpeded by any obstacle.

Duncan Hawke wishes he had it so good; The Dutchess has led him onto a maze of old, overgrown roads, rife with sinkholes, ruts, and other such things. Amazingly, his DB9 is handling it without too many problems, as is the Jaguar ahead of him. He realizes what Prutt is doing despite his bewilderment. Main highways rarely travel along the shortest distance between two points, and his navigator’s sense is telling him that these old dirt tracks through sugar cane fields are as close as one can get to ‘as the crow flies’ between Sylamore and the next checkpoint.

Ahead of him, the Duchess grins, and checks her rear-view. The Devon’s Islander is keeping up. She reaches up and tugs at the scarf binding her hair. Reddish-gold locks begin to blow in the wind as her convertible roars down her muddy route.

The racers are drawing close to Jackson Creek when disaster almost strikes for Laura Blair. A deep blue Mustang cuts her off as it merges onto the freeway, and Blair’s identically colored Charger only narrowly avoids a collision. The blonde woman in the ‘stang – a 90’s model, to add insult to injury – then does whatever she can to impede Blair’s progress, blocking, cutting off attempts to pass. It’s only when Blair draws close enough for the stream of obscenities she’s spewing to be heard that the Mustang backs off. Blair lights another cigarette and notices that Toomblee’s silver dart is much farther ahead.

Hawke and Van der Prutt have found their way back onto civilized roads and begin to merge back onto I-27. Both roar onto the expressway just ahead of Prince von Brightonburg and Red Karver. Hawke presses the pedal and roars ahead of the Duchess; a loud bang makes him blink and he risks a look back at the red Jaguar. The Duchess, still close on his heels, is smiling crazily and tucking away her Luger. He considers her actions for a moment, then decides she wasn’t really trying to kill him. He turns back to the road just in time to see Lynn Cutter merge in from the next entrance ramp, ahead of both Aston Martin and Jaguar.

The racers flash through Jackson Creek.


Current Positions

Toomblee is in 1st, with a slight but noticeable lead on..

…Blair, who will have to worry about racers moving up on her next leg, is in 2nd.

Lynn Cutter is in 3rd, and is now quite close to overtaking Blair, but she’s closely followed by…

…Duncan Hawke, in 4th. Just ahead of the Duchess, just behind Cutter.

Lena van der Prutt is in 5th, and minus one round from her sidearm.

Prince von Brightonburg is in 6th. He’s close enough to Hawke and the Dutchess that he’ll be directly challenging them next leg.

Krazy Red Karver is in 7th, and still surgically attached to Brightonburgs rear bumper.

Dietrich Kell is in 8th. He’s made good progress and while currently low-ranked, his performance this leg was good enough that, if repeated, he could be challenging the leaders soon.

Wade Gree is in 9th, and impressing everyone with his wild rims, colored lights, and killer stereo system.

Clarissa and Nero are in last place, though they still pose a threat to Gree and Kell next leg.
"Dialogue from a play, Hamlet to Horatio: 'There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy.' Dialogue from a play written long before men took to the sky. There are more things in heaven and earth, and in the sky, than perhaps can be dreamt of. And somewhere in between heaven, the sky, the earth, lies the Twilight Zone."
                                                                 ---------Rod Serling, The Last Flight

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Re: The 15th Annual Transnational Road Race
« Reply #7 on: September 09, 2007, 07:04:19 am »
I've got a feeling someone's going to bring out some VERY dirty tricks....
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Re: The 15th Annual Transnational Road Race
« Reply #8 on: September 09, 2007, 12:19:49 pm »
Hehe.  Wait and see.

Incidentally, here's how the dice system works:  I roll 1d10 for each racer for each leg of the race.  That roll is their 'progress'.  This gets added to the results of previous legs.
Say Czar Mohab rolls a 6 on the first leg and a 5 on the second...his leg two progress rating is 11. 

Then I roll for a complication.  Roll a 1-2 on a 1d10, and something goes wrong.  I roll 1d10 again, and that's the severity which I take off of the progress.  So, Mohab, rolling a complication, severity 6, gets his total progress knocked back to 5.

If you roll a 10 on severity, which happened the first leg of the race to poor Gree, you are, possibly, knocked out of the race, injured, or killed.  If you post, you get a +1 to your next progress roll.  If you post something really damned cool, you also get some bonus of my choosing, most commonly an 'ignore a complication' credit.

Wonder if I could come up with something like this to do on's the player bits from Leg Two.


