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Topic: For You Freelancer Junkies Out There  (Read 1282 times)

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Offline Soreyes

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For You Freelancer Junkies Out There
« on: August 25, 2007, 11:19:11 pm »
I have been addicted to a very well done Mod. It's the "Monkey Universe" Mod. There are some Great new ships to fly, and some unreal weapons you can use. The catch is that there are a lot of Clans out there who would like nothing better then to blow your ship up and take your loot. ;D

And lets not forget about the Nomads...... There back. Bigger, Badder, and Stronger

It's Freelancer........ The Monkey Way ;D

There Web Page is still under construction but you can still get to there forums and see what is going on http://www.monkeyuniverse.biz/

[img width=600 height=150]

Offline Soreyes

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Re: For You Freelancer Junkies Out There
« Reply #1 on: October 13, 2007, 05:55:42 am »
Thought I would throw a few of my Flight logs in here. Just for fun.

25 Sept.

How Do I Get In These Situations.

I had just picked up a shipment of donuts at planet Denver to deliver to Manhatten. I decided to make a side trip to the Royale in the Canada system to pick up some upgrades for my ship. After having a Adv Thruster and Adv CM placed on my CSV "Close To The Edge". I started my trip to Manhatten. As soon as I launched, I knew I was in trouble. [Exodus] Pilot was out there demanding that I pay a Tax to go on. The Tax he wanted was more then the worth of my ship and cargo together. After discussing the situation with him. [Exodus] Pilot decided to just take half of my Cargo as Tax. I gave him the Raised Donuts, and kept the Cream Filled ones for myself. That being done. I waited for [Exodus] Pilot to make his jump through the Colorado Gate. At that moment out of nowhere [Nomad]Nu showed up. He flew right by me, so I gave chase. I started to catch up with the Nomad when a thought came to me. " CSV Vs Nomad...... not good odds" I then noticed that there was a [iR] pilot in the area, but it seemed that he was running away from the Nomad. The Nomad came out of cruse speed and turned on me. I remember hearing the alarm for incoming missles, and dropping CMs like crazy. Then there was a bright flash. When I came to I was in the Medical labs on the Royale.

Maybe next time I'll just pay the darn Tax and save the wear and tair on myself and my ship
Then according to the Monkey who showed his outstretched arm to space,
He turned around and pointed, revealing all the human race.
I shook my head and smiled a whisper, knowing all about the place.

Sept. 27

Had a good and profitable day. Made a few runs out to the Omega Sector. It's kind of funny, when you figure out that the Bounty Hunters are Bankrolling the Outcast. When they keep buying my little trinkets I bring them.


Sept. 28

New Friends in Low places.

I was relaxing and having a snifter or three of Scotch at the bar in Boom’s Retreat. The Dancing Girls were putting on a good show, and everything was mellow. That is until a Xeno pilot and a Junker Pilot decided to fight each other over some old vendetta or something. I looked around the bar and saw that most of the people were backing away. I then saw a group of Outcast Pilots at the back table placing bets on who would win. I was going to have to break up this fight. I mean Boom’s is a Respectable place, besides the Dancing Girls had stopped dancing to watch the fight. I got up from my table and went over to the two nitwits trading punches with each other. I knocked both of them to the floor. I told them to knock it off because they had stopped the floor show. Not to my surprise they both got up and pulled out there Daggers and came at me. Five seconds later the fight was over. The Xeno and the Junker were both on the floor trying to keep there Entrails from spilling onto the floor. I retracted my Claws as I walked over to the Outcast Table. When I got there I scooped up all the money that they had on the Table to cover there bets. There were four of them, and three of them became a little miffed when I took there money. I placed my paws on the table and extended my claws. I pointed out to them that the money is mine, because the two Bozos did not win the fight. The leader of this group, a human named Juan started to laugh. Juan looked right at me and said that he liked me because of my Testicular Fortitude. Juan invited me to sit and have a few drinks with him and his friends. After a while the floor was cleaned up and the Dancing girls started dancing. The Talk was pleasant, the Scotch was good, and the Dancing Girls were Dancing. After a bit of small talk about Pilot stuff. Juan asked me if I had ever been to the Tau Systems. When told him I had not . Juan got a big smile on his face and said “Have I Got A Deal For You”
Then according to the Monkey who showed his outstretched arm to space,
He turned around and pointed, revealing all the human race.
I shook my head and smiled a whisper, knowing all about the place.


Oct. 1

Between a Rock and a Hard Place.

