Topic: A Critical Review Over The GFL 'LAW Mod' We Have Hurd So Much About  (Read 6401 times)

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Offline Nemesis

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Re: A Critical Review Over The GFL 'LAW Mod' We Have Hurd So Much About
« Reply #20 on: August 29, 2007, 09:37:44 am »
O'll IKVNemesis, I take it your Klingon with the IKV!

I started playing Klingon back in SFB days. 

During a Captains game with 2 friends who were playing Fed and Kzinti they chose Klingon for me thinking the Klingons the weakest.  It turned out that Klingon matches my style quite well, which they learned to their regret.  I named my ship for that game IKV Nemesis as a psychological ploy.  It seemed to be successful ;) so it was a natural alias to use once SFC1 was out and had forums. 

The D7L is my favourite ship though I am especially fond of the mainstream and command F5, FW, D6 and D7 hulls.  I also am quite fond of Lyran (DWL, CWL and NCAL), Romulan (Battlehawk, KR both F5 and D6/7 hulls) and Hydran (various hulls though the Iron Duke is one of the few large ships I fly well). 

The only races I have real trouble flying are Gorn and ISC as they are too lacking in subtle and more the "get a bigger hammer" style :)

SFCIII based on all the writeups just was lacking the things that made SFC 1- SFC:OP appealing to me personally so I skipped it. 
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Offline GFL Offkey

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Re: A Critical Review Over The GFL 'LAW Mod' We Have Hurd So Much About
« Reply #21 on: August 29, 2007, 09:25:16 pm »
To give you a hint on the graphics. i have a phys x card on my system now the starflield doesnt just float but it twinkles. nebulaes glow properly and explosions are way better. We also redetailed the skins for the ships and are inprocess of doing correct shadowing. We are also working on xm radio in the game by using the shift f1-9 keys to activate stations. So instead of a taunt which is lame music of your choice will play. In reply to the harshness one member has given why doesnt he come fly the dynaverse for a year. Our server never and i mean never rolls back. Our rules almost eliminate all battlelocks and crashed battles. Weve also achieved ai skill so high you would think thier human guaranteed. Ive had a psod tractor me and push me into a black hole. Weve also have our own custom battleships which no one in any mod has. We dont use uber ships and we dont do 7000 races instead we use what the next generation is. The species and cardassian fleets are deadly and we dont use original scripts. Planet assaults are realistic with 10 ships from cl thru battleships and a shipyard and basestation so if someone attacks it they need a fleet to do it. Frieghter convoys no longer run for thier lives instead they hunt you down with 6 to 8 fighters and commence ripping you apart. Payouts for specialty missions are way higher also.
Our mod is there for the public and we are continually working on the details so if you have an opinion why dont you fly the dynaverse and find out not comment by trying it and not knowing how to fly it. Afterall we did have to retrain everyone in our group just to get them to succeed so the mechanics are different now.
Our last server ran for 1 yr and 3 months before a winner was declared with NO ISSUES. I challenge any other group or mod to achieve what we have. Any way hope to see ya all on the dynaverse prepare for a challenge

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Re: A Critical Review Over The GFL 'LAW Mod' We Have Hurd So Much About
« Reply #22 on: August 29, 2007, 11:18:08 pm »

By the way guy's and galls; the BattleShip comming out of the event-horizon on GFLOffkey's Sig on the right side of the sig is The Race BB for the Klingon Empire.  Created, designed, and retrofited by Offkey for his Empire! 