Posted on behalf of Toomblee's player

Speed is good, speed is always good. She tries to stay focused, no shrieking, no screaming, don't leave the ground. Her hair bristles with concentration. Steady, steady, steady, just stay where she is, holding level. Three is an harmonius number. Arches are three, marraiges are three, half a hand is three. She did not ven notice the crash, she herself has had too many to count, though she does wonder at the sense of timing that chose then to frolic.

Toomblee pays attention to her instruments, her controls, her overdrive, her afterburner, her kobald sense of metal unity. Cannot fly, not in this race. She is briefly distracted. If she wins, no when she wins, she'll have to wear something Fashionable. The rules were laid down by her father. She forces the thought from her mind and woks on preserving her position.

She lets the road unroll like a ribbon of molten metal, bright, dark, altogether lovely.

Posted on behalf of Prince George von Brightonburg's player

Realising that this race was a marathon and not a sprint, Prince George kept a reasonable pace. Not knowing the Larryian road like the natives, he stuck to the patches he knew.

" Someone shall a mistake in this race,and I will gain places when they do. Patience will be my ally " his v-8 was humming along nicely. Some of the Larryians wave as he speeds by.
"Dialogue from a play, Hamlet to Horatio: 'There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy.' Dialogue from a play written long before men took to the sky. There are more things in heaven and earth, and in the sky, than perhaps can be dreamt of. And somewhere in between heaven, the sky, the earth, lies the Twilight Zone."
                                                                 ---------Rod Serling, The Last Flight

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Re: The 15th Annual Transnational Road Race
« Reply #9 on: September 09, 2007, 05:41:48 pm »
*Scratches head* I'm in this race? Where'd that come from?

Seriously, though, I think that I was just your example.

And more seriously, could you roll just a tad higher for the goth and the redhead? I like the "button", and if either one says, "Push the button, Max!" I'll poop a kitten.

Czar "If I were in this race, I'd take an STi, or, barring that, an SVX, RX, XT6, XT Turbo, or an XT, in that order." Mohab, who notes that Subaru made some interesting "sports" cars.

Subaru Owners do it Horizontally Opposed

... I miss my turbo 4wd wagon.  :'(

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Re: The 15th Annual Transnational Road Race
« Reply #10 on: September 09, 2007, 11:07:07 pm »
And more seriously, could you roll just a tad higher for the goth and the redhead?

No, he can't. He'd better not, anyway. :)
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Re: The 15th Annual Transnational Road Race
« Reply #11 on: September 10, 2007, 09:28:39 pm »

--thu guv
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Re: The 15th Annual Transnational Road Race
« Reply #12 on: September 11, 2007, 12:57:02 am »

Jackson Creek is an eyeblink of the town and at the speeds they're going, the racers might not've noticed it had the checkpoint not been there. Their next destination, the next leg on their journey is Mabootu's Landing, a tourist town and spiritual retreat on the Southern Larryian Coast.

Out in front, Toomblee is a little apprehensive. Laura Blair is close on her bumper, but the Kobald is worried for less tangible reasons. Mabootu's Landing is named for a Ponkapaugi warrior, the first to travel across the big blue water and meet the Larryians. The problem concerning the little Kobald is that Mabootu, while a great warrior and explorer, was notoriously unlucky. Who could say if his curse lingered.

Blair doesn't give a damn about Mabootu or where he landed and is only trying to make up the distance cost her by the irritating blonde woman in the Mustang a few miles back. It's working. Toomblee's silver dart is close ahead.

Lynn Cutter sees the back end of Blair's Charger and resists the urge to get closer. Toomblee and Blair aren't twisting and fighting like some other racers, but they're also not as close to each other. Better to stay back and wait for an oppurtunity to bypass them both.

Duncan Hawke's dark green Aston Martin speeds down the freeway. He's conscious of the fact that there are two racers ahead of him, but he's not concerned with that right now. The she-devil in the red Jaguar on his tail...he can't quit get the Duchess out of his mind. This is a good thing as the candy-apple red convertible is constantly trying to leap ahead of him.

Prince Von Brightonburg has never even heard of Mabootu. He has heard of Krazy Red Karver. The damned Larryian is still being far too forward, his much larger car looming behind the Prince's modified racer. Only the modified's extreme manueverability has kept the Prince ahead of the Plum Krazy Camaro..

Karver is focused on the Prince, his various personal issues kept at bay by his nearly total concentration. There's a noise that keeps intruding on him though, usually at key moments when he knows, had he been 'on' just a little bit more, he would've passed Von Brightonburg up. The noise is his wife's voice. He doesn't know what she's griping out him about. He stopped listening a hundred miles back.

