Topic: New Romulan...nod to TOS BOP, needs a name  (Read 13581 times)

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New Romulan...nod to TOS BOP, needs a name
« on: August 30, 2007, 02:08:47 pm »
Ok, here's a mesh I've been messing with for a while now. Decided to post some pics to see if you guys like where it is going, and want to name her.

My plan was to place this ship in the "P class" size...if you guys know my ships, all the smaller ships carry a P name, mid sized ships are V names, and large ships are D names. This ship is supposed to sit around the size of the original TOS Romulan BOP.

To create her, I used reference pics from both bird beaks and the old BOP shots from the series and the net. I decided to do two things away with the high wing idea, going with a low wing fixture for the nacelles (actually in wing), and also create a "canopy" or "hover" wing, similar to the type of wing the DDeridex has.

The reason for the wing type would be the same designer for the ship series. So, this ship is early TNG era.

The hardest part was getting the right look on the head. I needed to add a distruptor port, but still equate a beak design that could be identified immediately. I went with a small head, and a hook beak to give it a small bird look. I think overall it works, but I need your opinions on the matter...this is my first blatent attempt at the bird connection.

Final note...this is an early wip, so just the basic shape, no smoothing or details. Let me know what you think, and if you have any suggestions for a name. Thanks.
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Re: New Romulan...nod to TOS BOP, needs a name
« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2007, 02:57:06 pm »
-=shrug=- no clue, just sounded cool.
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Re: New Romulan...nod to TOS BOP, needs a name
« Reply #2 on: August 30, 2007, 03:32:55 pm »
I like the design a lot - brings the original bird of prey up top date. With the right textures (which you always do so well) she'll be a beauty.

How about R'Hapere - it is an adaptation for the Latin word rapere which means "bird of prey".

Nice job Raven, thanks for sharing her with us. How are the Feddies you've been working on coming along?

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Re: New Romulan...nod to TOS BOP, needs a name
« Reply #3 on: August 30, 2007, 10:18:10 pm »

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Re: New Romulan...nod to TOS BOP, needs a name
« Reply #4 on: August 30, 2007, 10:57:38 pm »

Raven, thanks for sharing this non-Fed WIP with us.


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Offline Raven Night

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Re: New Romulan...nod to TOS BOP, needs a name
« Reply #5 on: August 31, 2007, 09:53:22 pm »
dear lord no. if this is a nod to the original atleast make the nacelles something other than a D'Deridex.

Dear lord no guessing that means you hate it. Is there any way I can improve it? I already agree on the nacelles, I wanted to create a bridge between the dderidex nacelles and the old TOS nacelles and I completely blew it. I agree....they look like garbage. I wish I could leave the engines off looks good without them.

I like the overall shape (minus the nacelles) but I am always open to suggestions, especially from those that have better TOS/TMP eyes then myself. This should be pleasing to both TNG and TOS/TMP fans....maybe not a slam dunk for either, but acceptable to both.
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Re: New Romulan...nod to TOS BOP, needs a name
« Reply #6 on: August 31, 2007, 10:17:21 pm »
I like the overall shape (minus the nacelles) but I am always open to suggestions, especially from those that have better TOS/TMP eyes then myself. This should be pleasing to both TNG and TOS/TMP fans....maybe not a slam dunk for either, but acceptable to both.

The first thing that comes to mind looking at her is that the nose is too short.
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Offline Raven Night

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Re: New Romulan...nod to TOS BOP, needs a name
« Reply #7 on: September 01, 2007, 09:16:56 am »
Its not that i dont hate infact the curve of the body the top angles are awsome.. as is the rear, the underside im not fond of, maybe some type of pods either on the underside of the wing or make your lower hull wider (this think needs something for its talons)

I can do this...I can add bulges on the side of the bottom hull to equate talons. I think thats a good idea. I could also add pods as well.

keep the nacelles they work good for lost era, just not this design, (say for the next design) to inspire true TOS BoP your nacelles have to be longer ot atleast trailing behind slightly the wing.

The forward mark of the nacelles is supposed to equate the forward cant of the old engines, but as you said it really doesnt say "TOS"...perhaps I can create new ones and nest them farther back in the wing, with the bulges out back instead of out front. Ill give it a shot.

As adonis says the head is way too small.

The head Im a little resistant to, mainly because the TOS BOP actually doesnt have a head. I wanted to make something between the old and new, and I thought this was a good mid point between the old BOP and the DD. I can try a few things though.

i would also look at the Fire Hawk and the more well known TMP/Lost Era heads, i personaly thing a Firehawk crest running up from the beak, up maybe connecting to the tail fin (not sure it it would work but i would love to see it)

I could extend the rake in the back to the head. Let me try it out and post some pics.

also from the forward view your wings are increably thick, romulans tend to go for more flatter wings to help give it a more streamlined Wing like look, but that really isnt a issue. as i said the overall design is great, it just needs a bit of refining to bring it to romulan splendor.

