Topic: Not bothering to ask permission to port and then not giving credit either?!  (Read 5853 times)

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Offline Smiley

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It's been brought to my attention that several of the Dominion ships that I have made have been ported to Legacy without my permission and I haven't even been credited for them.

See the below link:;82159

I am shocked and surprised that Chris Jones' name is on this ... ! What is the world coming to? In the permissions thread that we have here, it clearly states that I request that people ask for my permission first before porting to other formats.

Signature: Terran Empire Relentless: WZ, All Other Models: Smiley

Offline Centurus

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Chris Jones is someone with a good reputation in the modding community.  If you contact him directly, I'm sure he'll have the files pulled immediately and then work with you to find out the person responsible for this error.  I doubt Chris would have allowed ships to be ported without permission. 

The pen is truly mightier than the sword.  And considerably easier to write with.

Offline Starforce2

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Did you see kleotol credit in that pack? That's his Bakrus. I know it cuz I got it from him. I don't think he released it anywhere else. I wonder if he's still around...poor dude had some kind of serious disease iirc.

He's on my msn so I'll give chris a yell later. (For the record I'm not accusing anyone of anything..atleast nothing intentional..)

Offline Chris Jones

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You were credited.

There's a readmes folder in the main directory of the Dominion Alliance

In it there's a file called Readme Dominion Alliance..

In that file is this..

DominionLC; - Zambie Zan
Textures - Smiley *Legacy Compatibility Fix's by (Tim Bondi) aka Phoenix*
Mesh - Smiley
Hardpoints - (Tim Bondi) aka Phoenix
Damage Mesh - (Tim Bondi) aka Phoenix

DominionCA; - Zambie Zan
Textures - Smiley *Legacy Compatibilty Fix's by (Tim Bondi) aka Phoenix*
Mesh - Smiley *Legacy Compatibilty Fix's by (Tim Bondi) aka Phoenix*
Hardpoints - (Tim Bondi) aka Phoenix
Damage Mesh; - (Tim Bondi) aka Phoenix

Atolm gave us permission for his designs, and we have a good bunch of them. Did Phoenix contact you about Porting? I understood that we had all permissions secured.

Let me say this.  This mod has mega downloads. Your stuff is very popular - as popular or more than the BC versions.
They are in the spotlight. Your work is superb my friend.


« Last Edit: August 24, 2007, 12:16:05 am by Chris Jones »
..Because the game does not have to, and will not, remain the same..

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Offline Chris Jones

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Entire Dominion Pack Readme
« Reply #4 on: August 24, 2007, 01:44:45 am »
For the record guys - here's the entire Dominion Pack Readme.

Since public release, I have added the words 'Legacy Compatibility Fixes by' for further clarification, and corrected some spelling. We'll be releasing a new 'All In One' File which will include the exact readme you see here.. adding the Bakrus (we did forget that one)..


Textures - Reddragon
mesh - Reddragon
hardpoints - maxloef
Damage mesh - maxloef

Textures - Reddragon
Mesh - Reddragon
Hardpoints - (Tim Bondi) aka Phoenix
Damage Mesh - (Tim Bondi) aka Phoenix

Textures - Reddragon
Mesh - Reddragon
Hardpoints - (Tim Bondi) aka Phoenix
Damage Mesh - (Tim Bondi) aka Phoenix

Textures - Reddragon
Mesh - Reddragon
Hardpoints - (Tim Bondi) aka Phoenix
Damage Mesh - (Tim Bondi) aka Phoenix

Textures - Reddragon
Mesh - Reddragon
Hardpoints - (Tim Bondi) aka Phoenix
Damage Mesh - (Tim Bondi) aka Phoenix

Textures - Reddragon, *Fix's by (Tim Bondi) aka Phoenix*
Mesh - Reddragon
Hardpoints - (Tim Bondi) aka Phoenix
Damage Mesh - (Tim Bondi) aka Phoenix

All weapon sprites & Sounds by Maxloef

Cardassian Galor;
Textures - 9of9 *Fix's By (Tim Bondi) aka Phoenix & Sov001*
Mesh - 9of9 *Fix's By (Tim Bondi) aka Phoenix*
Hardpoints - Maxloef
Damage Mesh - Maxloef

Cardassian Keldon;
Textures - 9of9 *Fix's by (Tim Bondi) aka Phoenix & Sov001*

Cardassian Hideki;
Textures - Zorg *Fix's By Sov001*
Mesh - Zorg
Hardpoints - Maxloef
Damage Mesh - Maxloef

Cardassian Hutet;
Textures - Zorg *Fix's By (Tim Bondi) aka Phoenix & Sov001*
Mesh - Zorg *Fix's By (Tim Bondi) aka Phoenix*
Hardpoints - (Tim Bondi) aka Phoenix
Damage Mesh - (Tim Bondi) aka Phoenix