Dietrich Kell, in his low-slung black supercar, can see Karver and Brightonburg up ahead. His mouth twists into a cruel smiles and he accelerates. His ideas are similar to Lynn Cutter's; he'll wait for a chance and zip past those racers foolish enough to get into personal contests.

Wade Gree has no overall strategy. He did have, at one point, but, being a careful planner, it all tied in with his car's abilities. His new ride, though becoming more familiar, is a new experience and the 'Wellutrian' is driving 'off the cuff'. His next goal is to pass Kell. He'll worry about the rest later.

Clarissa and Nero are close behind. The little Goth girl behind the wheel is fuming. There was certain embarrassment in being passed by a wimpy tuner car, even to one as unconventional as she. In the passenger seat, her partner tends the route maps and hums happily as if nothing had happened. Nero licks her lips and hits the gas, determined to advance past Gree.

I-27 doesn't go to Mabootu's Landing, and the exit point, where racers may merge onto the R-10, is another split point, a spot where the competitors tend to take separate routes. The R-10 isn't the massive artery that I-27 is, but it's still a nice, wide freeway. This year, most of the racers stay on it.

Lena van der Prutt is, naturally, one who doesn't. She veers onto an exit ramp and begins winding her way down backroads and byways. She's a little disappointed that Hawke isn't following her, but then, he HAD been ahead of her. She'll see him again.

Hawke regrets the parting, but he has good reason for staying the course. He's a sailor, and there's a certain tension in the air, a briskness to the wind, that tells him rain and wind are coming. As much as he'd like to stay with the Duchess, he's unsettled by the idea of muddy dirt roads in a rainstorm.

Miles pass. Positions change little. Confirming Hawke's worries, the skies begin to darken, and the temperature drops a few degrees.

The temperature loss is a blessing to Dietrich Kell. Running hard, trying to both maintain and improve his position, he's not really paced his car the way he knows he should. He's been keeping a wary eye on his temperature indicator, which has slowly, but surely, been creeping upward. Raindrops spatter his Vektor's windshield. Behind him, Wade Gree makes his move.

The lime-green and blue Supra driven by Gree seems to slide past the Kell's Vektor. This surprises the Kieric driver, who almost slams his foot down on the gas pedal, but he stops himself. It's time to start thinking long-term, he knows. He'll let Gree have his moment. He has second thoughts when the Chevy Bel-Air driven by Clarissa and Nero also passed him. It's raining briskly now, and the Vektor's temperature gauge is falling as road water and cool air refreshes the engine. Kell decides to let his car rest, and allow Gree and the Larryian girls occupy themselves for the moment.

Gree sees the Murdermobile coming up on him and tries to pull away. He manages a stalemate, the two vehicles racing alongside each other as the rain falls even harder. The 'Wellutrian' looks toward his competitor. He blinks in surprise when Nero pulls her ample bosom free of her dress, giving him a good look at what most people have to spend 9.95 a month for a subscription to her website to see.

Wade is a frosty sort, due to his past, but he's still surprised for perhaps half a second. Half a second at 140 miles an hour is quite a while. He glances forward, sees that his car has veered into the oncoming traffic lanes, and with a shout of surprise tries to compensate. It works; Gree is skilled and his car is responsive, but he still ends up on the wide, grassy shoulder, facing the opposite direction.

Dietrich Kell smirks to himself as he sees the garishly colored racer slide off the road. He notes that Gree seems...undamaged, and that the rice rocket is already pulling back onto the highway. Ahead of him, the Murdermobile is pulling away. Deciding that the Vektor has had enough of a rest, he guns the engine and begins to eat up the distance between himself and the Larryian girls.

On an ill-remembered side road, Duchess Van der Pratt pulls over, quickly puts the top up on her sporty Jaguar, then continues her travels. She's not going as fast as she calculated. The rain is turning her favored shortcuts muddy and slippery. She's making decent time, still, though she's now racing against the elements as well as her competitors. She'll have to get back on paved road soon or her clever route may become unpassable.

Out in front, the rain is worrying Toomblee as well, though for different reasons. Water is not opposed to her, but it does not help her, and she believe she can feel Mabootu's ill-luck creeping in on her. Whether what happens next is the result of a curse, the rain, or coincidence, no one can say.

The freeway is wet, and ahead of Toomblee's silver bullet, a semi trailer is changing lanes. The driver has been negligent in regard to tire maintenance and the truck begins to slide. He corrects, but his trailer swings into the freeway divider, and the rear door flies open. Chickens, hundred of them, make their bid for freedom and R-10 is suddenly obscured by a wall of white feathers...white and red when some of the unlucky birds collide with oncoming traffic.

