If you change anything in the downloads, please also pull the patrol mission that turns out to be a convoy attack, when drawn on a planet. Thanks.
This is one of the things Im not sure if I want to do or not. If the shiplist changes then everyone will have to redownload and redownload new mission scripts.. something Im not exactly sure I want to have happen as Im sure sojme dont want it to change at all.. humm.. I'll wait for a few more to post their thoughts and will decide when I get back from dinner in a few hours. BBs will be avaliable as well once I put it up though.
Is it not possible to simply pull the mission serverside? I'm pretty sure that has been done for problematic missions before, not so sure if it makes a difference with the SQL.
I'm also pretty sure that if we download another shiplist, it won't affect what mission scripts we have at all.
As long as the shiplist is a one-step easy to use installer, with an equally easy uninstaller, I doubt many will mind downloading a SFB-style shiplist.
The issues 90% of players have is when you have to "just put these files in that folder, this one here, and then run this thing" and then when wanting to switch back they wind up having to do a complete reinstall.

*sigh* Pesty was always so good at making those "installer for dummies" type of things...heh.
IMOHPO, I would prefer the same type of shiplist that we've been using on all the other campaigns for the past couple years, with the fighters, P/Fs for everybody and the SFB style ships.