Cardassian Kimal;
Textures - Zorg *Fix's By (Tim Bondi) aka Phoenix*
Mesh - Zorg *Fix's By (Tim Bondi) aka Phoenix*
Hardpoints - (Tim Bondi) aka Phoenix
Damage Mesh - (Tim Bondi) aka Phoenix

All Weapon Sprites & Sounds by Maxloef

Dominion Jem'Hadar Bug;
Textures - 9of9 *Fix's by (Tim Bondi) aka Phoenix & Maxloef*
Mesh - 9of9
Hardpoints - Maxloef
Damage Mesh - Maxloef

DominionLC; - Zambie Zan
Textures - Smiley *Legacy Compatibility Fix's by (Tim Bondi) aka Phoenix*
Mesh - Smiley
Hardpoints - (Tim Bondi) aka Phoenix
Damage Mesh - (Tim Bondi) aka Phoenix

DominionCA; - Zambie Zan
Textures - Smiley *Legacy Compatibilty Fix's by (Tim Bondi) aka Phoenix*
Mesh - Smiley *Legacy Compatibilty Fix's by (Tim Bondi) aka Phoenix*
Hardpoints - (Tim Bondi) aka Phoenix
Damage Mesh; - (Tim Bondi) aka Phoenix

Textures - WrathofAchillies
Mesh - WrathofAchillies
Hardpoints - (Tim Bondi) aka Phoenix
Damage Mesh - (Tim Bondi) aka Phoenix

Textures - Starforce Productions
Mesh - Starforce Productions
Hardpoints - (Tim Bondi) aka Phoenix
Damage Mesh - (Tim Bondi) aka Phoenix

Dominion Carrier
Textures - WrathofAchillies - Fix's by (Tim Bondi) aka Phoenix
Mesh - WrathofAchillies
Hardpoints - (Tim Bondi) aka Phoenix
Damage Mesh - (Tim Bondi) aka Phoenix

Jem'Hadar Carrier;
Textures - WrathofAchillies - Fix's by (Tim Bondi) aka Phoenix
Mesh - WraithofAchillies
Hardpoints - (Tim Bondi) Aka Phoenix
Damage Mesh - (Tim Bondi) Aka Phoenix

Deep Space Nine;
Mesh - Cpt 2 Xtreme - Fix's by (Tim Bondi) aka Phoenix/Grunt
Textures - Cpt 2 Xtreme - Fix's by (Tim Bondi) aka Phoenix/Mindwipe *Big thank you Mind*
Hardpoints - (Tim Bondi) aka Phoenix
Damage Mesh - (Tim Bondi) aka Phoenix
Weapons - Maxloef
New added Textures - Mindwipe

Hope this helps..
..Because the game does not have to, and will not, remain the same..

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Offline darkthunder

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Seams that Smiley got credit alright... but was permission requested prior to adding the ships? Therein lies the question...
// Darkthunder

Offline Starforce2

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CJ you are fully aware that Zambie Zan has a NO LEGACY policy on his work?

Zan has no say in the matter. Like me, we just converted smiley's dominion CA and CL to BC, and did the associated text scripts for weapons and projectiles. I don't even know why he would have his name in there, no do I know why mine is there for a dominionWS (wtf is a WS?) as I've never made any mesh or textures...all I do is port, change bmp to tga and make the scripts, none of that work is used in legacy. Those should be corrected for acuracy sake, otherwise people are going to think the dominions belong to zan and I when they don't.

Offline Chris Jones

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Yes I will correct what needs correcting here before we go public again - that's one reason I posted this readme here.

WS = warship
..Because the game does not have to, and will not, remain the same..

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Offline FoaS_XC

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oh, not again....
"When I was 5 years old, my mom always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down “happy.” They told me I didn’t understand the assignment and I told them they didn’t understand life."

Offline Atolm-Rising

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I pmed and Emailed Smiley on the exact situation as I know it.
Its his decision, and I stand by it.  Case closed.
I will personally see that this gets rectified as you all know that I DO NOT stand for this kind of stuff.
For all of us who are not involved, please do not add wood to the fire, okay?

Offline chrisL

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I  know, that myself and one other person have gone through the proper process, to secure permission, from smiley, to port his models.I have  saved my emails and when the ships are released, proper credits and many thanks will be given to smiley.Chris jones has done amazing work for the community and i'd hate to see the models removed from his mod, however in the future, permissions should be secured first.It sets a good example for the rest of the community.I'm pretty new to the community and if i used models without permission, i'd probably be XXXX by everyone.