Toomblee sees the wall of fowl and hits the brakes. It isn't enough; there's a car ahead she's going to hit unless she does something. With a split second reaction, the Kobald turns her car toward the shoulder. Her speed, combined with the angle of the ground, causes the Silver Bullet to take flight, landing (with unexpected grace) on the service road, which she rolls off of too. By this point, the silver racer has slowed enough that no damage is incurred. Toomblee comes to a halt in a sugar cane field. It's muddy, but the Kobald has an affinity for dirt and mud and somehow her car doesn't get stuck...she's pulling back onto the road within moments.

Laura Blair is both luckier and unluckier. Being farther back, she has ample time to stop before she runs into a cloud of stopped traffic and dead-or-panicked chickens. But there's no way past the cars up ahead.

Duncan Hawke and Lynn Cutter both see an oppurtunity. Green DB9 and Electric-Blue Camaro speed down an exit ramp, onto the service road. Behind them, the following racers do the same. Blair, seeing her competitors about to completely bypass her, bounces her Midnight-blue Charger down the shoulder and onto the access road, ending up just behind Red Karver's purple Camaro.

The racers pull back on the freeway on the next ramp, Toomblee's silver racer rejoining them, just behind Blair.

There's no shifts in position or horrid accidents the rest of the way to Mabootu's Landing. Duchess Van Der Prutt pulls back onto R-10 close to the city, ahead of Toomblee and Blair. The freeway begins to curve, a wide turn that carries traffic around the city of Mabootu's Landing. The coast is rocky cliffs in the area, and the view would be incredible if the rain weren't getting truly heavy now. Headlights come on, wipers flap across windshields, as the racers pass the checkpoint.



Duncan Hawke is in 1st place, with a decent lead on Brightonburg and Karver, but just barely ahead of...

...Lynn Cutter, in 2nd. She too is well ahead of the Prince and the Purple Camaro.

Prince George von Brightonburg is in 3rd. Though the leaders have some distance on him, anything can happen next leg, though he'll probably still have to worry about...

...Krazy Red Karver in 4th, as close to Brightonburg as his nagging wife will allow.

Duchess Van der Prutt is in 5th, just barely ahead of Toomblee and Blair. Next leg will likely see a contest between those three.

Toomblee is in 6th, but in an excellent position to advance if she does well next leg.

Laura Blair is in 7th.

Clarrisa and Nero, showing their first tangible progess, have moved up to 8th place.

Kell is in 9th, and close enough to the Murdermobile that he too might get a free sample of what Nero's website has to offer.

Wade Gree is in last place. Kell can likely hear his bass thumping, though, as the 'Wellutrian' isn't taking the pressure off.


No, no, Czar.  Can't cook the dice.  The most skullduggery I've allowed is giving one of racer's a +1 to a roll after she found my 'missing, presumed destroyed' glasses.  And she lives with me.   

Clarrisa and Nero can handle themselves, though. ;D
"Dialogue from a play, Hamlet to Horatio: 'There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy.' Dialogue from a play written long before men took to the sky. There are more things in heaven and earth, and in the sky, than perhaps can be dreamt of. And somewhere in between heaven, the sky, the earth, lies the Twilight Zone."
                                                                 ---------Rod Serling, The Last Flight

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Re: The 15th Annual Transnational Road Race
« Reply #13 on: September 12, 2007, 10:10:12 pm »
WOOTAGE! C 'n' N ain't last!!

Czar "Neither is my other $5 car" Mohab
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Re: The 15th Annual Transnational Road Race
« Reply #14 on: September 15, 2007, 02:56:16 am »

The freeway turns away from the coast after Mabootu's Landing, and the most direct route to the next checkpoint becomes R-77, what used to be the main highway in the southern reaches of the country.  The construction of the throughways in the 70's meant that R-77 was bypassed, but it's a well travelled scenic route along Larryia's rocky coast.  Route selection isn't so important for this leg;  even the Duchess Van der Prutt is hard pressed to find a straighter line to Ft. Solastis, the next checkpoint.

Duncan Hawke is in high spirits.  He's in the lead now, and while his car is not the fastest in the race, it's designed for long-haul, high speed driving.  If he uses that advantage, the sailor knows he can strengthen his lead.  Perhaps enough to make his position unassailable.  He's planned to use this leg to move up from the beginning; he hadn't anticipated being in 1st place already but he's not the type to give up such a happy occurrence.  He keeps steady pressure on the gas pedal and roars on through the strengthening storm.

