O'll IKVNemesis, I take it your Klingon with the IKV!
I started playing Klingon back in SFB days.
During a Captains game with 2 friends who were playing Fed and Kzinti they chose Klingon for me thinking the Klingons the weakest. It turned out that Klingon matches my style quite well, which they learned to their regret. I named my ship for that game IKV Nemesis as a psychological ploy. It seemed to be successful

so it was a natural alias to use once SFC1 was out and had forums.
The D7L is my favourite ship though I am especially fond of the mainstream and command F5, FW, D6 and D7 hulls. I also am quite fond of Lyran (DWL, CWL and NCAL), Romulan (Battlehawk, KR both F5 and D6/7 hulls) and Hydran (various hulls though the Iron Duke is one of the few large ships I fly well).
The only races I have real trouble flying are Gorn and ISC as they are too lacking in subtle and more the "get a bigger hammer" style

SFCIII based on all the writeups just was lacking the things that made SFC 1- SFC:OP appealing to me personally so I skipped it.