Today I decided to go to the Sigma 13 system to scavenge some of that Green liquor that the bar keep on Manhattan had asked for. I had just started looking for the stuff when [Exodus] Pilot showed up, well the chase was on. I took a bit of damage before I was able to make the jump to Alaska. I then made it to the NY jump gate with [Exodus] Pilot on my tale. Once I got to NY things went from bad to worse, [iR] Twistedmind was there demanding that I drop my cargo. After dropping a massive amount of CM’s I made it to Manhattan and delivered my 10 units of liquor. Later I was attacked for no reason by Sam-fg. I might have to have a talk with some of the Merc clans about this. I later made a full cargo delivery of Liquor to Boom’s. I stuck around for one of the Floor Shows. (Got to love those Dancing Girls) I then met up with SSG Mjoinir who I was holding some money for. I then went to Texas to pick up a load of Maple Bar Donuts for the cops on Manhattan. On my way to the NY jump Gate. I came across a Lawful Pilot just floating in space. Well being the Good Kitty that I am. I tractor him aboard. Hey I can get 50,000 for him at Lost Vegas. But it was not to be. [Exodus] Pilot found me and demanded that I hand the pilot over to him. I had to hand him over. [Exodus] Pilot had me dead to rights. I later heard [Exodus] Pilot bragging that I just handed over the Pilot. GAVE HIM THE PILOT…….HA!!!!!

I’m beginning to think it’s safer to fly in the Tau or Sigma Systems
Then according to the Monkey who showed his outstretched arm to space,
He turned around and pointed, revealing all the human race.
I shook my head and smiled a whisper, knowing all about the place.

Subject: Re: Soreyes Flight Log   Today at 3:07 am     

12 Oct.

Suicide Mission to Battleground.

I had just delivered a shipment of Side arms to my contact “Juan”. We decided to have a drink or two at the bar here on Cali Base. As we were talking Juan got real serious and asked if we were friends. I told him that we may not be good friends, but we were close business associates. Juan started to smile and said “Have I Got a Deal for You”. It seems that he had a customer that was in need of a Nomad turret and a Nomad cannon. He gave me the location of a Nomad wreck in the Battleground system and asked me to “Liberate” it of its weapon systems. I smiled and asked what the catch was. Juan looked me in the eye and said “Nomads Lot’s and Lot’s of Nomads” We agreed on a finders fee for my efforts if I returned with the weapons.

I entered Battleground by way of the JH in Tau 37. As soon as I made the jump all heck broke loose. There was a Nomad Battleship, a bunch of Nomad Gunboats , and a whole lot of Nomad fighters. It seemed that they were all firing at me. I went into evasive maneuvers , and started dropping CM’s. I was able to finally go into cruse drive and escape that Furball. I made my way to the area of the Nomad wreck with only a few more Nomad’s to be seen. I found the wreck called “NIX”. I liberated it of it’s weapons and some other goodies. I looked around and decided to map this system before I went back to Cali. I started a grid search pattern and started mapping. After awhile I came across some new JH’s. One was to Nomidia, and the other was to Tohoku. I then came across a Robot Fighter wreck called Patrol 36. I liberated that wreck also. I continued to map the system. I flew by The Planet Raiders planet. Dodged a few more Nomad patrols, and ended up in a very thick Nebula. The scanners were useless in this nebula, and it was to my great shock when out of nowhere a planet appeared. I was a little low on supply’s and I decided to land on “Genesis” It turns out that it’s a planet run by the Monkeys. I resupplyed my ship, and sold some of the cargo I liberated for a nice sum of cash. As I was leaving the Planet there was a very large force of Nomads just outside the Docking Ring. I started the Cruse drive and started dropping CM’s and made my escape. After a few minutes of flight my scanners picked up the location of another wreck “The Solarius”. As I approached the wreck I started taking massive Radiation damage. I was able to liberate the Solarius, but found that my CSV was not built to take that much Radiation . I barley made it back to Genesis for repairs. After the ship was repaired, I set course to the Tau 37 JH. I dodged a few more Nomad patrols and made the jump hole.

Upon my return to Cali Base. I met up with Juan and delivered the Guns he was looking for, and collected my finders fee. Juan asked if I found anything else out there. “Oh just a few Nick Knacks” I said as I fondly looked upon my new armor on my ship.
Then according to the Monkey who showed his outstretched arm to space,
He turned around and pointed, revealing all the human race.
I shook my head and smiled a whisper, knowing all about the place.

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