Not far behind, Lynn Cutter has the same plan.  The curvy Larryian pops in a Nine Inch Nails CD and settles back.  Despite the rain, this is easy driving for her, and her electric-blue Camaro paces Hawke from half a mile back, the single functioning headlight reminding the man in first place that he's not as far ahead as he'd like.

Prince George von Brightonburg accelerates down R-77, hoping that the higher speed of his modified racer will allow him to catch up with the leaders...and leave behind his increasingly annoying shadow.  The purple '68 Camaro, is close enough that the Prince can see Red and Linda Karver in his rear view mirror.  Despite his wish to stay focused on the road, he can't help but notice that the woman is constantly moving, constantly talking.

Karver, of course, is in much closer proximity to his wife, and much less able to ignore her.  He's worried about this leg of the race;  If it goes like he thinks it will, it'll stretch out, with cars becoming widely separated, more of a high-speed bit of cruising than fierce, in-close competition.  He could normally take advantage of that, but it also means he won't have a competitor close by to occupy his concentration, and that means Linda will become impossible to ignore.  His shoulders slump a bit and he lets out a pained sigh.

Lena van der Prutt is relaxing a bit this leg, leaning back in her seat and maintaining her position.  Rain patters on the heavy cloth of her softtop.  There's few shortcuts, few backroads along this section of the coast, and since those form the basis of her strategy, she views this part of the race as dead time.  That doesn't, however, means she plans to let anyone pass her.  She tunes in to a local radio station.  It's playing something fast and appropriate.  She laughs.

Toomblee is less worried than she was.  True, rain is falling from the sky, but water is not her enemy.  Air is her enemy, but she avoided killing any chickens so it shouldn't be after her any more than usual.  She's no longer in the lead.  She needs to fix that.  The silver dart accelerates.

Laura Blair finds herself behind Toomblee again, and again, she pushes her midnight blue Dodge into high gear with the intention of overtaking the Kobald.  She decides she won't push it too hard, though, even if it means Toomblee's escape.  Unlike Cutter and Hawke, she's modified her car to outrun more than outlast, and the more crowded parts of the race later on...those are more her natural environment.

Clarissa and Nero roar along through the rain.  They've drawn close enough to Blair that they can see her taillights, and the Larryian girls exchange a look and a smile.

Dietrich Kell is no longer having temperature issues, but the rain is hindering him in other ways.  The sleek Vektor isn't really a foul weather car.  But then, neither is the Chevy Bel-Air he's chasing and intending to pass.  He vows, if nothing else goes to his favor in this race, that he'll pass up the Goth girl.

Behind him, last of the 'big ten' racers, Wade Gree is also thinking of Nero.  His look at her pale but impressively-sized assets was brief, but he's finding the image hard to get out of his head.  It's not really a case of interest or lust, it's just a problem most males have.  There is, however, a certain resentment building since Nero almost crashed him with her sudden display.  Kell isn't the only one determined to pass the Murdermobile, now.

As Karver feared, the race begins to spread out as time wears on.  Cars get farther away, drivers fall into a different mentality.  There's also the issue of gas.  Running all out for some time, fuel gauge needles are working their way toward the big 'E'.  The racers have, mostly, planned for this.

Duncan Hawke finds himself gaining distance from Cutter, and decides that there'll be no better time to snag some petrol.  He stops at a Mom and Pop gas station on an anonymous section of highway and fills up using the special credit cards provided to the racers.  He loses a little time, though, when the owner of the place reveals himself to be a veteran of the Larryian navy, a destroyer commander like Hawke himself.  Duncan finds the temptation irresistible.  Sea stories are exchanged, comparisons of vessels.  Only when the Devon's Islander thinks he sees a single headlight approaching does he say some hasty goodbyes and get back on the road.

Toomblee, far behind, settles into an almost trancelike state, presses her accelerator to the floor, and the silver dart blasts through the rain and down the highway.  She zips past Lena van der Prutt as if the Jaguar was standing still. 

The Duchess, shook out of her relaxation, accelerates, trying to catch up.  Her tires are meant for less friendly areas, though, and it's hard to sprint fast enough to catch up with Toomblee...or Blair, who's Charger also slips past.  The Duchess forces herself to relax, reminding herself that she'll have plenty of chances for some place-gaining shortcuts later.

Toomblee doesn't notice that Blair is keeping up.  Toomblee barely noticed passing the Dutchess.  She keeps on going.  Ahead of her, Karver and von Brightonburg continue to duel.  It'll be a few minutes before she catches up.  She takes deep breaths and thinks of volcanos.