Offline Chris Jones

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I'd like to formally apologize to Smiley on behalf of Phoenix and the UU team for not asking permission for these 2 specific ships. It was an oversight on the part of my team member - all he wanted to do was create a good mod with a lot of cool Dominion Ships. I would ask you to look at the number of downloads the Dominion Pack has received, and think about how much exposure your models are getting right now - more than they might get in BC or SFC given the fact that Legacy is a much more recent game. Anyway - This is a formal public request to allow us to leave those two models in the mod and therefore allow hundreds of people to keep enjoying these great Dominion Concept Models, and hundreds/thousands more to come. My forums get 30,000+ page views a week, and that seems to be on the rise.

  I would have the modeler himself, Phoenix, ask but he's in hospital at the moment. Ultimately I am responsible anyway.
..Because the game does not have to, and will not, remain the same..

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Offline Starforce2

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check that warship chris, you might have a 3rd smiley ship. The above link has the correct readme, if that's what the "WS" is.

I've also just spoken with zambie zan, his name 100% for certain can be taken off the dominion CA and CL since he didn't modify the model or textures and thus doesn't need to be credits, just atolm/smiley.

Offline Chris Jones

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Thanks Starforce! - It looks like you are right.

Smiley - I formally apologize again on behalf of my modeler and request formal permission to leave all of your work in The Ultimate Universe.

..Because the game does not have to, and will not, remain the same..

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Offline FoaS_XC

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Good man, Chris, good man. Definitely awesome to step up like this. If nothing else, I think you've won a lot of respect here.
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Offline Smiley

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Thanks Chris Jones for the public apology. As FuryofaSeraph indicated, while not a difficult thing to do, it carries weight in it's enactment.

I think that everyone here will agree with me when I say that it's not about the exposure really, it's just the principal of it.

No hard feelings, I'd just ask that your team members put a little of that enthusiasm for making an excellent modification into doing their homework first/better.

By the looks of some of the screenshots of the Dominion CA (on the same link above), it would appear that the textures have been modified as well (to fit into ENT era better?)? This is another thing that I would not normally say 'yes' to as you never know what other's will do to them...
I've downloaded the pack and confirmed that the textures were modified without consulting me.

Additionally, the Dominion Battleship that you are using is also mine, together with the Warship, CA and CL (Atolm/Azel gave me the basic design for these two), so that's four ships.

Signature: Terran Empire Relentless: WZ, All Other Models: Smiley

Offline Phoenix

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I here stand before you all with an apoligie, It was indeed I, who sort confirmation to use any of the dominion ships for the Dominion alliance as it was indeed me who ported them, during this time i was working directly with Acidrain to aquire all permissions before he formaly quit the mod, he managed a few emails for me and sent me address to where i could contact people, Smiley i would like to offialy appoligies but i sent you 2 emails which where both returned to me and 1 after that i never got a response from, i waited 4 weeks before persuing the convirtion as Acid had told me, "If you cant get a response from them, port the ship over and just make sure you give full credits" so i am terribly sorry for the inconvinence and the Promblem this has coursed, i have added you to my MSN listings if you wish to talk about this in a more private area, to any body else who needs to directly contact me over confirmation problems i cant be reached by email, or MSN at

as chris said i have been very ill in hospital and now im back home recovering so now is a good time to catch me as any  :laugh:

Offline Smiley

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Smiley, if i remember right as well Doesn't Azel/Atolm need to be asked permission as well as the design is his?

Atolm/Azel drew up a plan which I used as a guide to make the CA, so yes his permission should be secured too, however I have since been made aware that Atolm gave blanket permission to CJ to use Atolm's stuff in CJ's mods, but that still leaves out the person that took that 2D sketch and turned it into a complete model and textured it... me.

And what about the other 2 models that I did on my own? (Battleship and Warship, albeit canon designs)

I here stand before you all with an apoligie, It was indeed I, who sort confirmation to use any of the dominion ships for the Dominion alliance as it was indeed me who ported them, during this time i was working directly with Acidrain to aquire all permissions before he formaly quit the mod, he managed a few emails for me and sent me address to where i could contact people, Smiley i would like to offialy appoligies but i sent you 2 emails which where both returned to me and 1 after that i never got a response from, i waited 4 weeks before persuing the convirtion as Acid had told me, "If you cant get a response from them, port the ship over and just make sure you give full credits"

With respect, if you cannot get in touch with someone you should not just go ahead any use their stuff anyway. What email addresses were you using to contact me? Were these the same email addresses that 'Acidrain' gave to you? Didn't you think of asking around the community, or some of your Outalance team members for contact details?

