Topic: A problem with SFC III (single player campaign) mission "Luddite Syndrome"  (Read 1637 times)

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Offline w@ntonsoup

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When I kill everything, I get the squad showing up (in my ship) ready to beam down - but they won't beam down to the planet...  I feel like an idiot.  I've played the mission 4 times and each time, the only thing left is the planet and sometimes a friendly outpost I captured...  and they just refuse to beam down regardless how close I get to Miaplacidus IV....

Any help????
« Last Edit: August 23, 2007, 10:28:37 pm by w@ntonsoup »

Offline Fedman NCC-3758

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That occasionally happens in this mission.

I found I sometimes need to fire fully charged (meaning, not set to proximity) Quantum torpedoes in order to get through the planet's pathetic red shield.

Once the shield is down, transport your team to the planet.  It won't take them long.  Don't worry too much about getting them back if your phasers can't knock down the shield to beam them back.  The mission should progress and finish as Mission Complete.

Wait till you get to the "Point of no return." mission and before your done knocking out the defense platforms and Battle station the planet disappears!

I recommend you save your game after the "Luddite" mission just in case that happens.

The Star Spangled Banner bring hither,
 O're Columbia's true sons let it wave.
May the wreaths they have won never wither,
 Nor it's stars cease to shine on the brave.

Offline w@ntonsoup

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Thanks so much - I redid the mission with quantums and was able to break through the planets shield and finish the mission :)