Wade Gree's resentment toward Goth girl and her even bustier friend has become full fledged anger.  He has to pass them.  Has to beat them.  Has to show them that a little bit of skin won't win them the race.  First, though, he has to pass Kell.  Whining like a banshee, his Supra advances on the Kieric's Vektor, and with some careful application of nitrus oxide, passes the supercar.

Kell fights the urge to pursue Gree.  It, surprisingly, isn't hard.  Gree seems to attract ill fortune.  Kell will merely have to wait until the next bit of bad luck hits him, then pass him by.  After that comes the Murdermobile.  The Kieric isn't as angry at the Larryian girls as Gree, but he has more patience.  He watches as the neon-lit Supra pulls away and smiles despite the misfortune.  He has a feeling his moment is coming.

Clarissa can't figure out where the distant thumping in her ears is coming from, but she notes that's it's obviously musical.  She looks in the rear view, sees Wade Gree's green and blue Supra rapidly gaining and warns Nero.  The Goth girl grins and floors the gas pedal.  Goth wagon and tuner car jockey for position, trying to block or slip past the other.  Their conflict carries them closer and closer to Duchess Van der Prutt.

The flame-haired noblewoman can't prevent the Murdermobile from passing her, but she slips in between it and Gree's Supra.  Gree nudges her bumper;  it's a mild tap, at least in Larryian style racing, but the Duchess' eyes go wild as the slight impact registers.  Her right hand falls toward the Luger lying in the passenger seat, and, holding it and the wheel in one hand, she rolls down her window.

Gree is about to pass the Jag, drawn closer to his new nemeses, when there's a loud bang.  He hears the bullet whizz by, sees the hole-and-spiderweb in his windscreen.  Slightly ahead, Duchess Van der Prutt is clearly screaming at him.  He knows homicidal anger when he sees it and wisely backs off, his anger ebbing a bit.

Kell, observing from some distance, watches hopefully.  It's not his moment yet, though.  Still, he laughs openly at Gree's sudden reluctance.

Far ahead, Toomblee is almost up to Karver and Brightonburg.  She passes.  She doesn't think about it.  She cuts a bit close to Prince George.  He steers left, onto the wrong side of the road, both to avoid a collision and, possibly, put himself in a good spot to accelerate past the Kobald and get away from Karver.

Karver sees what happens and knows a chance when he sees one.  He almost hesitates, just to avoid an angry tirade from the stern-faced blonde he married.  She's quiet for the moment, though, staring at something on the side of the road.  She won't be able to object in time...

Krazy Red Karver has always had a weakness in the turns.  He's a straight line kind of guy, and when he has to make his car go another direction, the result is usually loose and not as precise as one would expect of a race car driver.  Krazy Red Karver may not know all of his won weaknesses, but he knows that one...knows it well enough to turn it to his advantage. 

The road curves just ahead of Brightonburg.  Karver accelerates, and for the first time, he's even with the Prince.  The two cars race around the right hand curve, and Karver, true to form, slides a bit.  Brightonburg is edged closer and closer to the side of the road.  His tires bite gravel, and for a split second, the Prince fears a crash.  He releases the gas, lets his car drift back onto the road, but now the purple Camaro is ahead of him.

Linda Karver screams and rants.  Red Karver smiles like a maniac, momentarily immune to his wife's ranting.  Brightonburg tries to pass him.  He blocks, then draws ahead, pulling away from the Prince's Modified.

Prince George's hands tighten on the wheel.  What has been done can be undone, he knows.  He resolves that the Larryian's advance will soon be halted.  But then, suddenly, he's got bigger problems as a black Chevy Bel-Air comes roaring up from behind.  He manages to block them, but almost lets the midnight blue Dodge roar by.  The three cars jockey for position, and the Prince once again finds himself in a duel.

Toomblee sees the electric-blue Camaro of Lynn Cutter ahead.  She moves to pass.  It doesn't work.  She tries again.  It doesn't work.  Another attempt puts her even with the Larryian woman's car.

Cutter looks to her left and sees the Silver Bullet running alongside her.  All she can see of the driver is wild, multicolored hair and a pair of large dark eyes.  Then the little kobald raises a hand and waves, a tenative, almost childlike motion.  Cutter laughs and tips her hat and the two cars race along, neither letting the other pass.

