Critical Review Essay
I've Played Unreal 04, played SFC: III, played SFC: II and SFC: I. I profess to be a Vet of these games and have excelled at them all (I would like to think so) lol. With this said, I have taken note of the Human/Skarr(Complete misspelling) confrontation in Unreal 04. Those of you who have played the game are familiar with this. Basically, a union between the two games SFC:III and Unreal 04 as I’v herd discussed would be like a Star Wars Galaxies but a complete Game on its own; very provocative. Whoever would take up this project would need be aware of legality; nuff said.
With that said: Before my time in the GFL, there was a discrepancy between the GFL and the Game producer. The GFL were creating the game to a level never before seen in Dyna history; a lvl that the dev's could have only dreamed there final product would become, but as we all know, never came to pass. The GFL Mod, from this instance, COULD be considered a kind of...'Patch' for the SFC: III game. Exceeding what the most dedicated SFC: III community members had envisioned. I say again LIKE a patch that was designed by the community, for the community and is always evolving! Even if Activision would have continued supporting the game &/or had finished it, they would never had put this much effort into this solo game. They had more upcoming games in there wake as it should be, but was a bit pre-mature we all agree. The GFL were here to fix that, and for those who left the stock SFC: III game for its shortcomings, the GFL completed in that mission. Now the GFL dedicate there time, resources, and efforts into the mod to this very day so that the best in SFC gaming experience can be obtained. This ‘Community of SFC Players’ came together and created this Mod; Legions at War (LAW) and named it after there precedence; the GFL. True; Pirate’s and Empires at War created an aura of 'captainship' to a point that constant thought and mental resources were involved to effectively pilot ones vessel. SFC: II had a hand on III with its use of ‘captainship’. SFC: III had a hand on II with its refitting capability. LAW brought both in one game. The LAW mod installs balance to the ships, so that when a player refits & re-joins the field of battle, ‘captainship’ can be obtained by the means of tactical analysis, ‘how my refit and maneuverability will effectively alter the bttl field’; instead of the stock’ simplicity of overpower and decimate. The Stock SFC: III game lacked these key abilities and so we all just kind of turned the other way. But when the LAW Mod came out for SFC: III, something changed, something happed to the SFC: III community base. The GFL mod had turned SCF: III into a complete game with complete though and mental maneuverability to play. Two solid years of day-to-day mod balance testing. Made the mod SO balanced, that inexperienced, or experienced-uninformed players cry that there is a slight imbalance of power simply because they do not understand the tactical maneuverability of every races core and optional attributes! Isn’t that wild, so balanced that only true, deep thought tact as a Klingon, as a Romulan, can give you a considerable advantage! For one must think Borg if he is to be Borg, lol…kinda makes perfect sense. And for those who like bone-crushing action Every race has at least one BB(Battleship) and one Race BB that exemplifies the current in that races Technology! Even the battleships are balanced, balanced by no means mean weak in this mod; it means just that and only that…Balanced. Which means ANYBODY of any background can enjoy!
The SFC Community Base realized how provocative the new mod was. Now at this very date and time, the SFC: III LAW Mod has been retrofitted with the most advanced visual pack for the game ever to be constructed. Actually, the best Visual pack for any past SFC game as it meets/exceeds the visuals of Legacy. It absolutely meets with the current standard of modern-day graphics thanks to the GFL Mod-Squad. That, combined with its balanced nature, player base, new form of tact, new script missions, modified stock mission, rapidly increasing core members, and living likeness is an ever-changing process that all of the mod team is proud to call there own. In the guiding-light of the Galactic Foreign Legion, the game has become an art, incomparable to the same genre. Almost Seeming terror-formed from the norm and shows us the future in Star Trek Gaming. Another words, you want to see SFC: IV, if you’ve seen LAW, you’ve seen it. Doubt me, lol see for yourself.
I’m a dial-up guy, when I asked to play the mod, they got me a CD! So there is no excuse for not at least enjoying the visuals. As far as the Tech help goes, it’s extraordinary. Every tech problem related to SFC: III is guaranteed answered within 48 hours of the posted period.
I for one give Kudos to Council-GFLCocomoe, GFLOffkey- Commanding Officer, GFLMCM-Scripter, ell'Karnak-Scriptor, GFLKrazyKat, GFLOiram, and all those whom carry the title GFL Mod Team, and to all those who've spent hours, days, and years testing the game on a daily bases. To all those whom play! This is a mod that came from old OP/EAW players abroad, something that enticed and forward there dedication to the SFC community as a whole. It’s something the GFL live to share because it’s birthed from the life that was given to them to do it. This is why the GFL love the mod to such a degree. It is THE GFL expression to the world, that when you create something…you do it right! We don't need another mod to be provocative, we want people to play the mod that WAS proven to be provocative in the eyes of the game dev's AND large community player base; I present to you, the latest in SFC: III development, and ever so growing Mod support for SFC: III; The mod formally known as, Galactic Foreign Legion’s: Legions at War 4.0(GFL:LAW Mod 4.0)
-This concludes the end of my Critical Review over the GFL LAW Mod-
I invite you all to come and enjoy this prized classic, yet evolving mod with the rest of the fan-base. I have played this mod and am proud to be associated with such. Have a safe day, go to the bar after work, come home…then prop-up your feet on an old bar-stool…again…and see you on the Dyna!!!
Think that someone lost The Imperial Rihhan Flagship due too a 'good time'...
Eh, Rihhansu vintage… YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE.