Gateway premiered the Super Amiga at the Cologne Computer Fair in 1999. There was a review by stunned magazine hacks!!
Apaently NASA had comissioned them to build something to replace the aging 1980's Amiga A4000 which they were still using to process space probe image data. At that time and fpr a long time afterwards, only A4000's had the image processing hardware devotion for such a task. Obviously PCs were never up to the job nor were the slightly better than PC, Apple Macintoshes.
The spec was as follows:
Memory 2 Giga Byte.
Can run 20 monitors at the same time (2 in normal use). ID software did a one off special version of Doom to play on 20 monitors surrounding the gobsmacked Journos for a 360 degree view at the Cologne Computer Show demo.
Operating system is QNX's Neutreno, a non-platform far faster (and reliable) than MS Windows operating system, which NASA utilises throughout its facilities.
Cost of a new Gateway Super Amiga.... If you have to ask then you can't afford one!! About the same as a 100 Macintoshes or 200 PC Clones!! About the same as a Ferrari!!
We have a Gateway PC here and compared to the Compaq, Tulip and other home PCs we use here, it is built to a far better standard and easy to open up to work on.