Topic: Kzinti Langugae Dictionary And r Type Font Found Here!!  (Read 1392 times)

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Kzinti Langugae Dictionary And r Type Font Found Here!!
« on: August 24, 2007, 09:18:16 pm »
I found this interesting site whilst web browsing today!!

Aparently, Klingn isn't the only Star Trek Language to have been created for real.... Kzinti and Lyran have also been added.

Also, Gene Roddenbury regarded some of the Animated Series to be canon, including the Kznti episode as he personally invited Larry Niven, creator of the Kzinti in another Sci-Fi book series,  to write the episode. Gene had read the books and reckoned that the Kzinti would make an interesting addition to Star Trek races. 

See for youself at:

So far no Kzinti (or Lyran) language dictionary exist yet, so Klingon players will have to use English to convey suitable insults, etc. at feline opponents during battles.

What may be of interest to modellers is that the Kzinti lettering anf word type font is downloadable and could be copied and pated onto models.


The Klingons have many ways to fry a cat. I prefer to use an L7 Fast Battlecruiser!!