Duncan Hawke draws farther ahead.  He takes a moment to stare at the ocean, out past the rocky cliffs that are typical of the South Shore.  The water is grey and violent due to the storm, and despite the still-noticeable heat, looks cold.  Save for tiny islands, there's no land south of here until you reach the Antarctic.  Hawke decides to one day sail these waters.

Time passes, and eventually the rain stops, small changes in position occur, soon reversed.  It's almost sundown when the racers pull into Fort Solastis.  They stop this time, for there's no racing at night, one of the few concessions the race makes to public safety.


Duncan Hawke is in a very strong 1st place!  The little chat with the fellow sailor, btw, WAS a complication, just a very minor one.:)

Lynn Cutter is in 2nd, ducking and dodging...

...Toomblee, who, after a lightning-fast sprint, is back in a respectable 3rd place.

Krazy Red Karver is in 4th place. Whether his advance is worth what he'll endure from his wife...none can say.

Prince von Brightonburg, after Karver's daring pass, is in 4th place.  He'll have to work to keep it though, as both

...Clarissa and Nero, and...

....Laura Blair, are right up with him and tied for 5th.

Lena van der Prutt is in 6th.  Incidentally, that's the same amount of rounds she has left in her Luger.

Wade Gree is in 7th and admiring the 9mm bullet hole in his windshield.  At least she didn't hit the rims.

Dietrich Kell is in 8th, but hey, he hasn't been shot at.  Yet.


Next leg is the layover, which has the longest 'color post' so far, courtesy of the Guv.
"Dialogue from a play, Hamlet to Horatio: 'There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy.' Dialogue from a play written long before men took to the sky. There are more things in heaven and earth, and in the sky, than perhaps can be dreamt of. And somewhere in between heaven, the sky, the earth, lies the Twilight Zone."
                                                                 ---------Rod Serling, The Last Flight

Offline Governor Ronjar

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Re: The 15th Annual Transnational Road Race
« Reply #15 on: September 16, 2007, 08:55:37 pm »

I likes me sum color...

--thu guv!
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Re: The 15th Annual Transnational Road Race
« Reply #16 on: September 18, 2007, 01:34:04 pm »
WOOTAGE! C 'n' N ain't last!!

*snort* Not sure what you see in a pale cokehead and her lackey, but to each their own... ;D

Dietrich "my raging Kieric superiority complex alone insures I will win and leave the broken wrecks of the competitors behind me" Kell
"One minute to space doors."

"Are you just going to walk through them?"

"Calm yourself, Doctor."

Offline Czar Mohab

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Re: The 15th Annual Transnational Road Race
« Reply #17 on: September 18, 2007, 08:14:55 pm »
WOOTAGE! C 'n' N ain't last!!

*snort* Not sure what you see in a pale cokehead and her lackey, but to each their own... ;D

Dietrich "my raging Kieric superiority complex alone insures I will win and leave the broken wrecks of the competitors behind me" Kell

Actually, its the car. And $5 that says they place. Not real $5, but you get the idea. They seemed kinda like underdogs since the beginning. I like me some underdogs, makes stuff interesting.

Czar "Hope your car's bullet proof" Mohab, who notes that my other bet of $5 was not on D'Kell's car
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Offline KOTH-KieranXC, Ret.

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Re: The 15th Annual Transnational Road Race
« Reply #18 on: September 18, 2007, 08:38:43 pm »
Shoulda been. He'll win in the end, ya know. One way or the other. ;D
"One minute to space doors."

"Are you just going to walk through them?"

"Calm yourself, Doctor."

Offline Commander La'ra

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Re: The 15th Annual Transnational Road Race
« Reply #19 on: September 18, 2007, 08:47:49 pm »
Maybe so, maybe no.

I'm using my recently-recovered favorite 10-sider now.  Who can say what havoc it shall wreak? ;D



Fort Solastis is a sunny town on the shores of the Mifune Straights, in between the Larryian mainland and the South Island (which has a name few people ever use).   It's a bit touristy, since the ocean there is clear and blue and somewhat shallow, a combination that makes it heaven for divers and such, but there's also a Naval Air Station and a Coastal Patrol base. 

The Fort the place is named for still stands, a Southern style fortification with redoubts, trenches, and concealed gun emplacements rather than towering walls and such like you see in more Northern climes.  The fortification was named for a legendary warrior-healer from Larryian mythology.  Legend states that it was here that she and her companions fought off an raid by organized slavers and later established a hospital and organized the local militia.  The ruins of the original hospital are said to be south of the town, and are a popular tourist attraction.