This does not account for the incorrect information that was in the credits. If I was going to be picking up a mod from another team member and from then on be taking responsibility for it, then I'd do my upmost best to ensure that it was accurate and correct - you can't just blame someone else because they decided to quit and your were just acting on their instructions. There's a word for that: Scapegoat.

CJ  Using exposure of our work, isn't the best way of gaining our permission, infact if these were my models that you used without permission i would be demanding that they get pulled out the Mod. Its kinda insulting to think that you consider using the number game (downloads, forum visits, ect ect) to persuade someone to hand their models over to you to use after you've already gone and not only modified them but added them to a mod without confirming everything with the author at least twice.

I took offence when CJ originally posted in this thread about the 'exposure' that the models had been receiving. I toned down my original response, but sod it F_W's post has prompted me to add to this - it doesn't matter who you are, how long you might have been around for, how many hits your forums get, how many downloads your regurgitated mods receive. It is the principle of it, and as the guy who's name is on the mod, as you have stated, you're responsible for ensuring that everything it correct and above board, otherwise it's your name that is dragged through the mud.
To try and bribe people with 'fame', while giving it a slightly 'for the fans' spin is just out of order, in fact it is insulting. It's not about getting models on to as many people's HDDs - it's the principle of it.

That's why this is called a community.

Signature: Terran Empire Relentless: WZ, All Other Models: Smiley

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Smiley i am truly sorry about the mess up this has all coursed, i'm not trying to use acid as a scapegoat just mearly point out that im new to using other peoples mesh's and was being show around by acid, its only recently i have gotten to know many of the other team mates and i would like to express my greeves appoligies to you for all the problems and anger this has coursed, So from here on out i would like to offically request permission to use your ships in and out of the Ultimate universe for my DOMINION ALLIANCE  :-[ i really am truely sorry for all the problems this has coursed

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Lets keep it civil gentlemen...I believe several apologies where offered here...and assurances to rectify given...

Lets let this ride a day or two shall we?

Thanks. :police:

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Re: Not bothering to ask permission to port and then not giving credit either?!
« Reply #20 on: November 02, 2007, 01:34:02 pm »
I can't help by wondering why you guys model or mod cause you all sound so serious. If you do what you do to get recognized by gaming companies, I think there are better ways to go about it. I'd recommend contacting the companies directly and giving them examples of your work rather than releasing in these types of forums. The reason is because companies do not like negative publicity. In these forums there is always hissy fits going on in public. I think gaming companies recognize that if they hired anyone in these forums the 1st thing that person would do is tell every here they work for such and such. I don't think companies want that because of the high degree of implosions and open disagreements on these types of sites.

No one here seems to be having any fun really and I do not see why these types of problems can't be resolved by contacting one another privately. Some of you seem to think your acting professional by coming to terms here with your issues, but then theres always the remarks about this is between us modders only so every else bud out and don't throw wood on the fire. But if your issues are posted publicly then they become public domain and fair converstion. Thats my point. Don't be fooled by my moniker either.

P.S. Some of the work I see here is as good as what comes in professional games- so good luck with your future endeavors!

The most creative person hides his sources the best!

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Spoken by Harper in a 1st season episode of Andromeda.

"Pesimism is not a survival trait"

Offline Smiley

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Re: Not bothering to ask permission to port and then not giving credit either?!
« Reply #21 on: November 02, 2007, 03:04:31 pm »
I can't help by wondering why you guys model or mod cause you all sound so serious. If you do what you do to get recognized by gaming companies, I think there are better ways to go about it. I'd recommend contacting the companies directly and giving them examples of your work rather than releasing in these types of forums. The reason is because companies do not like negative publicity. In these forums there is always hissy fits going on in public. I think gaming companies recognize that if they hired anyone in these forums the 1st thing that person would do is tell every here they work for such and such. I don't think companies want that because of the high degree of implosions and open disagreements on these types of sites.

No one here seems to be having any fun really and I do not see why these types of problems can't be resolved by contacting one another privately. Some of you seem to think your acting professional by coming to terms here with your issues, but then theres always the remarks about this is between us modders only so every else bud out and don't throw wood on the fire. But if your issues are posted publicly then they become public domain and fair converstion. Thats my point. Don't be fooled by my moniker either.

P.S. Some of the work I see here is as good as what comes in professional games- so good luck with your future endeavors!

You comment pivots on a massive assumption on your part and your assumption is not true to me.

While I respect your point of view I'd like you to respect the Moderator's wishes and not bring this topic back to life.

Signature: Terran Empire Relentless: WZ, All Other Models: Smiley

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Re: Not bothering to ask permission to port and then not giving credit either?!
« Reply #22 on: November 03, 2007, 12:14:55 am »
Best let sleeping dogs alone... ;)