That is actually an optical illusion. Instead of having "Stroke" wings, wings where the bird is either beating up or down for lift, this is a "Drift" wing. If you look close, you can see that the wing is styled after the top wing on the DD, so it is actually concave inside. It is actually quite thin, just curved to a semi-circle to the aft lateral edge.

i cant wait to see more (see i told ya i didnt hate it) its just just those nacelles  beak and underside. I would also to show the early hints of the D'Deridex, i would put the typical disruptor port on the inside of the "eye" alcove on the head. Then you will have something truely terrifiing

Yea, the glowing "eye" on the nose is going to be the disruptor port. The coloring is just to let you know that is where its going. Im going to add a few old and new details on the hull as well, try to mix it up a bit.
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Re: New Romulan...nod to TOS BOP, needs a name
« Reply #8 on: September 01, 2007, 03:55:04 pm »
How about something like this? I extended the fin rake to the head and repositioned the nacelles, altered the fins in the fronts and placed them in front of the plasma vents. The engines are just place setters at the moment, but you get the idea.
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Re: New Romulan...nod to TOS BOP, needs a name
« Reply #9 on: September 01, 2007, 09:06:49 pm »
Well, not exactly what I ment, but better, the neck still needs to stand out more.
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Re: New Romulan...nod to TOS BOP, needs a name
« Reply #10 on: September 02, 2007, 09:44:32 am »
the warp engine on the first pic should be a bit back, the 2nd pics are too much back.

beside that the ship look cool    :D

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Re: New Romulan...nod to TOS BOP, needs a name
« Reply #11 on: September 02, 2007, 09:46:39 am »
That is very cool. Please be sure to post more pictures when she's fully textured.

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Re: New Romulan...nod to TOS BOP, needs a name
« Reply #12 on: September 02, 2007, 11:30:33 am »
Reminds me of a hawk or falcon gliding around looking for a kill.

I think you're on the right track with the nacelles, you should leave them in the second position but make them longer stretching forward. Have them poking out the front of the wing just past where the rake is now. D'Deridex nacelles in TNG where ridiculously short, as if they were an unwanted element that was forced on the model makers.
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Re: New Romulan...nod to TOS BOP, needs a name
« Reply #13 on: September 02, 2007, 10:33:21 pm »
nacelles of the original are too far foreward, the second just looks rediculous.

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Re: New Romulan...nod to TOS BOP, needs a name
« Reply #14 on: September 03, 2007, 01:11:46 pm »
Ok, how about these two options. Note, the nacelles are placesetters....just some dirty meshes thrown in place to give an idea of what I intend to do. They will look a bit more TNG, but will have more in common with the TOS BOP nacelles.

The two options are shown. Outboard, close to the edge of the wingtips, or set in a bit. Let me know which one you guys think looks better.

Also note that I have repositioned the nacelles to a more centered position. Let me know if it needs more movement.
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Re: New Romulan...nod to TOS BOP, needs a name
« Reply #15 on: September 03, 2007, 02:06:49 pm »
The first pic with the nacelles slid another half inch toward the rear, unless there's a reason you prefer centered or forward postions on them instead of a trailing one.

Also an idea for the shape. The TOS nacelles were round and the TNG ones were rectangular, why not make these oval.
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Re: New Romulan...nod to TOS BOP, needs a name
« Reply #16 on: September 03, 2007, 03:21:39 pm »
what about repositioning the nacelles so they are ontop of the wings and either side of the neck? or maybe just incorprating the nacelles into the wing mesh.

Offline Raven Night

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Re: New Romulan...nod to TOS BOP, needs a name
« Reply #17 on: September 03, 2007, 04:08:20 pm »
what about repositioning the nacelles so they are ontop of the wings and either side of the neck? or maybe just incorprating the nacelles into the wing mesh.

Ive actually tried that....I originally had the nacelles on the outboard edge but on the dorsal side of the wing....that worked somewhat, but still didnt fit right. Then I moved them just to the left and right of the main spine....unless I shrunk them down to almost nothing, it still looked wierd. I tried close to the belly, on the wing tips....even on the spine and the belly, over/under. I wanted to go less conventional, but in the end the wide concave wing doesnt lend itself to radical engine I was stuck with just inside the lateral edge of the port/starboard hardpoint.

What I have done is shrunk the nacelles vertically, to flatten them a bit, giving them a more ovoid shape. I plan on giving them "talons" over the back edges of the plasma vent (the bulb in the front...ill go with an X configuration), something like what was on the bussards on the NX-01. I also added two small bulges toward the back of the tail underneath, to somewhat equate "legs", so to speak. I also moved the nacelles as suggested.

Here is the result sofar.
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Re: New Romulan...nod to TOS BOP, needs a name
« Reply #18 on: September 03, 2007, 04:59:39 pm »
I plan on giving them "talons" over the back edges of the plasma vent (the bulb in the front...ill go with an X configuration), something like what was on the bussards on the NX-01.

Nice touch.

It really says BOP to me now. Being around the size of the original, what role do you see it in? It'd be sad to see it in a scout role but at that size even harder to see it as anything above destroyer. Did they ever come up with a Romulan answer to the Defiant, big bang little package?
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Re: New Romulan...nod to TOS BOP, needs a name
« Reply #19 on: September 03, 2007, 06:26:20 pm »
I meant like this

I like the ship in all configurations so far and seeing as it is a nod to the older bops the wing adjustment may be totally out of order. the things under the wing tips is supposed to be a weapons pod.