None of the racers have any plans to go see the collection of mossy rocks that might've been the hospital.  Mostly they want food, rest, and sleep, and to give their overworked cars some loving care, not necessarily in that order.  They pull up, one by one,  to the Ocean View Hotel and resort, where they'll be put up for the night and not, thanks to some skullduggery on the part of racers a few years back, allowed to leave.

Duncan Hawke is tired, but still buzzed about his growing lead, and he sets to tending his car almost the minute he pulls to a halt.  The Aston-Martin is handling the race well, but he fiddles with it some anyway, oiling and tuning her while humming a Devon's Island naval theme.

Lynn Cutter has people waiting on her.  They look like ex-military, with that odd combination of stiffness and 'relieved to be out' casualness often seen in those who served proudly but have moved on.  The dusky cowgirl greets them in a friendly fashion, as friends, if not terribly close ones.  They immediately begin looking over her Camaro, a task she seems content to let them handle on their own.  Race teams have strict size limits in this competition, to encourage amateur participation.  Cutter’s three acquantainces are the most allowed.

Toomblee is barely out of the Silver Bullet before she starts tweaking and fixing things, all the while muttering strange Ponkapaugi incantations.

Krazy Red Karver emerges from his purple Camaro with his wife close behind.  She's furiously assaulting him in a verbal fashion.  Karver seems less harried than usual, and still bears a slight grin on his face as he remembers passing Prince Brightonburg earlier.  His bliss won't last forever, but he'll hang onto it while he can.

Prince George arrives and is immediately greeted by his various servants and aides, as well as some members of the Brightonburg press (most of whom appear as if they're about to keel over from the heat, though for the moment the temperature is 'comfortable' to a Larryian).  He answers some questions, sets his minions to repairing and maintaining his racer, and heads off for a change of clothes and a drink.

Clarissa and Nero pull in next, the Murdermobile rumbling like a mild earthquake.  They're handling their own maintenance, and spend the next hour or so babying their car.

Laura Blair is clearly irritated when she arrives, cursing often and chain smoking.  It’s not certain who she’s mad at, though her posture and stalking advances toward whatever she’s heading toward at the time speak of volumes of unrequited fury.  An older, bald-headed man is helping her with her car.  The press says it’s her father.  He tolerates her mood stoically, without any real response, though she seems to hold her temper at bay when she’s around him.

Lena van der Prutt slides in and jumps eagerly out of her car.  She has a mechanic on retainer, an old family servant, but she doesn’t start on her Jaguar just yet.  Instead, she waits for her hood to cool, then seats herself casually on it and begins, pointedly cleaning her Luger.

Wade Gree is not far behind her.  He sees the Duchess cleaning her gun.  He sees the lethal look she’s directing at him.  He almost takes issue, but a quick glance at the bullet hole in his windshield changes his mind.  He’s here to win a million bucks...well, three quarters of a million thanks to his owing a share to his car’s actual owner...not make even more enemies.

Dietrich Kell arrives at the tail end of the other ‘big ten’.  The Kieric is clearly not in the greatest of moods, but the Kiermark press agents, familiar with his temper, have seen him in far more explosive states.  He has three members of his usual racing team here to maintain the Vektor, though he takes a hand in that himself.

The vehicles are oiled, tires checked or changed, parts replaced, coolant refilled.  The racers relax in their personal fashions.  Prince George spends a good deal of the night in the bar, making approaches on anything female that’ll allow him in close proximity.  Hawke relaxes at the rooftop pool, gazing out at the cool waters of the straights and sparing an occasional glance at both Cutter and Duchess Van Der Prutt, who’s bathing attire does much for the Devon’s Islander’s morale.  Kell sleeps;  he wants his full faculties at his disposal tomorrow, and besides, his room is frigidly air conditioned.  Gree also keeps to himself, though he socializes enough that he’s not thought standoffish.  Clarissa and Nero, surprisingly stay in their adjoining rooms as least as far as anyone knows.  Red Karver finds his way to the pool and talks with Hawke about engines a bit, before being forced into isolation by his wife.  Blair arrives at the pool eventually as well, looking considerably more relaxed.

Eventually as the night goes farther along, the racers retire to bed.  Toomblee doesn’t bother to go to her room:  following her chanting and tinkering, the little Kobald curls up in the driver’s seat of the Silver Bullet and falls asleep.


At a hotel.:)
"Dialogue from a play, Hamlet to Horatio: 'There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy.' Dialogue from a play written long before men took to the sky. There are more things in heaven and earth, and in the sky, than perhaps can be dreamt of. And somewhere in between heaven, the sky, the earth, lies the Twilight Zone."
                                                                 ---------Rod Serling, The Last Flight